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Cantina 6: PTH Part V, Revenge

Admiral Odin

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Marin used her morph to dig a hole, then demorphed and covered it as the Aesir did. Misae, Aidan and Raschel dug their holes using shovels. Aidan and Raschel went over to help Hal after they had finished. Guy remained on his transport.


"What about the other watches?" Raschel asked. "Assuming we all need eight hours of sleep, that makes four two-hour shifts."


<I can take one,> Marin interjected. <Two hours is the time limit for staying in morph, though, so the next one up can't be late.>

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Heimdall: I only need to sleep for two hours a night, that is the main reason for me taking a six hour watch. Also tomorrow will be another day of marching so all of you are going to need plenty of rest. The next night someone else will take the first 2 hour watch and then I'll take the remaining eight.

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*Cracern followed suit towards Hal's idea. He used the snow which he 'dug out' to fortify and create a simple wall to keep out some wind a the same time he was forming the 'shelter'.


Sir-Vin stood on yet another looking draft away from most of the group looking at the vast snowland. The wind had picked up since eariler, there wasn't much to see but a nearly blank scene where a white sky meets a seemingly endless view of red.


Several minutes later he pulls out his lightsaber and jumps off of the drift and looks at the ground then at the craft itself. He finds a spot were the wind was blocked mostly and ignites his lightsaber.


He stabs the snow covered land with the saber and starts cutting in a circle. After he is done he steps back and uses the force to 'lift' the hunk of snow out of the 1 meter hole he created. He then repacks the snow around the hole, and jumps into it, performing the same task to dig it down deeper. Force jumping out and pulling the snow out, and repacking it, completing his own shelter in nearly less time then the rest.*

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Originally posted by Redwing

"Nothing of interest," Guy replied to Ritchet shortly.


Only crossing a slaughter-field. Fascinating. Will it be an entire limb this time? Two? Are you watching us right now, "T"?



Whether or not "T" was watching Guy, there was no doubt that someone else was. Two men, more than a mile away, watched the group dig their snowy shelters trhough magnification devices with a great deal of interest. They wore cold weather gear of a much higher design than the members of the party, but rode mechanical contraptions which on Earth would be known as Snowmobiles.


One briefly spoke to the other, and then they both turned and rode a few hundred meters away from the party, just behind a large snowbank where they, too, would make camp for the night.

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*Once the hole hollow was large enough Hal used the excess snow to make blocks, forming the fourth wall and dug an entrance through the drift.*


Hal: I hate to point this out now, but this shelter will take four people and we can easily dig another. We'll be better off if we share body heat and its very difficult to spot, almost impossible from the air.

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((Scar: How many times is it going to take before you realize you can't speak for me?


Currently I don't have a problem with it))



Heimdall: That is a good idea Hal, except our armor and the cold weather gear will keep everyone nice and comfortable. We dont' need to share body heat. Also by spreading out we reduce the risk that a single attack could take out a large portion of the group.


*Svafa standing up and looking around turns to Hal*


Svafa: Sight isn't the only way to find a target. The Fenris Brood, Heloki, and drakes also use scent and some other means.

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*Sir-Vin walks up toward Hal and Matt. Then smiles.*


Sir-Vin "Pardon, I'm not here to oppose. Hal, I was wondering if you'd want to have..."


*Sir-Vin pulls out a thick dark glass bottle.*


Sir-vin "A bit of a drink for a few moments?" *making the gesture to walk in a direction away from the others for a possible 'private discussion'*

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Guy remained silent, staying on his transport and saying nothing to the others, even Ritchet on his shoulder.


"Don't you need somewhere to sleep?" Raschel tentatively asked.




"Are you sure? Because..."




Raschel looked like she wanted to say something else, but thought better of it and wandered away.



Aidan took the firestarter kit from his pack.


"How long does this fuel last, and how hot does it burn?" he asked Heimdall.

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((Okay, switching back to something closer to my normal style, because this is taking too long to type. :D))


Aidan: Alright.


He heads back to his dug-out pit.




Time Skip: Thirty minutes Later[/align]


The group was asleep, and Misae had been watching over an hour. She was very tired. The strain on her mind was wearing her out too quickly.


