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Cantina 6: PTH Part V, Revenge

Admiral Odin

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Aidan: My people were cliff dwellers. All I need are my claws and my wings.


*He leaps onto the cliff face, digs his claws into the stone, and begins climbing. Marin simply morphs and takes to the air.


Guy's transport moves its front legs upwards and inwards, its middle legs outwards, and its back legs outwards and downwards, and climbs spider-like onto the cliff face, using jets to stabilize itself when appropriate.


Raschel puts on her harness and begins climbing after the others after the Aesir go*

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*At the top of the cliff there was a small ledge and then the wall of the castle itself. The wall was heavily battered and a portion of it had collapsed. Idona lead the group through the wall and into an outer courtyard. The beauty of the place was destroyed during the attack. Now all that really remained was rubble. Although the Keep was still intacted although there were some holes in the walls revealing the interior.


Idona took them through the outer courtyard and pass a gate house and into the inner courtyard. Remains of trees, burnt grass and fountains could be seen all suggesting that the Castle was beauitful.


They head towards the keep staying in the shadows with weapons drawn.(The Aesir at least)*

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*Drago turns to the gaurds and Allessa.*


Drago: *While removing his sword belt.* I will go in alone, I would not allow dishonour to fall on you or your men, my Lady.


*Allessa bristles.* They should not dishonour you either, Dralson.


Drago: It is their way and this is their land. *He shrugs.*


*Drago has finished removing his weapons.*


1 Longsword

1 12 inch dagger

1 Small battle axe

Both halves of his firebow

1 Quivver (30 arrows)

1 Retracted vibro lance.

1 Shield


*Drago enters the room, once the door closes he drops onto his left knee, right fist pressed to the ground, laft palm pressed to his right hip, where his sword hilt would be.*


Drago: My Lord Vidar Odinsson, I apolagise for the manner of my arrival and that of my companions, It was felt that the nature of our mission was such that our reaching the planet was paramount. I submit myself to your judgement and ask your forgiveness.


*He remains kneeling, head bowed.*


((OSS: Just incase you were wondering this is the form of address Drago uses, check his own real name. He dropped an "s" after people started using proper surnames on Mrear.))

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((BD: just for your informations the Vidar's full name is Vidar Odinson. Same for Heimdall, Try etc. Just a side note Svafa full name is Svafa Odindottir))


*outside the door Ragnar shakes his head at Allessa and her guards*





*Vidar looks at Drago for a moment before speaking*


Vidar: Get up (again assuming he does). I am willing to over look your tresspassing. However, there is but one transport off of this world, and while Hal has a spot on it, you, Allessa and her guards do not. Futhermore, I am not inclined to provide any of you with a spot on the transport. This is impartly do to Allessa reactions to certain events and more importantly it means that I could have to leave some of my men behind. Now you can try to defend her reactions but you will most likely fail, it would be best if she defended herself. Your choice.


I also want to know why I should help you at all. Again this would probably be best to come from Allessa, and before you ask she would have to disarm just like you did.

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((Admiral: Is that the old Norse From of the patromonic? I'm using the Swedish with an extra s.))


Drago: She would not be willing to defend herself to you, my Lord. She views herself as your equil and she would not suffer herself to be disarmed at any rate.


Our motivation in coming here is to retrieve Halren Flax. His destiny lies apart from all this, he must be reminded of that. What remains of their people are scattered and leaderless. The darkness is deccending on the galaxy and every form of dark spawn ever created has reared its ugly head. Before coming here I lost 200 men in a battle with an Ork Legion. If I cannot bind what remains of these people together the galaxy will be overrun long before your brother and the others complete their quest.


Lady Allessa was promised to Halren Flax long before the arrival of that cursed Cracken and his New Empire. By Law Allessa is the only Noble, other than Halren, who can command the others to stop bickering and unify them.


You know enough of their customs, a woman cannot lead a house, therefore she must marry. She is fixed on Halren, if he had been declared lost she could have married another man, but she would not. I have to either marry them or recover Halren to lead his people.


The Last two Flax Legions and the Auxilliaries of the House will follow me but I need whats left of the other Houses if I'm to hold back the tide long enough.


*Hal has unsheathes his sword and creaps along, pressed to the wall, deep in shadow.*

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((No that is swedish, I use it for my "A Dream of Asgard" mod, and carried the convention over))


*Vidar shook his head*


Vidar: Have you recently become the Court Jester? I want to get this straight. You believe it is more important to remove Hal from a quest to save the entire galaxy so that he can lead a small army with absolutely no hope of holding back the tide that is about to be unleashed? You may have been given the illusion that you were doing such but if 200 men is a costly loss for you then it was nothing more then an illusion.


As far as Allessa is concerned, she can think she is my equal but I do not have the time for an arrogant woman who is angered so easily at some minor inconviences. As it stands I will not give you a spot on the transport or aid you in any manner.


Again I suggest you bring her in here and let her try, or you can try again. I do assure though you have no hope of holding anything back after this battle.

