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Missing air units at official site


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This is the kind of stuff that i really hate. correct me if i am wrong, but i know there are some units missing on some of these factions. For instance, i think we all should know that the MAF will be in. I also saw in the planet video for geonisis (near the end with in the background behind the Spider droid) one of those gunship-type vehicles flying off from a drop off, but im not sure these will be playable.

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Good. Im glad to have someone siding with my part for a change. Oh, and sorry, the clone gunship is the fighter that has the space underneathe for passengers. It cant hold vehicles beneath it. It has some other name like LATCC/1 or something like that, and i think the vehicle moving one should have a "nickname" to. What other air units could they be missing? Oh, and i think they might not have been adding to battlefront as much because the had been working on the new flash sight. Maybe with a little luck, theyll start adding on weekly again.

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true, but the imperial shuttle should be able to hold many people inside. It could easily transport them here to theere in recordd time. Also they are missing the MAF, and that was gaurunteed to make it. If you check the vehicles section of swbattlefront.net, you can see that it has alot of the units we diddnt see in thee official sight, like the shuttle.

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Dude, i think you are thinking of the landing craft...wait..oh, no your not i just remembered starwars rougesquadron II, There is a level with tthe shuttle. It has two cannons in front of the wing pivots and an automatically aiming rear turret. Yeah the shuttle would be pretty cool. The gunship, though, would work better, because you get to transport people, and you get all those individually manned gun pods. picture this: You run around with your little clone squad, when you come across a gunship. you climb inside , and your clone buddies load into the turrets. You, as pilot, take off and start looking around to assist any allies, when suddenly you spot a firefight with six clones and a spiderdroid. You know the fight is hopeless, So you swoop down on them for a quick pickup. They greatfully load into the passenger area, and zip 200 feet in the air, where you bombard the spider droid with your cannons, and it explodes in a firey flash.

You begin your approach to a command post, wheaving in and out off enemy fire, where you drop off your clone passengers. You continue on patrol.


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I wouldn't count to much on the shuttle. The said something a looong time ago, and since then nothing. They possibly put it in the same place as the Imperiol officer: the trash can.


And I haven's seen at least one screenshot with the maf on it. It would be cool to have one, but I wouldn't count on it.


You have to consider the possibility this are the only ones in the game.

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Originally posted by Hex_is_me

true, but the imperial shuttle should be able to hold many people inside. It could easily transport them here to theere in recordd time. Also they are missing the MAF, and that was gaurunteed to make it. If you check the vehicles section of swbattlefront.net, you can see that it has alot of the units we diddnt see in thee official sight, like the shuttle.




yeah but with no weapons all those ppl inside will have no chance to defend themselfs

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An imperial shuttle could mean major trouble. The Rebublic Gunship aleast has some really good weapons while shuttle is slow and lacking a good defenese. This is why they are so easily pinned down in every game it was ever in. Not to mention the amounts of tickets that could be lost from the shuttle being shot down by a single person because of all the people inside and no way to defened itself. This is also a perfect way for lamers and team killers to get under your skin by loading up a shuttle and then crashing it. The shuttle would just get in the way or never used. Looks good from the stand, but take a swing at it and you find you got more then what you barganed for.

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Originally posted by Hex_is_me

Dude, i think you are thinking of the landing craft...wait..oh, no your not i just remembered starwars rougesquadron II, There is a level with tthe shuttle. It has two cannons in front of the wing pivots and an automatically aiming rear turret. Yeah the shuttle would be pretty cool. The gunship, though, would work better, because you get to transport people, and you get all those individually manned gun pods. picture this: You run around with your little clone squad, when you come across a gunship. you climb inside , and your clone buddies load into the turrets. You, as pilot, take off and start looking around to assist any allies, when suddenly you spot a firefight with six clones and a spiderdroid. You know the fight is hopeless, So you swoop down on them for a quick pickup. They greatfully load into the passenger area, and zip 200 feet in the air, where you bombard the spider droid with your cannons, and it explodes in a firey flash.

You begin your approach to a command post, wheaving in and out off enemy fire, where you drop off your clone passengers. You continue on patrol.



You have good strategy.The shuttle is probably going to be or already has been gotten rid of though.If it was in it would be in screenshots by now.I guess we will have to wait.

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Originally posted by tFighterPilot

Don't pretend you're a Star Wars geek :mad:


"Around the survivors, a perimeter create!"

Now who´s the geek? :dozey:


And on the topic of ships, the site does need a bit of an update on em ;)

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