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Kotor Mod Manager


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Hello all,


What is this? Am I releasing a non-model related script? How did that happen?


Anyway, introducing Kotor Mod Manager (KMM)



-keeps track of all your installed mods

-when a mod is activated it copies the files to override

-when a mod is de-activated it removes the files from override

-supports mods that put files in places other than override

-checks for conflicts between mods


pick it up at:



I am releasing it here to Holowan first so you beta testers, I mean fellow modders can try it out.


Give it a try and let me know how if there are any problems!

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Hello all,


How about extending it to those mods that include files that live in other directories -- such as modules, streamwaves etc.


Top of this thread, feature #4.


tk102, you shouldn't post so late at night. ;) Wait, why am I posting so late at night?


Of course for mods that don't come with a .kmm file (which is none since KMM just came out) you will have to assign the non-override destination yourself. Read the readme, it covers all that.

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CC an idea : (you dont have to like this at all if you want)


the Freelancer mod manager uses this idea , you have your mods zip file




but you DL it as mymod.zip.flmm , you then double click on it and the FLMM program opens it , puts it in to the mod folder and adds it to the list of mods oyu can activate


Also, whats a .kmm file ? if its like above and can be read like abovbe ignore my idea.

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Damn it man!! Where were you 5 months ago ;). It looks excellent. I will be making use of this sweet utility. hmm. Im glad all the mods I have are organized :)


This is also going to be a huge help to those that don't know how to mod KotOR or are new to KotOR mods.


Thanks Dude. :)

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Hello all,


but you DL it as mymod.zip.flmm , you then double click on it and the FLMM program opens it , puts it in to the mod folder and adds it to the list of mods oyu can activate


Hmm, interesting idea. I like it, but part of my philosophy on programs is "don't mess with the registry". To make that happen I would have to write to the registry, and that means making an installer\un-installer. I prefer the type of program where install is copying it to a folder and un-install is deleting the file. I have to admit that KMM does violate this a bit. It does look into the registry to find your kotor dir, but it does not write anything.


Also, whats a .kmm file ? if its like above and can be read like abovbe ignore my idea.

The .kmm file is a simple mod description file created by KMM. It tells KMM what files are part of the mod and where they go. When you add a mod to KMM it will look for a .kmm file, if it finds one it will read that. If it does not find one it creates one for the mod.


I did it this way because there are so many mods out there and I wanted people to be able to "hit the ground running" with this script, rather than wait for the mod authors to make .kmm files for their mods.


As the readme says everyone is free to create a .kmm file for distribution with their mod.


Damn it man!! Where were you 5 months ago

Uh, playing kotor of course! Can't code, playing kotor.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hello all,


can this be used to use many mods that use the appearance.2da and such together?

I have been waiting for this question! I thought it would happen sooner!


No. KMM does not combine any files together. If you have 2 mods and each has appearance.2da then KMM will only allow you to activate 1 at a time.

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Originally posted by cchargin

Hello all,



I have been waiting for this question! I thought it would happen sooner!


No. KMM does not combine any files together. If you have 2 mods and each has appearance.2da then KMM will only allow you to activate 1 at a time.


Maybe Im just reaching here, But would it be possible for KMM to create log detailing the differences between conflicting files.


I was also wondering if you could add more functionality for the .kmm files. ;) what I mean by this is the way you have it set up now to add mods you have to select 1 file from the folder and KMM treats all the files in that folder as one mod.


What I would like to be able to do is create a .kmm file for a mod (like a weapon) and specify just the files required to install that one weapon with out installing everything in the folder which may contain multiple weapons or items. So if the user selects lightsaber.kmm the only files that will be selected are those that weapon needs to work.


Maybe you have already added this feature and I just haven't seen it.


Well, I think you have made some great tools so keep plugging away :) thanks

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