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Is SW:G an RPG or an FPS?

Global Strike

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its so NOT an FPS!

first person shooters is always twitch based... SWG is turn based.

just like KOTOR!


its an RPG :)


scale.... uhm i would give SWG an 8.5

i love the variaty and community

but the combat systems suck and there should be no jedi.

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Well, that would make little or no sense to have no Jedi. How do you have a STAR WARS game without the signature characters? Answer. You can't. I think they just implemented the Jedi system without really weighing it out. They'll rectify the issue somehow, I'm sure. I think people need to stop being so fixated on this one issue.

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I think for every jedi that is created someone should be statically picked to be a jedi hunter. Specifically, they would get the profession option of jedi hunter. Now this wouldn't help them in Pvp vs others (unlike jedi which is so unfair) So they would be able to put a stop to so many but still be equal.

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I think the combat revamp will fix many imbalances in terms of the Jedi and their supposed omnipotence. If you listen to some of the devlopers in discussion on the official forums, they are well aware of the Jedi issue and the discontent with it. They will be making changes, but they have to see what changes are both feasible and fair to ALL players.

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Originally posted by Darth MarcII

Well, that would make little or no sense to have no Jedi. How do you have a STAR WARS game without the signature characters? Answer. You can't. I think they just implemented the Jedi system without really weighing it out. They'll rectify the issue somehow, I'm sure. I think people need to stop being so fixated on this one issue.


this aint the old republic or the clone wars era darthmarc ,this the GCW era ,the emperor and vader hunted the jedi to near extinction ,jedi shouldnt be a profession and there shouldnt be any jedi councils ,there should just be npc jedis like luke or yoda for instance.

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Originally posted by Trahern Valley

The game has the signature jedi characters. It's all the other jedi I didn't sign on for...


i know it has the signature jedi charcters ,i too agree that there shouldnt be any other jedi but the signatures!!!!

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Is it just me or does it seem that in the past few weeks the number of jedi in the game increased to an un-realistic number??


In about 2 weeks i saw like 12 jedis, you wouldnt see that many jedis even during the clone wars or somthing!, this is the time period where the jedis are becoming extinct if u refer back to the movies. I personaly dont want player jedis in the game, but if we have to have them y cant we keep the number to about 10per server, maybe not even that much.


Oh well, somthing needs to change

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Originally posted by GForce

Is it just me or does it seem that in the past few weeks the number of jedi in the game increased to an un-realistic number??


In about 2 weeks i saw like 12 jedis, you wouldnt see that many jedis even during the clone wars or somthing!,


Well, actually, you would see dozens, if not more, of Jedi during the clone wars because it was the Jedi who led the Republic's armies.

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Originally posted by lil_dude

i've seen over 100 Jedi since the launch of Publish 9, i only saw about 10 in the 2 months i've played before that


thats an amazing increase all of us have to become jedi hunters and stop them all...........so what does everbody think about the jedi hunter idea?

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uhmmm the question: how can you call it a starwars game if there isnt any jedi in it.


Luke was not a jedi when he blew up the first DS. and uhmm did he do it on his own... his NON-jedi friends were there.


and uhmm who blew up and destroyed the second death star while luke was busy being tickled by the emperors laugh lightning.... no jedi.


even in episode 1... it were the gungans who had to fight all those droids.... no jedi. and anikin may have been strong when he destroyed the control ship.... but uhmm come on it wa a frikken accident. no jedi thing even happened there. so again normal people. and who captured the viceroy.... again no jedi :)


the few ocasions in these movies that there are jedi they are fighting them selfs mostly :) so the movie has so many non-jedi who make such a difference.. that the jedi would NEVER have survived without em. and this game.... you can be those people... the people who fight for their cause.... WITHOUT THE JEDI!!!!!


Wraith 8

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