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yeahh buddy! (forcemod)


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Also, the Droideka is a bit underpowered it seems. I suggest it have more shield and more damaging blasters. Also, it'd be nice if you could impliment the animations of it transforming when folding in and folding out, and the pivoting animation, like in MBII and OJP.

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Yeah, Droideka will get beefed up in the patch. The Darktrooper is quite powerful, having the most shields and strongest weapons of any class. So his primary weakness right now is speed.


I'll have to look into stopping stuff like Dark Wave Hammers...was it a weapon anyone could select?


There are a number of players discussing these changes in the ForceMod III forums:

http://forums.mt-wudan.com/index.php You could head over if you wanna take a look or give some feedback that might help shape the patch.

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As can be seen by this thread I was looking forward to a FM3 a long while back. I think I even sent a you a e-mail and you replied as not knowing if you were going to do one yet.





I love the mod and all but the same thing happened that happened with the last one all the RPGers swamped it. All the combat changes, new abilities, and weapons for what. Waisted on people who want to stand around, chat, and do emotes?


It's still fun to play with bots:rolleyes:


Anyway as far a the regular Battle Droids. I thought this model was the best. Just my opinion though. http://jediknight.filefront.com/file.info?ID=4786

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Originally posted by Cosmos Jack

I love the mod and all but the same thing happened that happened with the last one all the RPGers swamped it. All the combat changes, new abilities, and weapons for what. Waisted on people who want to stand around, chat, and do emotes?


I ran into this problem myself. :roleyess:


I've just given up on playing ForceMod online. The bots are somewhat decent and don't whine and call kick-votes. I just got too tired of hearing people whine "LAMER DONT ATTACK FELLOW DROIDS!11" and "WTF I WAS STANDING STILL LAMER!1!!1" or the traditional "SABER WAS DOWN LAMER!!!!111". :roleyess:


Why do people seem to think that FFA = TFFA based on your faction?

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Hehe, yeah Jack, I do remember. =]


Jack and TK-8252 - i wish there was some clever way to encourage continuous combat on the servers where no one complains about laming, they just fight back.

I personally understand that some people want to RPG with a game that has good FPS features, but i'm not one of them. ForceMod III is an action mod, and I hope the majority of the servers will start to realize that, and pickup on the aspect of combat it was designed for.


_PerfectAgent_ - not sure what you mean...


AJL - i love the way your saber trails look, but I didn't want to try to integrate your code (which overlapped portions of Tchouky's RGB code) and risk breaking something right before release. Perhaps for the patch...

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I don't know if this is that place for feedback about the mod but...




Host should be able to decide what classes are available and

maybe how many players can use each one... (It is not soo cool

to play with all the different things in the game at the same time

but if host could limit the classes there would be lots of fun ways

to play because there is soo many character types...)




Host seems to be still able to turn off force powers and set the

maximum force rank in the server... I think it MIGHT be better if

those options are removed and max ranks and available powers

depend on the jedi/sith class you are using...


-One Jedi/Sith class should be able to use only normal saber but

also some guns and he should be limited to Neutral force powers

and have limited maximum force rank...

-One Jedi/Sith class should be fencer and he could use staff or

dual sabers but no guns and he also should limited to Neutral

force powers and have limited maximum force rank...

-One Jedi/Sith class should be able to use only normal saber

and no guns but he should be able to choose from all the force

powers and have maximum force rank...




Droideka is very well done but it is bit useless because its soo

weak... (especially the guns I think) and maybe the shields too...

(or maybe the shields should be as strong as they are but they

should turn off only when you roll around...)


And do you think it would be good idea if Droideka could fire

rockets too... (It do have those rocket launchers) I wouldn't

necessarily need to fire big homing rockets but maybe fast

mini rockets...




SuperBattleDroid may have some bug... (it can fire huge amount

of rockets very fast...) I don't know if it is supposed to be able to

fire rockets at all but at least it shouldn't be able to fire soo fast




Invisibility is very annoying quality in this game... I would like it

removed... or at least make it so that if you attack you become

visible and can't immediately become invisible again...



