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Worried about the radar

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From the ign footage it looks like enemies will show up in red on your radar.


Is anyone else concerned by this?


I mean this totally negates any planned ambushes or strategies, as well as making the sniper class pretty vulnerable.


On the other hand I guess it discourages any rambo players and promotes teamplay by forcing players to attack in numbers for safety.


Anyone else have any concerns about being able to pinpoint the exact location of the enemy?

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Yup, very much, I'd rather have pilots deploy sensors like they deploy gun turrets, sensors would have area in which enemy players would show red on all players minimap. Makes Pilots more useful and still you wouldn't see enemy players on minimap all the time, atleast on the frontlines

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Originally posted by Dragnarr

Yup, very much, I'd rather have pilots deploy sensors like they deploy gun turrets, sensors would have area in which enemy players would show red on all players minimap. Makes Pilots more useful and still you wouldn't see enemy players on minimap all the time, atleast on the frontlines



That's such a cool idea! Nice. :)

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It's not a feasible idea for you to turn off the radar. Because it would eliminate hiding spots, I could arguably run around and kill everyone just because I knew where they were hiding. So if I turn off the radar, than I just won't be able to see where people are, but everyone will be able to see where I am. It's kind of a vicious circle. If you turn it off you lose the advantage, but if you keep it on it lessens gameplay.

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Originally posted by Virtuosis

It's not a feasible idea for you to turn off the radar. Because it would eliminate hiding spots, I could arguably run around and kill everyone just because I knew where they were hiding. So if I turn off the radar, than I just won't be able to see where people are, but everyone will be able to see where I am. It's kind of a vicious circle. If you turn it off you lose the advantage, but if you keep it on it lessens gameplay.


or you can join servers that all play with radar off. and the game settings set by the host are no radar.

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Originally posted by Dragnarr

Yup, very much, I'd rather have pilots deploy sensors like they deploy gun turrets, sensors would have area in which enemy players would show red on all players minimap. Makes Pilots more useful and still you wouldn't see enemy players on minimap all the time, atleast on the frontlines


Not bad. It would be like a beacon. It would be perfect if you were going through an area where ambushes could occur. An area could be sweeped to check for any enemies, and then the team could continue forward. Enemy players could destroy it if they encounter it.

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In a server with no radar, I think it'd be slightly more realistic. Soldiers in Star Wars don't have HUDs or radars. They have to find guys the old fashioned way. Sure they have scanners, but those don't show an overhead view of the battlefield and pinpoint everyone. Just think of no radar as making you closer to being 'one with the Star Wars'. :p

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Originally posted by jedijohn

btw you cannot see the exact position of enemies the radar just gives the area as the markers on the radar are too big so you cannot pinpoint locations


If there is a sniper around, a radar that shows enemy units is still very helpfull. The same if you're enemy is planning an ambush.

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But what if you are planning the ambush? It's not an ambush if there are a bunch of red blips right ahead of you and you know its coming. It just will make the game less fun. And who knows if there will even be a server option that lets you turn the radar off. It would be nice but its not confirmed.

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First of all, why would you need to ambush? You should be taking CP (command posts) and killing enemies at the same time, not sit in some bush waiting for someone to pass. The complaints seem irrational with this type of game. It isn't Splinter Cell where it requires you to be sneeky. The game is called Battlefront, not "I'm the Only Soldier for Miles and Should Just Wait for Someone to Pass By." The game premotes large scale battles, and thats what the radar is for, so you won't have to look for a battle through out the whole game. I think the radar works for this style of play, and anyone who mentions Battlefield or SOCOM must note that Battlefront =/= Battlefield or SOCOM.

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so your saying that if your a reb and you see an at-st approaching you shouldnt hop behind a tree and wait for it to pass so you can blast it with a rocket in the back of the head? see if you had radar the at-st would know you were there and walk around and blast you ..... not fun.

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Originally posted by Blinkin

so your saying that if your a reb and you see an at-st approaching you shouldnt hop behind a tree and wait for it to pass so you can blast it with a rocket in the back of the head? see if you had radar the at-st would know you were there and walk around and blast you ..... not fun.


But then again, WTF are you doing alone, and what is the AT-ST doing walking randomly around the map. This may be a problem when there is little people, but then again bots will keep any game full. Any one whos doing what you mentioned probably deserve to be shot. People should be doing the objectives, and if they are, then be it with bots or other players, they won't find themselves in need of an ambush or surpirse attack. The game is just too fast paced for anything this topic has mentioned, only rarley would the above situations happen, and having to sacrifice other bigger gameplay tactics for little stuff like this is just stupid.

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What about waiting the enemy team advance to a point where they are taking your capture point and have your team deployed on the otherside of the ridge, then simply run to the capture point and ambush the enemy team capping the point.


It really isn't about any speficif situations, but more of why should you see your enemy on minimap? Sure you can get to combats easier but on a longer base people will try to deploy new tactics and if you can't even perform ambush it's bad. Also this game will have many clans and on those games there aren't that many players and ambushes are valid options. What about a sneak through tactic to capture the enemy control point? Impossible if there's unit nearby cause of the Radar issue. I see more bad points than good points on the current radar issue :cool:

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Truthfully, a lot of guys in these games operate alone. This game is geared towards the battlefield people moreso than that of a game like socom. The reality of it is that there are a lot of would be "Rambo" guys out there and they don't run with the pack in terms of team play, so don't get your hopes up with guys following orders to take out a particular base or whatnot. More often then not you'll see them doing their own thing but there are those precious moments when people will come together and actually have a semblance of teamwork which really helps define a game.


Oh yeah, the radar thing, not good. I think the best servers will require this option turned off. It's more fun, more realistic and makes the game unpredictable because you never know who'll be shooting at you and from where. Me, i'm one for the element of surprise and not run n' gun. To each his own i guess.....

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