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Cantina 6: PTH Part V, Revenge

Admiral Odin

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*As Orthos walks, he thinks to himself*


And I was beginning to wonder if we were invincible. I guess we aren't. Heimdall keeps saying we're probably going to die in this quest. I wonder how I'll go?


Somewhere else, you've already gone. Think of that when you finally get a chance to change all of this

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((BD: Thanks. Time for fun))


*The Star Destroyer is hailed with a repeating droid message*


Droid: If you value your lives leave this star system at once. You are in grave danger.


*Just as the droid message was about to be repeated the four of the five drakes descended upon the Star Destroyer and the Shuttle. Three of the Drakes attack the Star Destroyer while the fourth went after the shuttle.


One of the three drakes attacking the Star Destoyer circle the ship spewing it's liquifiying fire onto the ship melting hull sections and exposing them to space. Another one of the drakes amused himself by ripping out weapons emplacement. While the third decided to perch itself on the command tower looking in at the bridge. That one also destroy sent fite at both of the shield domes (or the sensor domes depening on what you believe).


The Drake going after the shuttle quickly caught up to it and grappled on to it with it's sharp talons. With one claw it ripped away a good portion of the left stablizing wing while it's left leg destroyed one of the engines*




*The Sky clouded over and a gentle snow began to fall. It was the first snow that area had seen since the large battle. The gentle snow fall didn't stay that way for long. Snow began to come down faster and faster, then the wind picked up. The group soon found themsleves in the midst of a violent blizzard.


Idona pauses, reaches to the side her pack and takes out a coil of rope. She makes a loop at one end, puts the loop around her wrist and toses the other behind her towards the rest of the group*


Idona *shouting into the howling wind*: Grab hold of the rope, and don't let go while this storm lasts. You might want to loop it around your wrist so you don't accidently let go.


*The wind picked up again causing a white out. It lasts for only a couple of seconds before the group regained visibility.*

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*The SD's partical shields activate, sealing the hull, at the same time the hull is electrified. The SD rockets foward, sling shotting out of orbit at several thousand times the speed of sound. At the same instant the shield de-activates*


((Admiral give me some credit, at the very least the hull will tear and the drakes will be dislodged.))


*The shuttle executes a barral role while the top hatch opens. The Wolf's pelt warrior exits and faces the drake.*


???: Well, lets see how tough you are.


*At the same time the shuttle levels out long enough for 5 parachutes to exit from the foward ramp.*

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((BD: I am.))


*The Drake looks at the puny warrior, sends a ball of fire at the warrior. ((Remember the fire can't be put out by normal means, if it hits the warrior he basically has to discard the area it hit. Although I'm beating this warrior is Drago, his skin would burn without being consumed)).


The Other Drakes taking leave of the parting ship race down to Midgard to join their comrade. They spot the parachutes and head for them mouths wide looking for a tasty treat. As they pass the shuttle they take send more balls of fire at it. One hitting the bridge another at the base of the top fin, removing it from the shuttle. A Third hit the shuttle fuel supply and quickly ate through it...*

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*Aidan and Raschel take hold of the rope as well, Raschel ending up on the very end*


Raschel: Marin? Guy?


Guy: My transport will automatically follow your life signs without outside help. Unless of course you all die.


Marin: <My morph can sense you without the rope. ...Don't worry.>

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*Hal takes hold of the rope.*


Hal: Better safe than sorry.




*The Parachutests disengage the shutes and plummet to earth. At the last second their decent slows and they touch down. Two of the gaurds hussle the woman into the trees while the other two drag a respolser sled with a PERSONNAL SHIELD GENERATOR after them.*


*On the shuttle the warrior intercepts the fire with his shield. The fire simply slides off the mutlifaceted, shimmering surface. A pulse of powerful kinetic energy emits from his right hand a moment later, blasting into the Drake. The Warrior jumps off the shuttle and curls into a ball.*


((FYI, Admiral, Drago can be harmed but he regenerates. Not very fast though, a missing limb would take several months to heal at least, unless he has the old limb to re-attach, in which case it takes a few minutes. You get the idea.))

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((BD: the fire wouldn't simply slide off the shield it would melt it...))


*The Drake pushes off the the shuttle, the kinetic blasts doing it no harm. The shuttle explodes shortly aftwards. The Drake sends a parting fire ball at the tumbling warrior before heading after it's comrades.


The other three drakes ocntinue to pursuee the their prey. Two send fire into the trees creating an inferno while the third sends fire at the sled destroying it and the shield generator. (And most likely wounding the guards).


The Drakes circle the burning forest ready to go in for the kill when three more drakes join the fray. These new drakes had their wings folded back and came diving downwards extermly fast. They open their mouths and launch balls of fire, not at the forest but at the evil drakes.


The new drakes take the evil ones surprise and knock one to the ground, the other three manage to evade the fire balls, and broke off their hunt to attack the newcomers. The fight was a scene of slashing claws, bites and the occasional ball fo fire.


Then there was a deafening roar that reverberating across the land (group would hear this). At the roar the three evil drakes fighting the newcomers suddenly broke off and flew south. The fourth one seemed to weakly stand and took flight also going south. The new drakes landed in a triangle at the edge of the forest. The drake that the apex of the triangle spoke in a deep voice in a alien language.


