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ever or never?

how many mi games have you played?  

17 members have voted

  1. 1. how many mi games have you played?

    • every single one
    • only three of them
    • only two of them
    • only one of them
    • i haven't played any of them
    • monkey island?

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um...who moved my thread? i put it in "delete me!" for a reason...and that was to see who just uses the off-topic discussion and hasn't even played the monkey island games to begin with. i know what i'm doing.


i mean, it doesn't even make sense to put it in this section. obviously everyone in the general mi discussion section as played at least one of the games...why else would they be here?

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Originally posted by Das Mole

um...who moved my thread? i put it in "delete me!" for a reason...and that was to see who just uses the off-topic discussion and hasn't even played the monkey island games to begin with. i know what i'm doing.


i mean, it doesn't even make sense to put it in this section. obviously everyone in the general mi discussion section as played at least one of the games...why else would they be here?


It's still in Delete Me, it just has a moved sign next to it.

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yes, i realize that. that's the reason i asked in the first place. however...the "moved" sign is very unattractive. and i had put it in the damn harborrandom discussion for a reason, and that was for the purpose i said above. if i had wanted it here, i would've put it here in the first place. i'm not some moron. the reason it irritates me is that it makes me feel like someone is making me look like an idiot that doesn't know where to put the topic. that's what moving a topic is for: humiliation.

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