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Is it worth it?


SW:Galaxies, worth the monthly fee's and overall a good game?  

18 members have voted

  1. 1. SW:Galaxies, worth the monthly fee's and overall a good game?

    • Definitely
    • No
    • Undecided/No opinion

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I have been wanting to play Galaxies for 6-7 months now, and infact I'm getting a custom built gaming PC in about 3 weeks that will play it..


But, one of my friends told me earlier today that I shouldnt waste my money in Monthly fee's and even buying the game simply because...and I quote "Galaxies isnt about skill, it's about having alot of time on you're hands, so its really unfair." He also said twice his money (real money, not game credits) was stolen...I thaught I read somewhere that I could buy pre-paid cards and not have to give them my credit card number, am I wrong about that? Anyway, he also said that theres only about a month of good playing on the game and at that point it gets pretty old.


I've read some reviews of the game that werent to flattering either (mainly on gamespot.com) but I figured they didnt know what was good.


So is it true that Galaxies is a waste of money?

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Guest DarthMaulUK

Read through some of the older posts about Galaxies. If you just visit the official website and see how out of date most of the content is - the fact theres NOTHING currently in developement for Galaxies (not including the desperately needed Jump to lightspeed), theres no story line, no star wars content, its a grind..a hard grind just to be able to combat - which, is broken, so theres no actual battlefields to fight.


In other words, currently, yes it is a waste of money and time



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Guest DarthMaulUK

Sorry to say, it doesnt have 300,000 playing any more. They were launch figures and the numbers have dropped like a stone since.


The game is slowly improving?! @$198 for 18 months means it should be on top form. If you fancy playing the Star Wars: The Sims, then go for it, because thats what it amounts to



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Guest DarthMaulUK

Remember that before launch, they claimed you wouldnt have to grind. How wrong did they get it?!


But yes, Galaxies is like a second job. Its designed around power gamers, those who play a couple hours a week will NOT find this game fun at all.



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Originally posted by DarthMaulUK

Sorry to say, it doesnt have 300,000 playing any more. They were launch figures and the numbers have dropped like a stone since.


The game is slowly improving?! @$198 for 18 months means it should be on top form. If you fancy playing the Star Wars: The Sims, then go for it, because thats what it amounts to




Well, I meant Star Wars fans period, not the number playing the game. I apologize if I was not clear on that.


As far as how good it is, that is a matter of opinion. One person cannot set the standard for everyone, so my advice to the poster is to try the 14-day trial.


Incidentally, I play only a few hours a week and on some weekends(I'm in no rush, besides, I am a student), and I still have fun.


MMORPGs are about leveling a character. The key phrase "Role Playing Game" should tip savvy gamers off. Anyone who did not think this would be so was being. . .unrealistic.:D


This is my first MMORPG, so I'm not a veteran, like some here. This is just my $0.02.:D

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Ok guys, Admins, Please don't ban me nor shun my for this but...



I voted no because people are usually too busy grinding to do anything. And there are too many AFT Bots..... Here comes the hard part where I might get banned.....





City of Heroes, I would have to say, Is better then SWG. You should consider it.........



*Hides in the corner until anyone comments*

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Well, I've been playing this game for just over three weeks, now - having taken over a friends account. I have already become a Master Swordsman and Master Scout - which should tell you a lot. If this were a 'proper' RPG - I would not have reached such a high level by this time at all...


The main reason I'm kinda wavering about this game now - is my perception of the lack of any real depth to the game. I know that becoming a Jedi is the over all aim of the game, but, having seen how that works, I'm not really enamoured of that either - (which can't be good, lol).


I used to play Everquest, but gave that up, since it got fairly pointless and annoying with all the camping going on - plus the other problems it had, too. Unfortunately I think this game has repeated too many of them - and in some cases - made them worse... At least in EQ it would take a while to get to high level and be able to take-on more of what the game had to offer - but with me (and my friend before me), it's only taken just over a month to get this character to this stage - which I don't consider that long for what this character can do.


One big complaint I have, is that the repair system is total ****. It makes having decent weapons and armour completely pointless - which is half of the game, lol. Why bother killing stuff, when you don't need the xp - (the skill tree is no-where NEAR large enough) - and you can get basic armour and weapons fairly cheaply? The better, (more expensive), items are not worth getting since there's no guarantee of repairing them - (even with a 100% repair tool), and the weapons you can get cheap on the bazaar are not much worse than those costing 500k....


The thing is - is that it should be in their interest (Lucasarts/Sony etc.) to have as much depth in the game as possible - since thats what makes people play the game for a long time - and since they get more money the longer you play......


But I've seen a lot more depth in single player games than this, lol.


The other problem I have with games like this - is that they do not offer enough incentive to play it multiplayer either, which shouldn't be hard, but no-one seems to have managed it yet...


The fact is - if people create games without learning lessons from other games that have gone before, (Diablo 2 anyone?), then they will start to annoy quite a lot of people. The only lesson they have learned - (in my eyes) - is with the inclusion of missions, so that you can't get 'out-camped' for xp, (like EQ).


The main lesson I think they need to learn is one of BALANCE. Not all the skills are balanced (yet), and not all of the weapons are either... And there is absolutely NO excuse for that at all - if they don't know how to use a graph properly - then they should turn around and go straight back to school, lol.


My advice to anyone is - if you don't really, REALLY, want to be a jedi - then don't play this game. Unfortunately - I can't really reccommend any other game instead - since they all have their problems...:-(


(Sometimes I wish that another friend of mine had been able to create the game we talked about - but he's been way to busy to even think about it, lol - If anyone else is interested? ;-)).