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To be brutally honest, Forcemod sucks. It's very very unbalanced, the Vong can kill anythings, easily. Unless of course they face a Super Battle Droid. Which is also unbalanced.


The flaws :

Super Battle droid can fire over 15 rockets in a few seconds which can kill any class exept a jedi.


Super Battle droids fire way to fast, that can also kill anything.


Super Battle droids run too fast and can jump too high.


Vong can use that spore crap to kill anything.


Vong's staff can block blaster shots.


Vong are waay to wrong against jedi.


Vong are way to strong aganst mandalorians aswell.


Ancient one can only use light side powers and punch, they have no force powers that attack other players so that means all they can do is punch.


Sage can kill amost anything, with the over powered grip move. And the lightning can knock over enemies which means very easy kills.


Some players can use invisible skins and you can't see with with level 4 sence.


Some admins find it hard to use Rcon which means lamers run wild.


You can use small model scaling which ruins fighting them, as they are small and much harder to hit.


Pros :

It's fun.


It's better than JA base in some aspects.


Mandalorians are fun to play as.


Alot of other things I can't be bothered to type.


Anyways, I hope you can fix some of the flaws and then it'll be a mod I'll be proud to play.

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Originally posted by AJL

Droideka is very well done but it is bit useless because its soo

weak... (especially the guns I think) and maybe the shields too...

(or maybe the shields should be as strong as they are but they

should turn off only when you roll around...)


Droidekas lose their shield when they walk. Plus, the shield going down is part of the actual model. Heh, so it's unavoidable. The shields just need to be way tougher (I'd say 750) and the blasters need to be more powerful (I'd say about 50 damage). But I suggest that you impliment those animations for transforming, so that it'd take more time to set up the shield and more time without their shield.


Originally posted by AJL

And do you think it would be good idea if Droideka could fire

rockets too... (It do have those rocket launchers) I wouldn't

necessarily need to fire big homing rockets but maybe fast

mini rockets...


Uh... where did you hear they have rockets? Because I've never heard that before.

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the shield is 3d model and part of the character model ?






Droideka > I think it should fire little bit faster than now and

and shields should stay up also when walking if possible...


Primary fire should usually kill with one hit but shields should

take some more hits...


Secondary could be some mini rockets (not homing but fast)

and not many and not fast firerate (1 per sec maybe)...


>> Droideka should be the ONLY thing that have SHIELDS...




SuperBattleDroid > I think the secondary fire should be like

primary is now and the primary should fire very accurately but

only 2-3 shots per second...


Primary fire should usually kill with 1-2 hits if no shields but

shields should take clearly much more hits...


Secondary fire should kill as fast as primary but it shouldn't

work against shields at all...


There should be no rockets...




E11 Rifle >> I think it should be semi-automatic (you should

need to release the fire button between shots...) and I think

you should only be able to fire only 2-3 shots per second and

if you fire rapidly it should be pretty unaccurate (if you wait

about second between shots it should fire very accurately)


Shots should usually kill with 1-2 hits if no shields but shields

should take clearly much more hits...


There shouldn't be secondary fire at all or it should be some

other fire type... (Stun, Ion, ...)




Blaster pistols > I think they should be like E11 (semi-auto)

and they should fire 2-3 shots per second at max (accurate

if you wait about second between shots... and unaccurate

if you fire rapidly...)


Shots should usually kill with 1-2 hits if no shields but shields

should take clearly much more hits...




Clone Rifle > I think it should be fully automatic but slower

firerate than currently... Secondary should fire same kind of

shots as Concussion Rifle primary fire (but no area damage)

and it should fire only 1 shot per second...


Primary should usually kill with hit if no shields but agains

shields it should take much more hits...


Secondary should always kill with hit (even through full




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Wow, thanks for all the feedback guys - i'm at work, so i can't respond to everything...but i'll try to address main concerns.


I'm afraid that many of the balance changes you're suggesting would greatly imbalance the game unless the entire gun system were revamped, which is not a viable option at this point. It may be hard to see this now, but consider the Vong - simply giving them one more weapon made them perhaps the most powerful class in the game. It's very tricky to balance it, and i'm glad that i've only gotten big complaints about 2 classes being too overpowered.

