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Cantina 6: PTH Part V, Revenge

Admiral Odin

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Idona: No, travel by day is the safest, that is why we began when we did. The Heloki are not a new development, we are lucky though since most of them are south by now.


*The flames had now coverd all of Misea's body. Heimdall pulls Misea's Lightsaber out of a belt pouch and looks at it*


Heimdall*looking into the fire*: The Heloki strike fast and are more dangerous then the Sith. Misea wasn't even able to draw her weapon. Constantly be on your guard and take nothing for granted until I reach the artifact.


If you can go back to sleep I'll keep watch for the remainder of the night.

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*By the time Idona had started the makeshift pyre, Marin had awoken as well. Aidan remained fast asleep in his stone form, a flicker of fire noticeable coming from his hole.*


Raschel: I don't believe this. She was a Jedi. What chance do the rest of us have?

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The tenseness in Guy's shoulder woke Ritchet, and as he rubbed his small, mouse eyes, he sleepily questioned what was happening, why everyone was up. Guy filled him in. For a moment, Ritchet tensed. Had Guy been able to see, he would have sworn that he saw Ritchet grow larger, more muscular, and more feral.




::Across the Ridge::


When the fire started, a sensor in the sleeping quarters of the two strangers awoke, bewildered. Seeing the time, they figured they'd had sufficient sleep, anyway, and moved outside their hole. They saw the funeral pire, and while they weren't too terribly concerned for their own hides, the decided that from now on, they'd set up automatic defenses while they slept.


They huddled together closely, and made up their minds. They'd have to be very careful if their plan was to work.


(OOC: Scar, what's saying these aren't the bad guys?)

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*Heimdall looks at Matt and tosses him Misea Lightsaber then he walks away from the pit.*


Heimdall: May it serve you better then it did it's old master.


*Idun pulls Gerd away and they walk to where Gerd slept. Svafa and Idona went back to their own holes.


Idona walked passed Hal*


Idona: Try to, tomorrow will be a long day and there is still five hours before dawn.

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*Sir-vin watches Heimdall's actions and keepsa respectful quiet for the rest of the makeshift funeral.


Cracern goes to Matt after he recieved Misae's Lightsaber.*


Cracern "Come on, you need your sleep more then anyone here..."

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((OOS: My fault, I said "makeshift" pyre. Since she is burning.


Matt: Since you have Misae's lightsaber now, note that it's got a teal blade.))



*Raschel looked around glumly. There was nothing left to say, so she returned to her hole and tried to go back to sleep.


Guy simply deactivated his transport again, having said nothing except a few words to Ritchet.*

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*The rest of the night went with out incidents, those of the group that could sleep did. The fire consumed Misea and died out leaving only ashes.


Once the fire died out Heimdall refilled the whole with the blood stained snow. As the sky lightened Heimdall began to wake those who were able to sleep. He began with the Aesir and moved on to the others.


At Dawn the Group began their march to the castle. The pace was hard, they had a lot of ground to cover before the sun set again.*

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((Heh, sorry ;)))


*Marin and Aidan hadn't woke up during the events of the night before, so both were well rested, if a bit shocked at Misae's death. Raschel, on the other hand, looked and felt exhausted. She kept up with the others doggedly.


There was no way to outwardly tell if Guy had slept, and he didn't look any worse than he had the previous day. On the other hand, he certainly didn't look any better. His face was pale and set, and he did not speak.*

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*Cracern felt bad, but he had a bit of confert that maybe it happened quick enough that maybe Misae might have not felt it.


Sir-Vin kept a bit normal pace, trying not to think that the possiblity of more bad things to come are still quite high...*

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