The inferno that was consuming the forest and soon the warriors and the women Spun upwards into the atmostsphere and then into space. A Tree was left burning to provide them with enough warmth so they wouldn't freeze to death. (Remember that with out protection you will freeze to death in under an hour).


On a hill taking all of this in was Ragnar and two other Beserks. Behind them was a transport*

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*Cracern grabing on the rope, kept looking forward, but there was nothing much to see but the backs of who was ahead of him.


Sir-Vin with his left hand wraped around the rope, and his right holding his cloak closed tight, his head down and deep in his hood.*

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((Admiral, Dragon scales. Had you partaken in the Mrear RPGs you would have seen Drago use this shield to block magical fire from a god. Also the Kinetic energy blast is like being hit with a club the size of a house, so it should have had at least knocked the Drake a bit.))


*The two House Gaurds with the woman are unharmed, the other two lie dead, prostrate over the cargo sled, shielding the contents.*


*The gaurds where thick tunics and furlined cloaks, under their uniforms they wear microfibre body suits, as they stand they rap thermal scarves around their heads. The Woman does not seem to be effected by the cold.*


*The warrior lands lightly on one knee and stands, he walks over to the remains of the sled and drags out a box roughly 3 1/4 feet square and a foot deep. The box had been shielded by the rest of the sled and was only scorched.*

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((BD, while you are probably right about the first part, I'm not so sure getting hit by a house would faze any of the drakes. Although Admiral can certainly say better than I. :)


Will post in a bit...or I might just wait for Admiral to move things along ;)))

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Originally posted by Redwing

((BD, while you are probably right about the first part, I'm not so sure getting hit by a house would faze any of the drakes. Although Admiral can certainly say better than I. :)


(OOS: That is honestly the first time I've ever seen anyone use the words "Hit by a house" in a serious sentence. Sorry for the spam, but I thought that was funny.)

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((Drakes are not Dragons :) BD, and the fire they breath has the Futhark in it so shield would still be damaged. And Getting hit by a house doesn't phase them. Keep in mind 5 destroyed the entire Aesirian Defensive fleet. They were hit by items far more powerful))


*The Lead Drake turns to Ragnar and speaks in the forgien tongue. Ragnar answers in the same tongue. THe Drakes extend their wings and lift themselves into the air and fly North.


Ragnar and the other two Beserks approach the woman and her escrots*


Ragnar: You are trespassing on these lands, as such I have every right to kill you where you stand. Now Identify yourselves.



((There is going to be a slight time descrepancy between this scene and the group. Once this scene is over the time descrepancy will be over. Reason: I want to keep the main story going and well people saying, My character marches is boring so...))



*The group march through the blizzard with white outs common. After a number of hours the blizzard finally let up and snow began to fall gently again revealing Castle Ida sitting upon a cliff. Details couldn't really be made out yet. They continued on pausing only breifly for lunch. By night fall the castle loomed over them.*


Heimdall: Raschel, Orthos you have the first watch. Wake me in two hours. We assualt the castle six hours from now.

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((Admiral, fare enough but I still gets points for making a good argument, don't I?))


*Drago looks forlornly at the deep pits in the face his shield. (Its all you're getting, Admial :D) he then turns to beserks and removes his helmet.*


Drago: I am Tarnac Dralson, the Dragon.

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Raschel: *to Aidan* Thanks, but no thanks. I'll take my own responsibilities. Besides, I can practically feel my 'second wind' coming already...


Besides, it's not as if I have anything to offer in a fight, do I? It won't matter how tired I am...my brain and my piloting reflexes are useless here, in this world, in this world where a Jedi can die without having a chance to draw her lightsaber.


Aidan: Alright. Just offering.


*Opting to dig another hole, unlike the others, he wanders off a short distance to start. Raschel sits, and Orthos sits next to her*


Raschel: Who would have predicted any of this? What we did in the Wraiths...everything we accomplished in our old lives...it all seems pointless now. All our life works, wiped away in one fell swoop.


*She looks at Orthos*


Raschel: What if we hadn't won the Galactic Civil War? What if we had failed to build the New Republic? What if we had both died as Wraiths, killed by Vader, your father, or the Emperor? Would any of this be any different? Would the only change be that someone else would be sitting here in this bloody snow, watching shadows in the dark?

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((Well the shield is useless now anyway. :(:D ))


Drago: These two are Legionary Gaurdsmen. *Gestures to the two soldiers, accepting a standard shield from one, as well as two halves of a longbow and a retracted vibrolance.* As to our being here, I simply follow orders, My Lady has the purpose.


*The lady drops her hood, she has clear, floorless skin, delicate features and large green eyes flecked with green and gold. Her hair falls to her waist and is worked in an elaborate braid, it is light brown, streaked with dark blond and golden threads have been woven into it. She is young, no older than 25 and quite simply one of the most beutiful women in existence.*


Lady: I am Lady Allessa Relinion and my betrothed is on this planet.




*Hal sits on the snow and enters a regenerative trance.


((BAMM! BD wins the prize for the least expected plot twist. :p ))

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