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Episode 2 A New Foe


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Ok everyone, I have begun the plot production on the the next episode. Here is what happens, a mysterious force has banned together to fight against the Empire, only this time they arnt light side. The Galactic Senate is getting more complacent, so your first mission is to go to coruscant where you keep HK-47. And ask him to assasinate well i wont leak all of that part. This one is guaranteed to be 100x better than the last one, more walking around more side quests, i have a side quest person who is good for that stuff. As for planets the only one im keeping of the reskin is Coruscant, you will see Tatooine, Korriban, Coruscant, Manaan (completely taken over) Endor, and Vijune. Plus the leviathon of cource. Kampher is back so its not just me and yoko doing VOs. And Anora Sorellia still has a role to play if you let her. This is alot more player controlled, not just one path like the last one. With help from bob I have seen that i can do better. So now i will. I will dump most of the screenies on my site, to make room for this. And I am no longer going to be a one man teem. Effort isnt enough. I need someone who can do skins for me just a few now and then.


Well thats it for now.

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all mods need to go thru testing...ur first installment was a HUGE step in modding...it freakin' put u on the map! as an early mod in ur career i say that u made one GIANT leap...every mod u make afterward is bound to get at least a little bit better than ur first so im really looking forward to this as will i look forward to all the things ur gonna do in the future...i would volunteer to help, but i unfortunately got kind of bored with this community faster than usual for me...i have mania issues...still, i keep up with all the games ive modded (even minimal modding) so if u need a helping hand i would be glad to learn and assist with anything u might need...i hav respect for u G.

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Glamador, I would be more than glad if you could help me with voice overs, more than me and casey is a whole lot better!:D I'll bet I can use you for a whole bunch of people. Keep close watch to see what I have for you.


As for the mod, real good things are happening. Kevis, has lent me his helping hand in writing and sidequests. And from what i have seen he is darn good. When i do my mod this time im going to do it right! Not just a two person team anymore. Now ANYONE who would like to jump on the bandwaggon you may. I have need for skinners, MODELERS!!!!!,Moders, Story people, Voice over people, the works, anyone and everyone are welcome.


Oh and to sute your interests, now that the storyline has been layed out by ROTS, i am now able to give you ALOT more choices in the dialogue, for example

Who you want HK-47 to assasinate on the senate!!

and much more.


Keep posted.


Mozzle you guys, good things.


EDIT: Sorry for the confusion, yoko signed on my computer as her but its me, i just forgot to sign in as me:)

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Sry i just hadto try this Spoiler thing out....there is no spolier below jus a messeg:




Wow Thx Gsccc this is fun stuff. Oh coolie this is

awsome....I cant wit to get to try this baby out :D. Im looking forward to working with you......tho i must focus on school right now but il work with you


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Originally posted by seawolfe

Ima 'merican ... so what kind of voices do you need?

Well, any would be nice really, more than what we have. We will kindly accept anything you can offer.:) If you can, send me your voice of you saying a sentance of anything, and give it to me in email. This way i can see who you will play:) THANKS A BUNCH FOR VOLUNTEERING, this goes for everyone else too.

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just general Freindly Ideas :)


For Episode II, you have a whole new area to create, and your imagination can go (Censored) Wild, For Ideas you could do many things to Incorperate Bastila, T3-M4 HK-47 Canderous, and Maybe even Zaalbar.


There is a slight bug at the End of the Game....



When you tell Zaalbar to Kill Mission, notice how she never really dies? shes just stunned. Ah! Now heres the Idea, Since Carth Returned, Mission Can return!



then have that with some Story to Zaalbar.


Another Idea, is Malak, Hes a Big Bad Sithlord, but what if.... he had offspring? you can incorperate the model Unique_JediMalek and have a Malak Kid, maybe even join you.


Biff Strife, im beleving he is returning no? He would make a Great Commander (Fire the Old Geezer on the Leviathan and Replace him with Biff)


and for my last Little Idea for u to Ponder about





Remember her (Censored) "Dying" mother?



Well, Maybe She falls to the Darkside and or Tries to kill Bastila eh?


hehe i hope i gave you some little seeds for you to grow! :)


Btw I wish all of you Full of Luck here, Something to Give us some fun things to do before Kotor2! (this stuff is absolutly Kotor Quality :D)

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Originally posted by Master Bobo

just general Freindly Ideas :)


For Episode II, you have a whole new area to create, and your imagination can go (Censored) Wild, For Ideas you could do many things to Incorperate Bastila, T3-M4 HK-47 Canderous, and Maybe even Zaalbar.


There is a slight bug at the End of the Game....



When you tell Zaalbar to Kill Mission, notice how she never really dies? shes just stunned. Ah! Now heres the Idea, Since Carth Returned, Mission Can return!



then have that with some Story to Zaalbar.


Another Idea, is Malak, Hes a Big Bad Sithlord, but what if.... he had offspring? you can incorperate the model Unique_JediMalek and have a Malak Kid, maybe even join you.


Biff Strife, im beleving he is returning no? He would make a Great Commander (Fire the Old Geezer on the Leviathan and Replace him with Biff)


and for my last Little Idea for u to Ponder about





Remember her (Censored) "Dying" mother?



Well, Maybe She falls to the Darkside and or Tries to kill Bastila eh?


hehe i hope i gave you some little seeds for you to grow! :)


Btw I wish all of you Full of Luck here, Something to Give us some fun things to do before Kotor2! (this stuff is absolutly Kotor Quality :D)

OOOOO thanks for the suggestions! I'll see what i can do with 'em:D

Your very creative.

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I found an AWSOME ability, now you guys will not have to go through the trouble of backing up your music files because i am no longer overighing them. I found that if i simply add sections to the ambientmusic.2da i can add custom music without overwriting the origonals! So that is also a GREAT thing about this next mod im making. Ill keep you posted!;)

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GS I have some ideas for some sidequest(s) on coruscant, if I don't speak to you on MSN before you read this.


Do you want me to map them all out and write them up in detail?


Or do you want me to wait until I speak to you and we can discuss?

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I am happy to announce that i WILL be releasing a beta for A New Foe, just like i released one for Reign of the Sith. It will feature the planet of Geonosis. The enemies will be Geonosian Warriors!:D I will TRY to get it done by the end of the weekend, i will be leaving on vacation for a week on Sunday i think. Well happy trails.




BTW: I still need a modeler, and a good one so that i can edit placeables, and a REAL good skinner, like svosh maybe? who can do a coupple of skins when they have the time. And Seawolf i am eager to hear your voice for my mod, it would be awsome!

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Is there a way that we can make a certain weapon shoot a different effect? For example, currently I am toutching up the geonosian warrior for the mod and I wanted to know if there is a way we can make his blaster have the fire effect of the selkath's blasters when they go insane.


Some help would be real cool:)

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hey gsccc, let me know when you need that voice acting done. I havent really been coming her,e as I have been busy with other things. anyway, ill be checking back about once a day on my pms with a script for what i need to say. let me know, thx.

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