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Combat Balancing - Your views

Guest DarthMaulUK

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Guest DarthMaulUK

Our current poll on the main page has already shown that most of you are not happy with the Combat Revamp delay. However. its does give you guys a chance to discuss the direction the 'Combat Revamp' should take, as it looks like it will be delayed until probably next year - a whole year after it was announced a revamp would be made, what direction would you like the combat revamp to head?


In real life, you can be shot a couple of times and die - should Galaxies take this route? It would make battles shorter and it could give Medics less time, if any, to make heals on the battlefield.


Other issues would be raised with armour, buffs and foods which could be made useless in such a combat style.


Or are you happy with the way combat was before, generating long battles where everyone can be drawn in to help defend your town or city.


Got a view on this? Post it and these post will be pasted on to the development team



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uhmm my view...


fix the broken moves/actions from all professions.


make a battle between a TKA and Caribaneer an equal battle.


make buffs WEAKER! (this game should have much more group hunting)


make the DWB and Corvette a tad easier. i mean there has to be a way to destroy a superbattledroid without having to hammer on it for 1 hour. either make them weaker and the spawn rate high... like the geo caves. or the squill caves.


i dont mind some preffesions being stronger AT ALL! but it would be nicer for fair battles. both sides should have a good survival rate.


make some speeds faster and others slower. like the pistoleer and rifles. pistoleer should be much faster at the damage they do.. and looking at the rifleman damage the speed should be much slower.


make mind a healable ham bar.


make armor less powerfull yet still very wise to wear it.


trhese are my opinions.


Wraith 8

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if they make armor weaker and buffs weaker they have to lower encumbrence and attacxk costs with it. Make all professions equal, not damage or speed wise but make a Pistoleer have a fair fight against a TKA because they're really fast but don't have great damage. Rifleman should be slow as hell.

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why should there be group hunting most other mmorpgs sux cause u have to have a group to go out side of your house. oh wait most other mmorpgs dont have houses. if they are going to lower a single players ability to play the game then a player would have to relay on faction pets or become a ch to be able to solo stuff. just cause i dont wanna group with u doesnt mean they have to make me group with u in order to kill a durnie

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Originally posted by darkhawk1138

why should there be group hunting most other mmorpgs sux cause u have to have a group to go out side of your house. oh wait most other mmorpgs dont have houses. if they are going to lower a single players ability to play the game then a player would have to relay on faction pets or become a ch to be able to solo stuff. just cause i dont wanna group with u doesnt mean they have to make me group with u in order to kill a durnie

We're not asking for people not to be able to solo things like durnies, we just want the big creatures to be a tad harder than they are right now, like the Krayt Dragon.


At the moment the Krayts for instance is a joke. One guy can take them out.


At the same time we want certain things to get easier, like Death Watch Bunker for instance.


At the moment the game lacks balance. Without balance the scale can quickly tip in favor of one thing over another.

For instance, insanely easy Krayts for some people, at the same time insanely impossible dungeons like the Death Watch Bunker.

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Originally posted by darkhawk1138

oh and second quote mind is healable using blue milk and by a combat medic

... yeah heal it once.. and your ful of drink... and then you die because it just doesnt help. right now i have GREAT set of brandy and canape. and a muon extra.... i try to survive thanx to that i put every last point from heath and action into my mind. and what a surprise... i still lose on mind. and how many combat medics do you know? i know none. especiall since they nerved it with speed and power.. wich btw im thankfull for.

and the bummer of Combatmedics is... they cannot heal their own mind. sorry but mind is a NON healable ham bar... at least make special mind stims or something for docs or master medics or something ... but this way right now.. every proffession that can attack mind is the one that wins.


Wraith 8

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Originally posted by DarthMaulUK

In real life, you can be shot a couple of times and die - should Galaxies take this route? It would make battles shorter and it could give Medics less time, if any, to make heals on the battlefield.






even though i havent installed galaxies yet ,i will soon ,my opinion is that this thing quoted sounds kind of dumb ,i wouldnt like that at all,it should be like a game where you have a life meter and it takes you longer to die ,thanks.



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I'm perfectly fine with the longer battles. What I think needs to be done is just to rebalance the combat professions. Right now, there are some that can rape other professions without problem. I would like to see something where they make the different professions (commando, swordsman, etc) a lil more even with their unique advantages and disadvantages that give each an edge like it's meant to

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the only thing that would make me reinstall swg (AGAIN) is if they fixed pistoleer, thats all i care about


pistoleer is a master marksmen profession (if you get what i mean) yet its still weaker than the other two master marksmen classes dont get me wrong i love being a pistoleer, but come on im a master pistoleer and i do max 1600k damage with a stopping shot if im lucky while a master riflemen can do 3k+

imo they should all be equal in some respects

like others have said maybe make pistols weaker but _ALOT_ faster, make rifles slower but pack a punch

carbineer should be a mix of speed and power but not have as many feats



just my two cents, but since combat balance isnt schedualed till after JTL is out (and hey this is swg we are talking about here it will probably be another 4 months after that before we see any improvment i wont be installing swg any time soon

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Guest DarthMaulUK

Thunderheart has posted about the delays and a '2 week plan' as they build up to Publish 10 and the release of Jump To Lightspeed - which MIGHT give Galaxies a much needed shot in the arm.




