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What the Vader?


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What is Darth Vader going to be doing in this game? They already said that he was going to be in the hero/villian NPC. He did not fight in any battles except Yavin IV in the movies. Since they are not going to have space battles what is he going to be doing? Maybe if you screw up real bad you get choked to death.



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Yeah but he only comes in after the dirty work is done. In the beginning of Episode IV, after the smoke was clear he came in. He only got to choke some rebels and scold his daughter. He got to send her to her room for playing with those bad rebel boys. Other than that he has mainly ordered others around and tormented his son.

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I'm not having any luck finding it. I'll try again tonight from home. It was a fleeting glimpse of him--I had to pause the clip and arrow back a couple of times, but it was definitely him.


Of course, I could be dreaming all this because I can't stop reading this forum and watching the demo.

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Originally posted by Whimseyboy

getting back on subject, darth vader was on yavin four after the death star blew up he was getting revenge for what they had do to his brand new toy. :(


You mean to tell me that Vader slaughtered entire regiment of Rebels. What about Luke Leah and everyone else, did they escape?


Here is the Imp recruiter




Youre best bet is download it not stream

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