As far as weapon damage/accuracy changes, an e11 kills a jedi in .35 seconds if he's not blocking...reducing the accuracy of most weapons would make the jedi uber-powerful.


There is a cvar to disable classes serverside - many people have already turned the SBD and Vong off until the patch arrives to balance them. The SBD is only supposed to have 3 missiles, but bug gave him 8 at spawn time.

The droideka is getting beefed up too - as we've seen from the Vong and SBD, it's better to have a class that's too weak instead of too strong.


The deka shield is part of the model. Duncan made it work like to movies, disabling the shield when it walks. Currently, the Droidekas do 60 points of damage with each shot...I could increase it, but I wonder if that will make another uber-class. The Deka will be much stronger in the patch, with a shield that effectively absorbs 2000 points of damage (it absorbs 1000 damage in the patch you have now).


Ancient One and Dark Sage classes are identical right now, dunno why one would seem stronger than the other.


The best place for feedback is at the ForceMod III forums, where you can exchange ideas with lots of other players:




I will consider everything you all have mentioned as i work on the patch. I don't expect it's possible to perfectly balance it, but as long as it's close enough to be fun i'll be happy.

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I'm getting a few problems with this mod. One is an error that shows up whenever I try to load a map:


Client/Sever Game

Mismatch: ForceMod lll



The other involves lightsabers and the coloring system. Whenever I select one of the bonus three up top, or the RGB sabers, I just get a blue one. This is with no mods (other than this one) in my base folder. Any help would be appreciated.

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1. Most Blasters should have much slower firerate (1-3 shots

per second) or maybe better: They should be able to fire pretty

rapidly but they should only have energy for few shots at the

time and recharging the energy after firing should take some



2. Blaster bolts should do more damage (one or couple hits

should usually kill if no shields...)


3. Blaster bolts should fly much faster (2-5x maybe... or they

should accelerate...)


4. Blaster bolts effect should be much longer line...

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Mono_Giganto - that's b/c you're trying to join a regular JKA server, make sure the ForceMod III filter is on in your server browser (it's on by default).


William, I'll look into increasing the speed of the blasters a bit, they would benefit from a slight change.


AJL, I agree some of these ideas would enhance the guns...but at this point it would be very easy to imbalance everything with these drastic changes.

Blaster effects are about 3 feet long in-game...do you think they need to be longer?

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Originally posted by Azymn

Blaster effects are about 3 feet long in-game...do you think they need to be longer?


Because blasters are machine guns in your mod and you can see

huge amounts of blaster bolts flying around it may be better that

the bolts are small but if blaster would be on single fire mode like

in movies then they could (and should) be much longer...

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The fact is, my opinion is that SBD should not have rockets, it's lasers should be it's only attack, but make them powerful. We haven't seen them use rocket's yet in the movies, but I'm not an expert on the EU, so I wouldn't know they're full abilities if they have more than seen in the movies.


I feel that darktrooper should be sped up SLIGHTLY, and most definately given some gun-resistance.


As for all of you complaining about RPs, you all seem to be talking about one specific server, which is named RPG WORLD.


Originally posted by me, countles times. Read it already!!

If you don't want to RPG, DON'T GO TO AN RPG SERVER!!!

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About Droideka:


1. I think you should make Droidekas guns Much Much stronger

(I think they should be the most powerfull blaster weapons in

the game... (hit and kill weapons))

AND to balance those guns you should limit the turning speed...

(just set the mouseTurning to 0 in those Droideka VEH files so

that you need to move forward or backward in order to be able

to turn... like with ATST...)


2. I think you should hide the shield part of the model and add

in new smoother shield effect... (use same kind of effect what is

used in the immortality sphere...) and make it so that the shield

can be active also when walking around... And I think it might be

good if you can manually turn it ON/OFF (with secondary fire...)

and it recharges very fast but only when it is not active...


3. I think pressing fire button while rolling should automatically

slow down to walking speed and then begin firing...


4. I think you should fix its blasters hit effects... (they make no

light, no smoke, no sparks... nothing... (You could just change

the impactfx in its weapon file to: "atst/wall_impact")


5 I think you should fix its blasters muzzle flash effects... (they

points backwards...)



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