Either way, the community is NOT happy and who can blame them? If the Jedi wasn't rushed to publish last year and if they actually put some thought into it, there wouldn't be a need to 'revamp' the Jedi.


All this left me wondering. I work for a games publisher in the UK and I fully understand the development process for games, not so much a MMORPG because we haven't published one, but for a game thats been in development for 3 years, then to get it so wrong upon release stuns me.


Star Wars has a few key elements.

1) Content

2) Combat

3) Space


And currently, Galaxies offers NONE of this. JTL is coming but with SOEs current track record, will it be yet another money making, bugged experience, or will they get it right? Only time will tell and at $14 a month, it could be an expensive wait for the playing community.



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Guest DarthMaulUK

Like most things in Galaxies - theres a total lack of planning. Jedi were demanded by the playing community because there was nothing else to do for 'power gamers' and this is still the case.


However, those who only have time to play at weekends will only find the challenge of beating nunas and bantha *yawn* There is too much focus for the power gamers currently - hence the Jedi and the rushed path to becoming a jedi - now being revamped.


Once the expansion is launched, the big question is, will the developement team spend more time fixing JTLS and adding content than the original Galaxies game?


Let the debate continue...



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ive only been playing this game for about a month. Im not sure on why I actually decided now to pull in the free trial then spend the money to keep playing, but I do and I am completely enjoying myself.




Each profession has its strengths and weakness' and i dont really see that in the current system. granted, i would love for the rifleman to do a few stock hits when an nme gets close, but realism, mostly, needs to be tempered with reality.


I dont see why a TKA wouldnt be able to disarm an advirsary just as easy as a pole arm can knock you on you butt. Pistoleers should be able to pull out two pistols instead of one and a Swordsman could find himself in real trouble going up against a carbineer at a distance and as he moved in. lets face it, unless youre using a lightsaber, even a vibro ax could get you killed until you got in close.


now, I havnt played every single attack profession out there adn I do realize the mechanics of the game are limited. However, there are a few things that should be set up.


for a Doctor, why cant there be a Psychologist section to allow Mind heals. there are just times when finding an entertainer is hard to do...like on talus. Buffs are like steroids, imo, and there should be some type of negative affect for recieving them. Long term use (frequent buffs) should affect your stats while the occasional buff should have a percentage. There. now everyone can have their buffs and the positives, but it comes with negatives as well. Ive seen players get a three hour buff and then go and get another one right when that first one was done...rinse and repeat. that type of stat altering practice should hve a negative impact on both teh bodyand the mind. I dont see how that can not be implimented and put a sense of realism to the game.


the mind. as i stated before, Doctor specialization could help or, at least, some type of heal for the mind should be given to them.


Stims. stim A's should be able to be used by anyone in the game regardless of their profession. the others, sure, i can understand. a well timed Stim could aid a novice player just as much as a vet and could be a great source of income for resources for the novice medic.


a TKA, in my opinion, is a master of unarmed combat and should be able to "unequip" a weapon from another player. however, the better the other person is at his chosen weapon that chance could be negated. lets face it, a rifleman, unless really skilled at using his rifle as a melee weapon, is no match for a TKA. a pistoleer could start using one pistol as a club and the other to attempt a shot at the TKA.


next we have the Ham. I can be killed if any of the three bars hit zero. so i try to protect myself with armor and buffs, but my mind is left wide open like a pinata. why? each profession relies heavily on the mind and its just easy enough to pull all your other stats down to min and put those points to keep your mind bar as high as it can. ok, now, in order to survive, i need buffs all the time. fix the mind, please. it should be protected better as its the biggest drain. Example. I was fortunate enough to be able to get some buffs and went off on an imperial mission. on the way i was side swiped by an elite rebel force that was camped near my target. before i even knew what hit me my little blue bar was dropping to zero and I was in a cloning facility. my health and action had bearly been touched and I had downed two bottles of brandy....WHY? why was this attack so devistating to my mind and not the rest of me??


now, i can understand be "knocked out" when my mind reaches zero; and I can understand why I am "killed" when my health reaches zero; but why, when my action pool reaches zero, do i fall over as well. I should just be slower for a period. that would be my suggestion.


ive done the long post again so I'll just summerize what i said:

1. Stim A's should be able to be used by anyone in the game.

2. Each profession is unique in the sense that they have their strenghts and weakness and those should be implemented by profession.

3. A profession that uses a ranged attack still has a melee weapon at their disposal and they should be able to use it in that manner.

4. Buffs are fine, but, like steroids, they should have a negative affect for overusage. Pixie Stims cause you problems and over use of some beverages do as well so why not buffs. Moderation should be the key.


one more thing, and this is just one of my own little aggrivations...

Cant items say, before you buy them, that you cant use them? i dont know how many credits ive spent trying to find a hat or helmet for my Twi'Lek only to find that I cant equip it. even some Twi'lek headress wont let me equip them...this is strange.


I'll pump in more as I see what the responses to these are. I understand that the engine may not be able to accomidate every little thing, but some things should be a given. As I play more and try out different professions I will probably ahve more suggestions, but Itried to relate this to combat.

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Originally posted by DarthMaulUK

Jedi were demanded by the playing community because there was nothing else to do for 'power gamers' and this is still the case.






jedi shouldnt have ever been put in the game ,what were the devs thinking when they put them in this aint the prequel era ,gosh!!!!i new that they would cave to people who wanted the jedi in ,just because they are cool and powerful,:mad::freakout: !!

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