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Cantina 6: PTH Part V, Revenge

Admiral Odin

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Sir-vin "You'd think that during the time I was young, my name had to be changed, becuase there were alot of refugees escaping my father who had once delt with his father. So, to prevent harm to myself, and to keep me completely oblivious, I was renamed."

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*Once everyone had grab gear and was seated Heimdall presses a button and the ramp raises. He then takes a seat by and whispers something to her that causes Svafa to smile briefly.


The bay door opens quickly and silently. Once open the transport speeds away. As soon as the transport cleared the door it again closed letting in only a small amount of snow.


The transport flew over the snow covered landscape, throwing up a white cloud of snow in it's wake. The ride was smooth, and the lack of windows gave no evidence to termendous speeds that they were travelling at.


After about thirty minutes there was a small bump as the transport came to a fast halt.*


Male Beserk: We are here. Ahead of schedule I may add.


Heimdall *standing*: Thank you.


Beserk: We will be back in five days, or earlier if necessary.


Svafa: We'll be waiting.


*Heimdall walked to the rear of the transport and lowered the door. He steps out into the snow and sinks a little, his breath was eaisly visible, but despite the cold weather his armor kept him comfortable, not to warm or cold. Heimdall scanned the horizon turned and reentered the transport.


Idona, Svafa, and Idun all stand and open overhead compartments revealing packs. They began pulling them down and setting them outside the transport. Gerd helped as much as she could, and when Heimdall returned he also provided a hand.


In a short order there were enough packs outside for the entire group. Once the group was competly out of the transport, it turns and races off in a new direction leaving the group in a vast plains of snow.


Idona walks over to the pile of packs. Her steps crunching in the snow.*


Idona: These packs contian water enough for a couple of days. After that we will use the snow for refills. *She crouches by one pack and pulls a tube* You drink through here, just clip it to your collar and you can drink whenever you want. Remember to stay hydrated. Each pack has enough food to last one person five days, they also have a first aid kit, light, fire starting gear, a rudimentary mess kit, an entrenching tool, a fixed blade knife, toiletries, and some other items. Grab a pack and lets get going.


*Idona picks up the pack she knelt next to and slings it over her shoulders. She adjusts the straps so it sits comfortable, and then clips the water tube to the collar of her armor. and waits for the others. Heimdall, Idun, Svafa do the same. Svafa helps Gerd to get hers situated and adjusted.*

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*Sir-vin picks up a pack and hands it to Matt.*


Sir-Vin "Matthew, I would be most perfered that from this point forward that you don't get any further then two steps away from me. I made a promise, and I attend to keep it."


*Sir-vin puts on his own pack under his cloak, and puts his hood over.


The wind blows and Cracern puts on the hood of the clothing that he'd got at the base.*


Cracern "Just like a typical sunny day on Hoth, don't-cha think?"


*his picks up his pack and throws it on.*


Cracern "So, were to?"

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Orthos: Damn...this is cold!


Elella: Did you ever visit Atredis? It's like this now, it's sun gone, not even any stars to light your way. Terrible.


Gortick: That's what we're here to stop. When this is over we'll have to find each other and all go there one summer.

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((Deac: Why doesn't Atredis have a sun? and I take it that there is not a large population on the planet for it to have survive the holocaust))


Heimdall: As you wish, just remember to take a pack.


*Heimdall says the spell and Marin is stripped of her armor*



*Idona seeing everyone except Marin had a pack begins walking. Svafa Walked Next to Idona on her right side. Idun and Gerd followed behind them.*


Idona passing Hal: Be happy that you don't have a horse, it would make you more of a target.


*There was a haze, but in the distance one could make out the slops of the platuea that the castle sat on*

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*Sir-vin walked closely behind the Aesir, not saying a word. With his eyes only being the only seeable portion of his face even without eye protection, they remained open, he kept a stare ahead of him toward their destination, like he wasn't really following the others, more like he knew the way he was supposed to go.*


*Cracern was a few members behind. looking at Sir-Vin through a pair of goggles that the survival clothing came with...*


Cracern 'Irvy's presence, odd, why does he feel so serious.'


*He looks at Matt*


Cracern 'More then likely he's keeping himself aware, or if anything mentally preparing for that battle coming up. He claims that he trained more on mental discipline, but not only on Matt but himself, but what amount did he mean? He certainly didn't like Hal wanting to help Matt out...'


