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Expanded Universe & GB2


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I'm sure there's probably a clan for every acronym out there.


How about Completely Expanded Universe (CEU)?


Also Viceroy I'm going to have to ask you include the term "truth" in your posts less. I don't know what you're referring to half the time you say "the truth". Just say EU or whatever you're referring too. Less confusing that way.

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I'm sitting on the fence and watching the smackdown. Although calling only the movies "the only true Star Wars storyline" is just not the case. If that were true Lucas would have not given the Star Wars name to other companies to add more to the story. If thats his vision for Star Wars he would not let anyone else touch it but himself. EU is on the same level as the movies. Even the "purists" have used EU to back there statements up one time or another.

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Your propably right their Frosticles.


though there's a fundamental differnce between Purists and Truth Bearer's


ones narrow minded the other is open minded.


I won't say which because it's obvious


ALso therre isn't every acronymnot even half of them jest TEU are a bunch of murder's rapists and stelkthed jedi star fighter loachers

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Viceroy - EU not on the same level as the films and it never will be. Just accept it and move on with your life.


Vostok - I would suggest that, instead of PEU you could call it CRAP but I couldn't come up with any good meanings for the initials.



Viceroy - i will tell you this once and once only. DO NOT use the term 'rapist' to describe someone you do not like. A family member of mine was raped and i find it extremely offensive for you to be using that term in the way. Again - cut it out.

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Unless you know who i'm describing refrain from giving anyone a diatrabe.


And at least Vostok does not have a closed mind he's actually willing to argue the point you just see things in black and white. Numerous mistakes in history have been caused by that.


i'll just leave it at that

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Originally posted by DK_Viceroy

1.Unless you know who i'm describing refrain from giving anyone a diatrabe.


2.And at least Vostok does not have a closed mind he's actually willing to argue the point you just see things in black and white. Numerous mistakes in history have been caused by that.


i'll just leave it at that


1- Matters little who you're describing. He doesn't like it because he knows someone who got raped. Leave it to that.


2- I would also like to point out that you're not overly open-minded yourself, calling yourself Truth bearer when Star Wars doesn't exist so therefore is somekind of LIE.

Sorry, I'm just a bit annoyed by that Truth crap.

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Haven't you read Viceroy's sig, people? Everything he says is a lie. So essentially he's agreeing with us. :D


Frozticles: George Lucas' motivations for licensing the Star Wars name was money. Nothing else. It certainly wasn't because he wanted his films expanded. If that were the case, he wouldn't be going back and contradicting most of the EU with the prequel films, would he?

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Beleive me there are worse things than {not saying for windu's Feelings }


In england there was a girl called sarah cameron who lived in the area I do, if i had arrived at the metro station even a minute later i would have gotten the same train as her back home and would have gone up the same path at the same time as she was abducted and then murdered, what's worse is that I saw her running to try and get on the metro so it was all the more shocking. Now that is traumatising to think i nearly got murdered.


Vostok my sig is about the inadaquecy of all language and words since there are often things that defy description and usually end up extremely diluted to words like shock and awe.

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Viceroy - i don't give a flying f**k about you missing trains. If you want to insult people, fine, go ahead, I really couldn't care less. BUT don't you dare insult every person who has been raped and/or murdered by sprouting off immature insults like you did.

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Geez Viceroy, have a little heart man! Sensitivity to others feelings is a virtue, you know.


I'd like to use all the power of my being to force this thread back on topic.


At this point I'd like to go beyond the continuity between Movies and EU and look in to the underlying themes and stylistic choices of both.


Star Wars is not simply Science Fiction. It is an amalgalm of genres, jumbled together on purpose to create "Movies about Movies". Few if any other movies have so successfully combined genres from all sorts of different sources as Star Wars. Many of the stranger stylistic decisions ridiculed by less-educated critics can quite reasonably interpreted as yet another attempt to try and fit every genre imaginable into these six movies. The original Star Wars, A New Hope, was probably the most successful in the genre combination, but there are notable successes in the other movies too.


