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Godmode War


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"I wouldn't do that if I where you!" said Adam. "It doesn't like tea."


He got Trent's katanas and got ready to fight. "You realised, Jack, that I'm one of the programmers that kicked you out. I was working behind the lines, I was the one who was running the show. I am the head programmer."


He ran to the door Tara had gone through, he shut it and locked it. "AI lock it!" the doors locked with electric bolts going up and down it. It had five doors, all with the electricity going through it.


"AI, terminate her" several robots with AI apeared in the room. ((Wildjedi, you can describe them - just make them talented in killing Tara))


"Now Jack, Jokemaster - i'll sort you out"


He threw the two katanas at Jokemaster and got the double ended sword and got ready to fight.

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((Out of curiosity, guybroom, what makes you think Tara's going to die here? I like her character and am not willing to give it up yet. :confused: ))



Jack nodded slowly at Adam's remarks. "I remember you."


"Care to tell me why you want us dead?"


((Oohhh... I just had an awesome idea... something that's going to happen to Tara here in a minute.:D ))

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((I don't think that tara's going to die, but the AI are meant to kill her and therefore I said make them talented at killing her, because that's what they were meant to do))


"I thought you would remember me when I reaveal myself." he said.


He held up the sword "do you know what this says? It says - 'The one true maker shall weild this sword.' Can you weild this?"


He threw the sword to Jack and picked up the katanas from the ground.

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((Ah, I get it now.))


Jack caught the sword and smiled. "Fits in my hand better than any others... after all, it was made for me."





Tara spun around at the sound of the door slamming shut. "That's not good."


She rushed over to a computer console and began to work. Then, the robots appeared. All of them were several feet taller than Tara was, but she was the Swordmaster. Who could defeat her? Though she knew they were approaching, she continued to work at the computer console.


"Come on..." she muttered. One robot took the lead and approached Tara. With a scream of rage, Tara whipped one of her swords out and cut at the robot, her other hand still on the console. The robot's sword came down on the console and a very strange thing happened. Tara disappeared!


Then, with a scream, she reappeared on the other side of the room. "No!" she cried. She understood what had happened. In every game, there are non player characters, NPCs. She had become one of these!


"Ok, you lousy hunk of metal," she growled, observing the robot who had destroyed the console. "I'll get you now."


A fight commenced, but without being real, Tara had a disadvantage. The robot managed to cut into her and she cried out in pain, dropping to the ground. Then, everything went black.


Mere seconds later, she reappeared in an entirely different area. There was a fight going on here and she entered it, using only her hands. She wrenched a sword away from somebody who was using it and cut him down with it. Another laughed and said, "He got cut down by an NPC!"


"Got that right," Tara growled, going for him. In seconds, she had two swords again. She looked around, checking her position. She was not far from the programmer's control room. When she got back, she'd have to find another console to work from.

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((if tara's an NPC does that mean that she can't control her actions?))


"You say the nicest things" he joked to Jokemaster.


He ran towards Jack and kicked his hands and stabbed his stomach with both katanas. He knew it would not kill him, but it would give him and extra second or two.


Adam pulled out the katanas and got ready to block anything that came towards him.

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((Sort of... but the game's AI really wasn't too happy about your reprogramming him. So it is that he's helping us behind your back... as much as possible... that includes allowing the Tara NPC to act as Tara would in this situation. Eventually, the AI will help them get Tara back the way she's supposed to be.))

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((Time for another amusing twist.))


Tara had once again found an entrance to the programmer base and reached for the handle. "Oh, the joys of being a part of the program... things that players can't access are accessible to me!"


She opened the door and went through, only to run into... herself?


"Can I guess that you're the real Tara Lake?" the NPC asked. Tara nodded angrily.


"You got that right," she said, raising one sword. The NPC ducked and screamed, "I'm on your side!"


Tara paused. "What?"


"The AI knew, based on your position and speed when you'd get here," the NPC answered. "He created me to meet up with Jack and the others since you'd not be able to get there in time."


"Clever," Tara muttered. "But the head programmer would have known, wouldn't he?"


"Maybe," the NPC said thoughtfully. "But perhaps not. He seemed to think I was you when I first saw him."


"Please tell me Jack isn't fighting him now," Tara groaned. The NPC nodded wordlessly. Tara's eyes flashed angrily. "Take me to the battle. Now."


The NPC nodded and led the way.





Meanwhile, Jack thrust his sword toward Adam's stomach.

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(sorry been away for a bit)


Trent was about to shoot at adam when a bunch of mechs and gunmen came running around the corner.

"you guys take him, i'll hold off this bunch!" Trent said, he raised his pistols waited for them to get close enough, then trent started shooting at them. what looked like a mad random shooting was actually a controled aimed sniping, trent hit everything he wanted to, programmers, heads, mech's control panels, and within 2 minutes there was a pile of mechs and programmers, trent ejected the clips and put in new ones.


"impressive, but i bet you can't beat me." Trent turned around to see a man with 2 barettas as well.

"we shall se." Then they both started shooting at each other, dodging and jumping out of the way.

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The real Tara stopped suddenly and the NPC looked back at her, a little confused. "Is something wrong?"


