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Godmode War


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"I guess your Trent then. It's just I heard your names, but I didn't work out who was who. But I guess your Tara." he said turning to the woman.


"And, knowlage?" he asked, "What do you mean? How do you know how to change the play type?" then he realised, "are you the creator or something?"

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Tara nodded when Adam asked if he had gotten her name correctly. Then, she smiled at his questions.


"Not quite the creator, no," she answered. "I was once a programmer. In that position, I was good friends with the creator and he shared nearly everything with me. Then, some other programmers shut him out of his own game and told me not to come around any more. I've been watching the action inside the game ever since."

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"No," Tara said sadly. "I had no control over any of it. If I did, this game would still be played as it was meant to be."



"It still can," a voice announced. Tara's face paled as she spun to face the newcomer. With a cry of surprise and joy, she threw herself into his arms, nearly upsetting both of them.


"Take it easy, Tara!" he exclaimed. "I'm back."


"Jack!" she said, almost completely ignoring his statement. "I don't understand. How did you get back in?"


"Programmers know a lot about this game," he answered slowly. "But they don't know everything. They thought they'd stopped up all the holes I could possibly get in through, but they don't know everywhere to look."


Tara suddenly remembered everybody else. "Oh, I'm sorry. Everybody, this is Jack Robeson, the creator of the game."


"Jack, these are people who have agreed to help me put things back the way they should be. They are Trent, Jokemaster, and Adam." She looked at Troezen's body and said, "That was Troezen. He died not long ago."


"It's a good thing death in the game does not mean death in the real world," Jack said. "When everything is back to normal, we'll go find him in the real world."

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"Now, I don't know loads programming, but I've seen the matrix enough times to know that you could get in via a back door system now, why couldn't you during programming and stop the systems? Or, why didn't you step in during the advertising campaign?"

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"In those stages, the game was progressing as I had planned," Jack explained. "It was only after it had been brought online that the other programmers attempted to lock me out. It's taken me this long to get back in, even though I know all about the game."

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Jack laughed and caught the pistol. "You'd better hope so!"


He ran off to his left and Tara followed him, withdrawing the same device she had used before. When he reached the foot of a little hill, she pressed a few buttons and Jack ran straight into the hill, disappearing from view entirely.


"You'd better follow him while the passage is still open," Tara told the others. "I can't go, so I'll see you again when you reach the programmer headquarters."


With this, she ran off in a different direction.

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Adam walked into the tunnel. He stopped at the entrance. Trent, Jokemaster and Jack were infront of him and Tara had run off.


"Hey, you guys, what about him?" he said pointing to the dead body of Troezen. "Are you just going to leave him there? From what you said, he was a great help, your just going to leave him?"


He walked back out of the tunnel and looked down on the body. "It looked like he died in a lot of pain. Your sure he's still alive?"


Just then a group of people, about five of them, ran into the tunnel.

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"you guys go ahead, i'll deal wiht these morons, i'll catch up later." Trent unsheathed both his katanas and charged at the invaders. he came at them slicing and killed one right of the start, he sliced another's arm off and peirced anothyer one through the stomach, thye drew thier swords, but trent killed 2 more before they could get thier sowrds out. he went on for 15 more minutes dodging,slicing and blocking.

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Jack pressed forward, nearly running through the narrow tunnel. Off to the left and to the right, there were other tunnels, but Jack paid no attention to them. Finally, he stopped, glancing to his left and then to his right. He looked back.


"We're making a turn," he said. "Has Trent caught up yet?"

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