*Cracern now walking through knee-high snow, even when its a path that the people infront of him had created.*


Cracern "Damn this is a heck of a stroll. This is why I don't usualy enjoy winter.."

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Stripped of her armor, Marin rapidly began to feel the effects of the freezing weather. Hurridly she began to morph.


Her skin turned white and rough in texture. Plates raised up from the surface of her skin. Her neck grew longer. Her shoulders and hips expanded and cracked as a tail poked out from behind them. Her hands grew claws, and she fell forward onto all fours. Her spinal cord stretched and her back grew larger. Her shoulder blades separated, and half of them grew out into leathery, folded wings. Her nose and jaw grew out into a long snout. Her eyes turned ice blue. Her tightly-worn clothes faded away with her humanoid body.


She completed the morph. The body appeared to be a cross between a huge panther and a small dragon. She coughed, and a lick of blue fire came from between the long white jaws of the creature.


<Aidan, could you, er, strap my pack on me...please?> she asked apologetically.


Aidan obliged, strapping the pack on between the dragon-panther's wings.


"Depends how fast you froze," Aidan replied to Matt.

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*An hour into the march the group comes upon a standing in the snow. His skin had a blueish tinge to it and there were icicles hanging from his hair. The tatered clothes marked him as a Sith.


The group paused for a second at the sith. The Sith suddenly comes back to life and as quickly as he came back he succumbed to the cold and died again.*


Svafa: Very appropiate punishment.


Idona: Lord Vidar thought so. In another thirty minutes we should reach the red sea, crossing it will be the longest part of our trip.

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[Didn't 80% of the stars get destroyed as part of the Holocaust? Atredis was one of the worlds hit]


*Orthos chops the frozen sith's head off while it is frozen with his sword. The Darkstar inside him gives a little leap*


Orthos: Better to try and put the thing out of it's misery. I hate sith.


*Elella tries to defuse the moment*


Elella: Who would win in a fight between spacemen and cave-people?

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((Deac: If that is the case then Atredis is destroyed. The Stars didn't just turn off, they went Nova...))


Heimdall: Hate is a very powerful word Orthos, be careful with the use of it. Now observe this Sith.


*The head of the sith lifts and flys back onto his body reattaching itself slightly off center. Flesh forms over the parts that where still left open (in other words the places where the head didn't cover entirly). The Sith then woke again and quickly died from exposure*


Idona: If removing the head was all it took then there would be no Sith on this planet. However, as you can see it doesn't work. You can spend all day chopping them to bits and still they will not stay dead. Now ignore this Sith, we can no longer delay.


Svafa: This one isn't worth the effort anyways, not even his own masters think he is worth saving. They have had plenty of opportuntiy to rescue him but they haven't.

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"The spacemen," Raschel said. "Like when the Imperials wiped out the populations of a bunch of native worlds. A primitive world is no match for the technology of an advanced civilization."


"That depends," Aidan answered. "What kind of 'cave-people' are these, and do the spacemen have their technology with them?"


<I thought these were the Lieskirnir Plains,> Marin said. <Where does a sea fit into this?>

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*Pre-freezing sith*

Matt: I dunno, say about how long it takes for someone to freeze to death on hoth with no protection to the same on Tatoinee or in lava with no protection


*post-freezing sith*

Matt: They would make good stress relievers, just kill 'em whenever you're feeling angry and watch them come back to life....

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*The group continues on leaving behind the lone Sith his painful cycle of reviving and death.*


Heimdall: It's not that simple Raschel. It all depends on the objective of each side and their tatics and assumptions. Advanced Cultures tend to fight and expect to fight other advanced cultures so they may not be prepared for low tech traps the cave-men can engineer. The objective is especially important since if the spacemen want the cave-men's planet intact orbital bombardment may not be an option. Also you must define what it means to win, for instance. IF the spacemen want to enslave the cave-men and the cavemen put up such a fight to be entirely exterminated who is the real winner?



Idona to Marin: It's not an actual sea. Rather it is a place where part of our army clashed with part of the Sith army. The results of the battle is what we call the Red Sea.


*Thirty-one minutes later the group cressed a hill and before them was vast stretch of snow covered land dyed red*


Idona: This is the Red Sea that I spoke of.

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