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Drago: *Sigh.* My Lord, I am in an impossible position. I have 12,000 Legionaries and 22,000 Auxilliaries. 20 Fighter Squadrons and a few beat up crusiers, at the moment. The "loyal" houses number at least six times that.


I have to keep as many of these people alive as possible for as long as possible, that is my sworn duty. Halren Flax may continue this quest, as long as I can have proof of his marriage to Lady Allessa.


In the abcence of Lord Flax I am Marshal-General, the Gaurd Generals of the other Houses will follow me, but only if I have the First Lord's backing. That is why I need Halren Flax.


All I need is to marry these two children and have them sign orders so that, at the least, I can lead these people to their doom swords first. If the quest succeeds then these people will be saved, if not then they will die, fighting. These two are the means to make their sacrifice mean something.


You are going to lead your people in a battle they can not win. Fighting those battles is worth it if you hurt your enemy, if you slow him down. The war was in full flow when the Crimson Star was destroyed. A large amount of the Military was preserved in remote systems or in transit. If I can bind what remains of the Houses together I think I can unify some of the other martial elemants. No one can stop this flood but we can slow it down.


((OSS: For more technicalities of Drago's problem and how he's trying to solve it check the discusion thread.


P.S. Admiral I thought it was Dotter *shrug* my bad.))

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Vidar: That is all fine, but you have no way off of this world, so regardless if you get them to marry you still fail unless you can leave by flapping your arms.


You have said nothing that compells me to leave up to four of my men behind so that you and your companions could leave. You should have thought about that before even attempting to land. If you think you will simply call back your Star Destroyer, or another transport I assure that the Drakes will out right destroy it this time and not play around.




*The Group reaches the keep with no signs of life in the castle. Idona leads them down what use to be ornate passages to a sealed door. The door was heavily damaged and had numerous marks showing that people had tried and failed to open it. When Idona reached it, she pressed a hand against the wall and the door opened slowly and stopped half way. It was wide enough for the group pass through but just barely.


Behind the door was a stair case that wound upwards. As the group climbed the passed through more security doors, finally coming to the Gate itself*

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Aidan: Am I the only one thinking this is far too easy?


Raschel: I would have said the same if Misae were still here...


*Aidan looks embarassed and doesn't reply*


Marin: <The fourth gate...>


What will we find when we open it this time?


Marin: <Heimdall, you have the key, right?>

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*Heimdall takes the key form a pouch on his belt and touches the key to the seemless door. A central vertical seam appears and the gate slowly opens. Revealing an empty room with the exception of a lone man in blue and silver armor and a long table with nothing on it.


Heimdall looks closely at the man and lowers his sword.*


Odin: Welcome everyone. I am Odin, or rather the image of Odin and am the guide for this part of the quest. I may say you are running a litle behind then what I had thought. Best pick up the speed if you want to succeed.


Now please come in and place all of your weapons on the table. You won't be needing them.


*Heimdall glances at Idun. She gives him a nod confirming that this image of Odin, could be trusted.


Heimdall, and the other Aesir enter the room and begin placing their weapons on the table.*

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*Cracern walks over to the table and begins putting the few 'sith' lightsabers, then placing his dual sabers a bit separate from them.


Sir-vin wiats a bit before taking out his saber and places it on the table also. After a moment of thinking about it, he reaches to the middle of his back and he takes out his first saber that he had before the group had been given the mithril armour.*

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Drago: I would be willing to ceede these forces to your overall command. They would number in excess of 250,000 ground troops, as well as the Capital ships to transport and support them and fighter compliments for all the ships.


As to how much space we would take up, I expect we will need only one seat. You can picle me or store me with the frozen meat, provided I have an anasetic beforehand and someone's there to defrost me. The House Gaurds are as likely to die in the battle as any of your warriors.


My Lord, before you say that we should not take part in your battle, I have nothing to loose and those two men outside could not be turned from battle if it were absolute certain death.


*Outside one of the gaurds checks the charge on his blaster carbine, while the other examines the edge of his axe.*


((Pause deliberate:D))

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Vidar: I will consider your offer to ceede these forces. For now this is what will happen. I'll provide a single room for all of you to stay in until my brother and his comrades return. You will have access to the outside but must stay within 100 feet of the door. You will not be allowed to move in this base without an escort an then only to areas I approve. There will be guards positioned by both the interior and exterior entrances.


As far as meals are concerned, you will eat with my soldiers. However, they come first so even if you arrive before anyone else you will wait until my soldiers are feed then you may get some food.


Now with the transport your names are at the end of the list. If enough to survive to fill the transport before you and your companions then you will be left behind. Furthermore, your name is in front of Allessa, if there is a spot available on the Asgardreid it will go to you first, and if you try an switch both of you will be left behind.


Those are my terms and I will not negotiate. Now I suggest you inform your companions and have a talk with Allessa. Her arrogance, and inability to handle little inconvencies without becoming angry makes her to be of little use to me. Now you are dismissed.

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