She had been staring off into the dark for so long that her eyes began to invent shapes moving far off in the distance. If she had been anyone but a Jedi, she might have been fooled. But there were no presences to go along with the shapes, so she ignored them.


The whispers in her mind grew stronger.


You know, you have failed. The Dark has brought you here. The Dark has you.


I are weak...I am weak.


She looked out across the vast, empty, bloodstained plain. It and the darkness covering it seemed infinite.


There is no emotion; there is peace.

There is no ignorance; there is knowledge.

There is no passion; there is serenity.

There is no chaos; there is harmony.

There is no death; there is the Force.

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Some time Later ((Disclaimer: Discussed this with Red already))


*Heimdall was sleeping soundly in his hole when the very soft crunch of snow woke him, to soft to be that of Misea. Heimdall grew alarmed and grabed his sword which lay next to him. With the upmost care he poked his head out over his cover to see a dark shape crouching over the hole that Gerd selpt in. With out hesitating Heimdall grabs his dagger and with a flick of the wrist sent it flying.


The Dagger hit the beast at the shoulder. It head turns quickly looking at Heimdall with glowing yellow eyes. By then Heimdall, had left his hole and drawn his sword. The creature reached up pulling the dagger out of it's shoulder. It droped the weapon in the snow and beared it's fangs then with out warrning it suddenly jumps and races off leaving the campe site.


Heimdall moves quickly but quietly to where Gerd sleeped. The Tarp had already been removed but Gerd still lay sleeping uninjured. Heimdall crouches and picks up his dagger and scans the horizon. There was no sign of Misea, that was cause for some concern.


Moving over to where Svafa slept Heimdall whispered her name. Svafa woke instantly and grabed her weapon but stopped mid motion when she saw Heimdall.*


Heimdall *in a low voice*: Heloki are around. Wake Idun I'm getting Idona. I haven't seen Misea.


*Svafa nods grabs her weapons and heads towards Idun sleeping spot while Heimdall got Idona. A moment later the four nodded in agreement that Heimdall and Idona would look for Misea while Idun and Svafa watched over the others.


Idona took lead with Heimdall following her. Idona began at Misea hole and started tracing her steps as only an expert tracker can. They followed Misea's meanderings as she keeped guard. Finally after a handful of minutes they came upon a spot that was a little trampled and had a sheen of ice. Idona crouched by the ice to examine it and quickly determined that the ice was fresh blood that was frozen not to long ago.


Two minutes passed and Idona stood and turned to Heimdall*


Idona: They attacked Misea her, and they went *pointing in a direction* that way. It was a small party of four, well five including the one that went after Gerd.


Heimdall: We have until sunrise to find her.


*Idona nods and with out another word the two run off following the Heloki tracks. Ten minutes into their run the two came upon the Heloki gourging themselves on prey one of the beast clearly had a shoulder wound. Their weapons already drawn Heimdall and Idona charge the creatures who were to busy feasting to notice their approach.


The Heloki's first real warning of the two Aesir was Heimdall sword as it pierced the back of one of them and emerged through the stomach. Idona a fraction fo a second later with a deft swing sent the head of another flying to land a few yards away from it's owner.


The three remaining Heloki react quickly their claws glinting in the faint light of the night. With a hiss one charges Idona who quickly dispatches it. The other two seeing three of their comrades so quickly slain turn to flee. Heimdall again sends his dagger flying this time it lands in the throat of the Heloki with the shoulder wound. Idona followed suit except using her telescoping spear to impale the fifth.


After collecting their weapons Heimdall and Idona finally turned their attention to the prey whom Heloki were just feasting upon. The torn clothes identified the victim before they two even saw the face...It was Misea.


Heimdall crouched beside Misea body looking at the devistation the Heloki and wrought. Misea's neck was torn open a frozen pool of blood laid in a halo around her head, her left arm was ripped from the socket. The Heloki eating that arm apparently concentrated on teh forearm since only bone remained of that and there were teeth mark in the bone. Misea stomach was also ripped open, with entrails scattered apart.


As Heimdall's eye continued down Misea body he caught sight of her lightsaber still attached to her belt. She never even had the chance to defend herself...


