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Cantina 6: PTH Part V, Revenge

Admiral Odin

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Marin looked surprised. "You mean you still don't remember? I thought I'd reminded you. When we were...changed...I...made you like me, you can morph like I do. Although the only body you can choose right now is a weasel. Oh, wait. I think you acquired a bird as well. It's hard to remember..."


And I don't really want to, she added to herself.


Raschel, Misae, and a few of the others stared at Marin in uncomprehension.


As she spoke she put the armor on, a little startled when it shrunk to perfectly fit her.

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Heimdall: We will have to discuss that later.


*After Marin puts on the entire suit of armor Heimdall talks again*


Alright, you won't feel any pain and this is going to happen quickly.


*Heimdall speaks the spell quickly and quietly. Marin's armor instantly turns molten and flys from her to Heimdall's hand in a liquid stream of mithril. In a couple of seconds the process is over and Marin is completly stripped of her armor.*


Reforming the armor takes about the same time. Want the armor?

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"Yes," Marin said. She smiled a little. "I'd have been wearing it before now if I'd known it could do that."


"Why?" Misae said in a low mutter. "You know that they have that armor set up so they can crush you in it with a thought if they want. Am I wrong, Heimdall?"

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Heimdall: Ok,


*Heimdall mutters another spell. The molten armor flys from Heimdall's hand to Marin and quickly reforms itself onto her body.In a short matter of time Marin was once again fully clad in her armor*


No, Misea the armor will not crush you. If for any reason we decide to permantly remove the armor it will contract for an instant before dispersing and returning to a designated area.

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Cracern "Figures that you still have it, and I didn't do anything but look after the kid when I lost mine. Pfft, what ever."


*Cracern gets onto the transport and puts on the clothing in there.*


*inside the transport, Sir-Vin sitting on the same side as Idona*


Sir-Vin "You know better then to complain about that, they won't reforge that armour for you. I wouldn't doubt that if that the armour that we wore after it disintergrated it went right back the the Asgardried, and got reforged for her."


*Sir-Vin points at Gerd, while smiling.*


Sir-Vin "Rather on her then us, wouldn't you say Idun?"

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Sir-Vin "I don't, it was armour on loan. Although the motive isnt really clear on why you haven't redistributed the armour, and that the armour disolved for both of us especally when we never really carried the same name. But, eight months is a little too late now to contest that isn't it?"

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Heimdall *looking over his shoulder*: She is a member of the Aesir and as such is duty bound to fight in this battle like the rest of us. Gerd knows what she is getting into and accepts it and everything else. Don't you Gerd?


Gerd *cheerfully*: Yup.


*Ellela question*


Heimdall: Idona?


*Idona stands and looks at a monitor*


Idona: Currently it is 90 degrees below zero, we can expect a nice balmy high of 80 below. Tonights low about 120. Windchill it is 130.


*She sits backdown*



Idun to Sir-Vin: Just be quiet, and maybe give some thought on how your going to keep your apprentice alive for the next ten days.


*Svafa shakes her head at the Irvines*

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((By the way, in case you're wondering, superthrawn, Ritchet will be protected from the weather as long as he stays on Guy's transport.))


"You never carried the same name?" Raschel asked. "I thought you two were both named Irvine. You had weird parents I guess...or wait, wasn't one of you a clone of the other?" She looked at the white-haired Irvine (Cracern). "So wouldn't you be Irvine II or Irviine or something?"


"Maybe we should call them Red and White," Misae said. "Since they can't make up their minds."

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((OOS: Hal is both right and wrong, since these Sith predate Exar Kun [who just as an example, had a blue lightsaber], and thus would not have developed the Force-synthesizing technology yet in their original bodies. If I recall correctly, of course. :)


Of course their new lightsabers (except apprentice's sabers) would all be red, with the army taking advantage of superior technology.))



*Answering WH Irvine/Cracern*


"Weren't you just calling somebody uptight?" Misae retorted. "And it sounds like you do have the same name. Except you," - she pointed at WH Irvine/Cracern - "took your father's first name plus a misspelling of it, and you," - pointing to RH Irvine/Sir-vin - "took your father's last name. Which is kind of funny since neither of you supposedly knew him."


"Anyway..." Raschel cut in. "Don't you two have nicknames or something? We can't keep calling you both Irvine. It's confusing."

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Cracern/WH Irvine "Ivan Cracern, one of Cracken's former admirals actually raised me, I never 'knew' Cracken, nor can I say that he was my father. It's a pure damn coincidence that one could confuse it for a misspelling. Just call me by my last name would be fine."


Sir-Vin *answering Raschel* "Well I can definately say that I wouldn't want to be called my mine. I'm not carrying on with my families history. But like my counterpart, I never knew Cracken, but I know he's my father. If I had, I might have helped him cuase the situation that we're in now."

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