Tara laughed and shook her head. "Oh, no. Nothing's wrong. I just had an idea. The programmer saw you run through the door to the control room. From what you've told me, he thinks you're still in there. Now how would it be if I looked like you?"


"I don't understand," the NPC said, confused. Tara smiled.


"It's simple," she said. "You're entirely wet, suggesting that you went through water to get in here. You're also clothed entirely in black. I'm not dressed in black or wet... but I can be."


"What confusion that will cause," the NPC said, grinning. Tara called for the AI.


"Give me black pants and black gloves," she told him. In seconds, her jeans were replaced by black ones and black gloves were on her hands. She took off her gray shirt, revealing the same black tank top her NPC was wearing. "Care to show me to a river?"


Mere minutes later, Tara and her NPC looked exactly alike, right down to the swords they held.


"Now we're ready," she said. The NPC took the lead again and they came to a closed door. On the other side, they heard the sounds of a fight and Tara turned to the NPC. "Wait here until the programmer says something along the lines of, 'But you're in there!' and points to the control room. Then, come out and say what we agreed on."


The NPC nodded, her eyes sparkling with laughter that did not come out of her mouth. Tara opened the door and stepped through. Adam's back was facing her and she cleared her throat softly. All other fighting stopped.


"Hello, Programmer," Tara growled.

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((Wildjedi - the idea you PMed me was fine))


Adam dropped the katana that was in his left hand and ducked under the katana that was put to his stomach. He rolled and picked it up the falled katana.


He stood up and saw tara walk in. Trent and Jokemaster were talking about breakdancing zombies. Adam was not paying any attention to them as he was so confused about Tara's strange apperance.


"You're suppost to be in that room dead." he said pointing to the room, still with the electric bars on. "Oh well, no matter, I'll kill you anyway."


Then he paused and jumped back as another Tara walked in.


"AI, what's happened here?" he called


The AI responded with a laugh and then spoke "I didn't like you reprogramming me, so now I'm returning the favour. You can die like you killed my programming."


((This shouldn't be char control with the NPC because it's non playable, which means anyone can control it - like the AI. Correct me if I'm wrong))

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Adam got on to the floor and rolled under the bullets. He went into a state of mind, where he could tell everything that was going on in the program and he could see the bullets whis past his head.


He rolled to Trent and kicked his knees in, then he stabbed Trent in the chest. All this took less than half a second.

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((Well, I had a specific idea for this scene... I think I can still do it...))




The NPC laughed at Adam's surprise.


"You saw me walk in there," she said. Then, she approached him, removed a sword from his hand, shook his hand, and said, "Hi. I'm an NPC of Tara. Welcome to betrayal of a thing you programmed... or should I say, reprogrammed?"


Then, she put his sword back and stepped away.


The real Tara turned to the NPC and gave her an order. The NPC nodded and ran out of the room, hunting for another computer console. Then, Tara turned back to Adam.


"Did you really think any of your AI controlled robots could kill the Swordmaster?" she reprimanded softly. She drew both of her swords at once. "Even with his sword, that of the creator of the game, Jack cannot beat me. So far, it seems you're doing nothing to him."

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Trent fell to his knees and looked at the sword in his chest, he glanced up at tara, then fell over and died for the sword had peirced his heart.


Name: Irit Clon

Age: 33

Description: Short skinny, wears all black and is very stealthy.


Irit had been captured by the programmers because he knew to much of the game and how it infiltrate it proeprly, he sat in a room when a door appeared and a man stepped through, irit, jumped at the man and they both flew back through the door.

"impossible! you were demoralized!"

"hah, you know nothing of demoralizing!" Irit punched the man's head in and ripped his brain out, thne sneaked off down a hallway.


Irit came apon a pill of mechs and programmers and looked ahead, and he saw a man fall to his knees then die, with a sword in his chest. irit took one of the programmers silenced walters, and snuk down the hallway.

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((guybroom... did you just kill off the Tara NPC? If so, edit your post, she ran out of the room. She's not there any more. :p ))



Tara smirked. "You're confident in your skills. So you killed Trent. You've not yet been tested against the Swordmaster."


She drew both of her swords, holding them ready. Jack frowned and took a step back, giving Tara and Adam room to fight. He motioned for the others to do the same.

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((Sorry I've edited))


Adam swung his katanas around, showing of his skill with them and then he walked over to Tara.


"You're right, I have not been tested against the sword master. But there is something you must know: you can control your swords, but I can control the programe, you have no chance."

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"There are elements of the program that you could never control," Jack said softly. "For example, I have authority to shut the game down with nothing but my voice. This is what the Tara NPC did when she left. She went straight to a computer console and restored that power to me."


"I have to second the command, but we're not going to end just yet," Tara added. "Fight the Swordmaster. Fight the Creator. Then, we will end the game."


Tara thrust one sword toward Adam's stomach and at the same time swung the other sword around toward his head.

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"of course, brother, you know everything." Irit said "let me correct you, beat The Swordmaster, beat The Creator, beat The Sibling, then you can end it." Irit said with a smirk "yes i changed my name and altered my looks, but you know in that cold black heart of yours, its true."


(and don't say adam is AI becuase the only people that aren't real are the NPCs and the AI dude, besides if adam was AI Tara would kick his rump.)

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