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Guest DarthMaulUK

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Originally posted by pbguy1211

yeah, but the first game ended up being 1v3 once nitro had to leave.


phreak wasn't much help (no offense phreak ;) )


as far as the second game? well i just kicked butt! :p


Duh :p


But hey, I was giving saber plenty of resources, and I totally suprised you with my Destroyer Droid ambush which was awesome :p

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Sunday, August 1.


Well we had some fun games today. Unfortunately due to computer troubles DMUK kept dropping out, making the games very one-sided without his presence.


The first game saw myself (giving Rebels a go since pbguy was absent), DMUK (Republic) and DK_Viceroy (Confederacy) on one team, with saberhagen (Wookiees) and General Nitro (Empire) on the other.


The game started slowly, with little action. Saber made a strike rush on DMUK, but it was soon halted. Then, DMUK executed one of his trademark pummel drops on Nitro, while Viceroy and me assaulted the front of his base. With saber's help we were held off, and we regrouped. Then, we went right in again. I was using the fabulous Rebel Mounties in addition to my huge air horde, and Nitro's base was soon eliminated.


Then we turned our attentions towards saber. He held out for quite a while, but when Viceroy marched his Mounted Troopers in alongside mine, saber didn't stand much of a chance. The three of us combined our forces and wiped out saber.


Nitro had managed to survive though, and the final moments of the game were taken up flying to the four corners of the map to destroy his utility trawlers.


Read the story of the next game in my next post...

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The second game saw DMUK and saberhagen on one team and myself, Viceroy and Nitro on the other. I had switched back to my beloved Naboo, while DMUK had taken up the Empire, but everyone else had the same civ as last game.


There was a bit more early game action this time. In particular I'd like to point out saber's tactic of building a wall of prefab shelters around a holocron: it was good bait for my Padawan, who promptly got killed.


Viceroy got hit pretty hard by one of saber's strike rushes, I managed to chase him off with the few fighters and bombers I had. I little later, saber executed some good fighter raids on all three of us, mine all the worse because DMUK hit me with a strike rush at the same time. It was at this point that DMUK disconnected: an on going event that really defined our games today :D.


With DMUK gone, saber looked to be in a bit of trouble, but he had established a pretty strong forward base near Viceroy, and kept hammering away at him, while still continuing to mount air strikes against me and Nitro. I'd had only just started to mass my aircraft; my numbers of fighters and bombers were half what they usually are but I felt confident enough to take out the forward base and free Viceroy up a bit. Saber had by this time established a second forward base complete with shield and fortress.


Well, my relatively modest group of bombers and fighters wiped out his first forward base so quickly I could scarcely believe it. The bombers went through his buildings like a hot knife through butter. I decided to turn what had originally been just a strike on the first forward base into a strike on the second one two. Pretty soon I had saber's shield down and was eating away at his fortress. He must have been horribly dismayed at the speed with which all this had happened, because he promptly resigned.


I'll write the third battle report later, stay tuned...

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After a couple more attempts to get a game where DMUK wasn't disconnected instantly, we began our third game. We were joined by Connemara this time. Saber (Wookiees), DMUK (Rebels) and Connemara (Rebels) were on one team while Viceroy (Confederacy), Nitro (Empire) and me (Naboo) were on the other.


This time, saber didn't waste any time and not long into the game he rushed me. I was not prepared properly at all, and his Troopers and Mounties caused me a lot of hurt. Viceroy and Nitro came to my rescue, but a second mounty rush brought down my command centre and I was forced to fall back to establish a new base elsewhere.


At about this time DMUK disconnected again. He was not happy at all. Saber could have easily finished me off and evened the odds, but he had just suffered a pummel drop from Nitro, who has become a big fan of them after suffering one from DMUK. I think Nitro's attack caused saber to withdraw a bit and concentrate on building a huge army.


Meanwhile my tattered base was suffering small air attacks from Connemara. I had just managed to crawl back and build myself an Airbase, to start fending her off. At the same time, Nitro executed his second pummel drop into Connemara's base, again drawing attention away from me.


Saber was still for the most part sitting back in his base massing an army, while continued pummel drops from Nitro sent Connemara reeling until she eventually resigned.


Saber was again in a 3v1 situation... he really should have finished me off. By now I was back to strength and amassing my usual air force. Viceroy's army was pretty huge, and Nitro had provided some assault mechs as well as his continued pummel dropping. We stormed Saber's base and eventually whittled him down yet again.


Hopefully next week the battles are a little less one-sided, and hopefully DMUK will disconnect less often.

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Guest DarthMaulUK

Indeed, good coverage!

I was screaming like a girl after the last disconnect because I liked that Motherlode and was just getting comfortable with my base.


The Pummel drops are much fun, because they just come out of no where and can really do some serious damage. Once Im back, I have something new to unleash on everyone - a stable game! haha.


I just cant wait to get a new PC. I dont really need one, i just need an operating system that doesnt say Microsoft on the box!

One of their last 'updates' has created so many problems with my games but as yet I cant put my finger on it.


I wont be there for the next game as Im moving (again) and it will take around 2 weeks for my broadband to be transferred over.



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well i dunno Saberhagen was on his way to devloping a counter.


I was watching each of them in between saving vostok and amassing the Steamroler horde and of course levelling your old base. clever move putting troops next to resources in case you disconnected

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Guest DarthMaulUK

My last major pummel drop had pbguy in fits of laughter when we played the week before.


Roll on the next one!



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Guest DarthMaulUK

hehe. there will always be something else to replace them. For now though, they are much fun and extremely deadly!



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I do not fear it I hate it because i know what it can do it's horribly effective But i do not fear it i Hate it because it can distract you at a critical moment because if saberhagen had done one on my when he was attacking you i would have used those forces to take out the pummels not save your butt.

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I know I should've finished Vostok in that 3rd game, and when DMUK dropped I announced that that was what I was going to do! Viceroy sent in enough troopers to save him though. For some reason I thought Connemara had dropped when she hadn't, so I didn't do enough to protect her. I sent some mounties across eventually when I saw her get pummel dropped one time, but it was probaly too little too late.


I've really started to change my strats to take account of holocrons, knowing how important they are to Vostok. It takes quite an effort to even notice them, as most of the time when I was playing on the zone I thought they were of no importance. But al that's changed now: it was quite satisfying to see that padawan get shot down as he tried to hack his way through a house wall!


I think I trooper rushed Viceroy in the 2nd game, and it seemed to be going quite well even though I was a bit slow. DMUK dropping changed everything though (not that I mind, the games were still fun).

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