I'm a student of film, and I've theorised that by the time all six movies are completed, it will be hard to find a major movie genre that isn't referenced at least partially by Star Wars. All of them refer to Sci-Fi, Fantasy, War and Adventure films, and half of them also have Romance, but these genres are quite often combined with sci-fi. I'd like to go through now and point out the other genre hybridisations in Star Wars that are not often (or at least were not at the time) combined with sci-fi:

:atat:A New Hope - Western, Samurai, Fantasy (stronger than the rest of the film's Fantasy elements).

:atat:The Empire Strikes Back - Horror, Greek Tragedy, Coming-Of-Age.

:atat:Return of the Jedi - Gangster, Musical, High Seas Adventure.

:atat:The Phantom Menace - Cartoon, Sports, Politics.

:atat:Attack of the Clones - Documentary, Sword-and-Sandal, Film Noir.


Those are just the most obvious ones (if you are curious of any that I've stated I'll discuss the references).


Now, I finally come to my point: Genre Hybridisation is for the most part wholly lacking in EU. For the most part, the EU stories are pure Sci-Fi, at their best they manage to throw in a minute Fantasy element, some Adventure and maybe Romance. But on the whole, any genre not normally associated with pure-Sci-Fi is on the whole avoided.


THIS is why EU does not fit with the Movies. The Movies were made almost completely as an amalgalm of genres, as a homage to the great movies of Classic Hollywood. The EU is not. They are very different.


The above is the Truth, the whole Truth and nothing but the Truth.

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I know what episode 3's called i also know a little bit about who's in it check out starwars.com

and look under dtabase and go to ep 3 it tells you the title.


I was trying to be sympathetic by using empathy i remeber someone saying empathy is the highest form of sympathy. but sinc some people obviuoisly don'y handle that well i'll turn the proverbial blind ear to anything like that in future.

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I know what Episode III is called, and I'm assuming everyone else here does too. I'm not sure what the title Revenge of the Sith has to do with my above argument.



Perhaps you need to realise empathy doesn't really come across well in a text format, particularly when written in run-on sentences and started with the phrase "believe me there are worse things than..." For that matter empathy even in person doesn't work when you start with that phrase. Perhaps instead of rejecting empathy altogether you should learn a better way to communicate it.


And I assume you mean "blind eye" rather than "blind ear"...

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ON-What about Kotor units, any of you keen on putting some of them in? (not accepting the whole story, just the units). My thread too, most of this went over my head as far as the EU is concerned.


Off-Lose the PC garbage, if thats the comparatives DK wants to use then he may use them, trying to hush people or limit their speech shows a sincere lack of understanding to how important it is for someone to be able to voice their own opinions.


Right now there is an infant being dissected for parts so they can be sold on the black market to western families who don't want to risk the wait a donor list results in. Ten percent of the children who go missing in the united states are sold overseas, I could on, and on, and on. If DK is not directly referring to the woman who was raped then you can get over it Windu.

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ON - If you're asking whether or not KOTOR units are considered EU or not, they most certainly are.


OFF - Free speech is one thing, sensitivity to another's feelings is totally different. It's not political correctness, it's human decency. It seems despite your apparently enormous intellect, this concept escapes you too, Puzzlebox.

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On-What I mean is would you mind or like to see Kotor units in the next game.


Off-I would imagine the concept of sensitivity "escapes" me for pathological reasons, it is good to care about those close to you and be overly tentative to such needs from them but avoiding using references or things like that for society as a whole is ridiculous, stop catering.

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And funny too. however i think people are just accepting your argument about being multi genre because that they are but you haven't taken the effort to read some have you?


The courtship of princess Leia is hardly purely Sci-Fi it's as cross genra as some of the films. it has sci fi reomance comedy and suspence with a lot of intruige.

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