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T7nowhere's WIP


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T7 that is some sweet stuff you are cooking up there. :D


I'm especially fond of Revans mask, and the Jango Blasters! The Sith Blade looks pretty good as well from the screenies. :D


But the Wookie Warblade I have my reservations about... the handle needs to be longer, possibly to the next square down on the grid background in the pic, even for a Wookie that is going to be a definate no-nonsense heavy two handed chopping weapon. Power Attack city! :)


Just my 2 cents! :D

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Originally posted by RedHawke

But the Wookie Warblade I have my reservations about... the handle needs to be longer, possibly to the next square down on the grid background in the pic,


I was thinking the same thing maybe 2 1/2 times longer and making it a 2 handed weapon. I'll just have to see how it shapes out. :)

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Before I post my thoughts, let me just get this out of the way:


Although there is the freedom of speech, there is also a right way and a wrong way to go about it, not to mention rules about how to go about doing it. Disagreements and arguments are healthy and good for getting the 'ol hamster wheel turning upstairs. But this is only good if done fairly and without insults (not to mention immaturity.) The way I acted recently was caused by anger and going with my gut reaction (which we all know you should never do.) When you finally cool down and put things in perspective, you realize how insignificant some things are. So, let me offer the following to those who were on the receiving end of my recent rampage:


T7nowhere and Darth333: I now see and believe that as a whole you guys act in a fair manner. At no time was there ever any partiality or bias in any of your decisions. And also, at no time, was there ever a love "triangle", "rhombus", "parallelogram", "trapezoid", "hexagon", or any other variant of shape-themed infatuations.


svosh: Let me simply leave you with a quote from someone far wiser than myself:


"I disapprove of what you say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it." –Voltaire


Platypus enthusiasts: We sincerely apologize to all Platypus enthusiasts out there who are offended by that thoughtless comment about the Platypi. We at View Askew respect the noble Platypus, and it is not our intention to alight these stupid creatures in any way. Thank you again and enjoy the show.


In all seriousness, there are people who are in harm’s way doing just that: dying for someone’s right to say whatever they want. I have had the pleasure of knowing one of those people, PFC. Jason Mattson, USMC, who is currently on his way to Iraq.


Like I said, when you really put things in perspective, they just don’t matter anymore.


And with that out of the way, let me just say something about T7’s recent accomplishment in learning to model from scratch and produce some new models:


Meh. (shrugs)


I’m just kidding. If there has been one weapon I would give my left….kidney to see made and added to KotOR, it is the SOCOM pistol from Metal Gear Solid. If given a second option, I would definitely choose the M16M203 assault rifle or some kind of T21 sniper rifle from Star Wars.


No kidding T7, that WESTAR-34 kicks 7 kinds of rectum! Great Job!


Finally, let me just say that encouraging T7nowhere, Darth333, and svosh to join forces will be the end of mankind! That much creative energy and technical knowledge could topple world governments and leave cities in ruin if ever to fall into the wrong hands. Heed the prophecy my people. You have been warned.

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T7 as you know I think these all rock, I have been waiting for you to post these Screen shots. You really have come far in your modeling, in just a few short months. :thumbsup:

You and I have pushed the envelope in models with the multi piece force pike and animated .txi Breathing new life in to Kotor modding. And now on your sword ‘s edge as well, lets see what the limits are shall we :D


… time to fire up max and get to work on some models.



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Originally posted by MTV2

So when are they coming out?


When there done ;)


I Just started on writing a Quest for the Blaster, After all KotOR is an RPG.


Im pretty much working on the models as much as possible SO I'll be uploading them when each is finnished. But I'll be keep this thread updated with my progress.

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Ok Im seeking opinions and or critism about this visor I modeled


ok first about the screen there are 2 variations Im playing with

solid screen and Transparent screen Oh by the way the texture on the screens are animated. so it looks like green static in-game.


I was also looking for opinions on the main color of the visor Im thinking a darker grey with more silver.


Ok so I'll say thanks ahead of time to those that give there opinions.

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Originally posted by Nodakrattler

HMM... trans, yep that's the one.


Thanks again T7


Ok Transparent it is then. But if there are any chages that you want to the model, State them now. because I want to have this one finnished by tommorrow. :)


So can we get a time frame on when the Revan mask will be out? I am literally itching to get it


I just finnished cleaning up the mask, Im going to try one more thing and then I'll Map the uv and and make the texture,<that is partly done.

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