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Cantina 6: PTH Part V, Revenge

Admiral Odin

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Idona: So you hope that we bled as much as our enemies in this battle? Very interesting...


*Svafa gives Sir Vin a look before she and Idona began walking into the field of blood. Idun and Gerd followed behind like they did with the entire trip.


Heimdall walks pass and pauses only breifly*


Heimdall to Sir Vin: In the future you may want to pick your words with more care.

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Sir-Vin "I did picked my words quite fine thank you. I was asking for a bit of assurence that this isnt a suicidal mission we're on. We're on this planet to help fight a war agenst our enemies upfront, mainly agenst an army of undying Sith. I'm just trying to get that visualisation of the true realism of what to become before we start fighting this war."

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Idun: What do you think Matt?



Heimdall: Start fighting this war? We *motioning to the other Aesir* have been fighting this war. Is this a suicide mission? Depends on what your talking about. Going to the castle is not. Fighting at Vidgrid in all likely hood is. As we told you in the briefing we will not win that battle, and the probability of surviving it is extermely low. You do not have to fight and it is best that you don't.

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Matt: Yeah, yeah, I know, sith are pretty tough, you probably didn't have a choice. But hey, from what I've seen so far it's fate. We can't catch a break. We go to a completely neutral colony, and Marin gets into some trouble, and now we come here, to your homeworld, what's supposed to be a walk in the park turns out to be a walk on hoth with Wampas running amok in the area.

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*Orthos stays silent*


Elella: You're not going to get rid of your father's spectre that way.


Orthos: What?


Elella: It's hanging over you. You've potential and a choice, and you can't help but wonder what it would feel like, permenant fusion to just one. Don't let your fear of becoming your father blind you into doing just that.

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As if waking from a deep slumber, Ritchet finally started moving, again. He was scared at first, when he opened his eyes. All he could see was white.


"I thought I'd come back already," he thought to himself. It was only when he saw the others walking ahead of the Silver Spider (Guy's Battle Mech) that he realized that they'd already left for their mission.


With a yawn, he turned to Guy. "Sorry I haven't been more alert. I had to visit my own universe, for a while...there were some...interesting things that I needed to speak with someone about. What have I missed?"

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Orthos: It seems at some point I'm going to have to make a choice about who I want to be. Trouble is...I just want to be me...and I'm afraid that's what Syrnl wanted to be when he made his choice those years ago.


Gortick: And what about about fusion? You never told me anything about that.


Orthos: Fusion is when a person physically becomes the avatar they carry. It's quite rare, but apparently I can do it.

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"Nothing of interest," Guy replied to Ritchet shortly.


Only crossing a slaughter-field. Fascinating. Will it be an entire limb this time? Two? Are you watching us right now, "T"?


"I don't like the sound of that, Orthos," Raschel said. "Physically becoming an avatar? What happens to you? And don't you have both evil and good avatars inside you?"


"I am also wondering about that myself," Aidan said in response to Matt's question. He held out his hand and caused blue-white lightning to dance around it. "Would using this be considered outside the rules of this battle?"

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Orthos: It's not permenant, and I still have control of myself...Deac said he'd done it a few times [That old godmoding thing I used to do...]...but that's why I'm afraid. It's no longer a choice of whether the fusion's gonna take place or not...but what I fuse with...

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Heimdall: Focus on the task at hand, questions about the rules of engagement can be asked and answered at the marshalling in five days.




*The group continued to march for hours until finally the sun was setting. Idona brings the group to a halt*


Idona: We camp here for the night, and leave at dawn.


*Idona, sets her pack on the ground and pulls out the shovel. Snapping it's handle into place Idona begins to dig into the snow. Heimdall and the other Aesir follow suit.


After digging for a little while Idona and the Other Aesir had holes about as long as their bodies and were deep enough so that when standing in them the top of the whole came up to their shoulders. They then pulled out a light weight trap and put them over the wholes effectively creating a makeshift tent. Part of the holes were left uncovered to act as entrance to them.*


Heimdall: Misea, You have the first watch tonight, begining when everyone goes to bed. I'll take over after two hours.

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((OSS: I'm going to do a genuine RM thing here whcih the other military types sould recognise, so just follow my lead.))


Hal: Right then.


*Hal selects a snow drift of considderable size and begins to dig out the side. He digs inwards and upwards creating a three sided hollow with a roof.*


Hal: I could use some help guys.

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