Idona touched Heimdall's shoulder causing him to stand. He shook his head and let out a gentle sigh. He then took off his cloak and proceed to wrapped Misea's remains tightly in it.


About fifteen minutes later Heimdall and Idona returned to the group. Heimdall carrying Misea's body wrapped in his cloak while Idona carrined another smaller packaged wraped in her cloak.*

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*Sir-Vin was already awake at this time, standing guard near Idun and Svafa.


Cracern was awake too walking towards the three.*


Cracern "Whats going on? I thought I heard a beast?" *with a hand on his lightsaber*


*Sir-Vin was silent for a moment*


Sir-Vin "I don't sense Misae's presence..."

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((edit: Poor wildjedi. He's going to a tad confused when he gets back. :D


How about we assume that Tanara is just the silent type, and is heavy sleeper. ;)))



Guy awoke inside his transport to the smell of blood. With a grim, knowing feeling, he activated his transport's sensors.


Misae. No, not Misae...


There were no life signs present.


Misae's body.


He said nothing. Not a year ago, a vision might have warned him of something like this. But there were no visions now.


Raschel had awoken too, being a light sleeper, and pulled herself out of her hole.


Raschel: What's happening? *She looks around, seeing too many empty holes* Where is Misae?

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*Hal had awakened just as Heimdall and Idona left. He now stands with his sword drawn, point down in the snow and both hands resting on the pommel.*


Hal: "And when darkness covers stars/we will fall one by one/one by one."


Misae is dead and we do not have time to build her a pire, that is what has happened. I looked at the tracks, I don't recognize them. *Sees Heimdall and Idona.* What killed her?

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((OSS: THis deserves its own post :D))


Two Systems Away


*A Stardestroyer is preparing for hyperspace.*


*Inside claxons blare as the ship locks down, striding through the confusion, everyone makes way for one man. This man is over six feet tall, his leather boots seem to thunder like drums on the deck plates and the swish of his scale shirt is deafening, such is his presence. His golden hair and beard are braided and tied with leather thongs. His cloak and overtunic are forest green and he wears a wolf's pelt over his steel helm.*


*As this man passes ever Legionary, Auxilliary, pilot and technician nods to him, strides towards a shuttle surrounded by 24 Houegaurds in Blue or Green.*


Gaurd Captain: Marshal-General! The shuttle is ready and the crew is aboard, we await only the arrival of the lady.


???: Is his armour aboard?


G.C.: Yes, Marshal General!


???: Relax Captain, it's a Noblewoman's perogative to be late.


G.C.: Yes, Sir.


*Some time later a tall woman arrives in a furr lined cloak with the hood up.*


Woman: General, are we ready?


???: Yes, my Lady. We will arrive momantarrilly.

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*The three Starkillers [Easiest way of referring to them now, by that I mean Orthos, Gortick and Elella, even though only one is actually of the name] quickly race out to find out what has been going on*


Elella: She's...gone?

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Heimdall: The Heloki killed her and paid for it with their own lives.


*Heimdall walks to Misea's sleeping hole, the tarp was pulled aside. With Care he sets her body into the hole and climbs out*


Svafa to Hal: Your right we don't have time for a proper pyre but her sleeping hole will do.


*Idona set down her package and retrieved her pack.Rummaging through it she pulls out ten short light weight pulls that could be used in a storm to ancher the tarps to the ground. The poles fit together creating five longer ones.


Idona takes the poles and her cloak to five feet in front of Misea's sleeping hole. She then opened her cloak, letting the five heloki's heads tumble to the ground. Three had their jaws open exposing their blood soaked fangs. All of them had fur matted with Misea and thier own blood.


Idona picks up one of the heads and a pole and impales the head onto the pole. She then rams the pole into the ground. Idona repeats the process four more times creating a row of heads on makeshift spears. Once finished with her grim task she returns to the group.


Idun gently woke Gerd who had fallen awoken earlier but recently fallen back to sleep. Heimdall opens Misea's pack and pulls out the fire starting kit. Opening it up he pulls out a packaged with the image of a flame emblazend on it's side.


Svafa, Idona, Idun and Gerd Stand behind him as he opens the package and tosses the bluish bar into Misea's sleeping hole. The Bar lands on top of the cloak and almost instantly catches it on fire.*

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