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I bought Galaxies for $20 and played the free month that came with it and I felt like I wasted money. I can't help but feel bad for those people that spent $50-70 when the game first came out.


If you want an MMO I would suggest waiting for World of Warcraft. They recently had a stress test to see how well their servers could handle a lot of people which I got to particpate in and during those ten days I didn't have to grind once. It was actually fun to play an MMO!

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Guest DarthMaulUK

It is a shame though. I wanted Galaxies to be THE game. I upgraded my PC etc as I thought I wouldnt be playing anything else. Wrong! lol


World Of Warcraft sounds like a good bet. Blizzard have an excellent track record for their games, their tech support etc - something SOE could learn from.


When the 14 day trial was first launched, I took part in the ONLY live event to happen in 12 months of the game. The Tusken 'spawn' raid on Bestine. Thats it...thats the only LIVE content in 12 months. Great work Games masters @ SOE. *yawn*


As I have said before, the community on Galaxies is great. But you gotta ask yourself...is it worth $11 a month to chat and sit around?!


I was hoping JTLS would improve the game and give it a much needed shot in the arm, but if you look REALLY close at some of those screens, its amazing what Photoshop can do in todays world. Lots of touching up.


Ok, graphics dont mean much but gameplay does and if you want gameplay, look elsewhere.



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I don't know where you got the touching up idea. I've seen the game in actual play and it looks that good, depending on your system.


WoW? Played the test beta. Good, though I'm not floored by it. City of Heroes is OK. My feelings on SWG are this. The game has a lot of potential and I think after this summit, they finally see what direction the game should take(Yes, I know it was in deveopment for + 2 years). I'm encouraged by what I leanred from some fo the attendees about the revamp and JTL.


That being said. To anyone who is thinking about SWG. Try the 14-day trial first, as someone already suggested. Before you pay your money for ANY GAME you should be able to play it if given the opportunity. I enjoy the game. Some do. Some do not. I say, to each their own.


An MMORPG is in a constant state of evolution. I think SWG has the burden of living up to the cultural iconism of the films and this is where many are disappointed. I'll wait and see. There is no other MMORPG I'm interested right now. Middle Earth Online is thwe only one I am eyeing.


And. . .it's good to be in the forums. :)

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Well, it looks like Galaxies gets alot more negative posts then good ones.


But, I suppose I fall more into the "power gamer" catagory, and I am a big RPG fan so maybe I should try the 14 day free trial before I do anything else.


One thing I know is that Galaxies sounds like it (is/could) be a killer MMORPG, and hopefully Jump to Lightspeed will fix most of the problems most gamers seem to have with the game.


Thanks to everyone who posted and voted. :D

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I have always refrained from answering these types of posts because I think that a gamer should decide for themself if a game is worth his/her time, or not. While I appreciate you asking asking for our input(nothing wrong with that), in the end they are all biased opinions.


I'll reiterate what I've said before. With the 14-day FREE trial, you really have nothing to lose. Get a feel for the game, see what YOU think about it. I don't listen to other gamers' opinions on games because I've found them to be. . .inaccurate. I've seen major sites like IGN.com, Gamespy, etc., give mediocre ratings to games I enjoyed playing. I've seen them also give games stellar ratings that I found average(HALO comes to mind).


Regardless of what ANYONE says here(including me), it's all about your personal choice.




And yes, this game is improving, regardless of what anyone here tells you. I think that many have become so. . .bitter, for lack of a better term, that even when things are fixed, they still complain(Those of you who have been playing awhile, spare me the "game was in development for 2 years or more" argument. I've heard it enough. Thanks).




But then, complaining is what makes a gamer. . .a gamer, I suppose.:cool:

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It really depends what kind of person you are. The skill system is totally different then basically any other MMORPG out there; there are no level per say. So basically everyone is on the same level. I don't really know if I like this or not... but I don't really PvP so it doesn't effect me. PvE is relatively fun, and collecting rare items is too. Joining a guild is a great way to make friends, and I think JTL will make this one of the best MMORPG's out there.....

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Originally posted by pat_thetic

It really depends what kind of person you are. The skill system is totally different then basically any other MMORPG out there; there are no level per say. So basically everyone is on the same level. I don't really know if I like this or not... but I don't really PvP so it doesn't effect me. PvE is relatively fun, and collecting rare items is too. Joining a guild is a great way to make friends, and I think JTL will make this one of the best MMORPG's out there.....


There are no levels like in most conventional MMORPGs, but there are skill sets. A Tera Kasi Novice is not nearly as lethal as a Tera Kasi Master, for example. I don't PvP either, but I wouldn't say everyone is on the same scale. Everyone's skills and capabilities are different depending on how far they are in their respective profession. I'm looking forward to JTL too.:D

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If you have the finances necessary, then yes, everyone is on the same level for the most part. If you can afford decent weapons and armor, attaining the Template you want isn't difficult. But half the challenge of the game is to obtain that level of wealth. So, regardless, everyone is not on the same level. It takes a while to Master BH, for example. But once I did it, I could kill pretty much anyone I wanted without too much difficulty. There are maybe 3 people that I know of that can kill me consistently.

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Improved Job Market, and they go up to 33k. And yeah, as a swordsman or a tka I could bring in about 1.3 million credits in a 3 hour buff. But I never did that (except maybe once) because it was really boring. And that is what most players do in SWG - look for whats fun. They don't sit there and grind their butts off for money (most anyway).


A good set of comp armor goes for about 375k credits. Buffs are about 20k, excluding the price of brandy/canape, etc. used for mind enhancement. So, money can be drained pretty quickly, especially if you're in the PvP business. The Scatter Pistols I buy cost 750k. That's a lot of Mokks/Janta to kill to equip myself, and even more Jedi.

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