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Achilles' Padawan Mod is available for download


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...from my website.


From the readme:



Padawan Mod by Achilles



Creator's Notes



I found that my recent Robe mod did not jive well with Talchia's Padawan Mod so I decided to make my own. The biggest discrepancies between the two mods are the ability to choose your crystal color and the amount of inventory that you start off with on Taris. Crystal color is determined by class selection (sorry, folks) and you only start off with two robes (1 LS and 1 DS).


Please note that using this mod without my Robe mod will result in your PC only having one robe on Taris :)




Files Modified



end_trask01.dlg - Dialog file that triggers all scripts


end_trask.utc - Trask Ulgo's character file


k_pend_pod01.ncs - Script that fires cut scene at the end of the dialog.


make_consular.ncs/nss - Scripts that assign XP, Class, and Inventory for Consulars


make_guardian.ncs/nss - Scripts that assign XP, Class, and Inventory for Guardians


make_sentinel.ncs/nss - Scripts that assign XP, Class, and Inventory for Sentinels

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  • 3 weeks later...
Originally posted by Xavier2

I've noticed a while ago that Talchia's Padawan mod, unintentionally, gives the player invencibility. Does your mod, besides compatibility with your robes, also correct this?



Yep. Just got the tar kicked out of me on Taris....twice in two different areas.
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Originally posted by T7nowhere

The reason your invicible is because Bioware made it that way on the first module for the Endar Spire. Try it out with a new game, you can't die until the second module.

Weird that it would stick until Level 8. Wonder why my mod doesn't do that too :confused:
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  • 4 weeks later...
Originally posted by su27

Achilles: Which mods from your page can I use safely with your padawan mod?

I'm usually pretty good about including bugs and known issues in my readmes. This particular mod is pretty user friendly.


PS: I also include a list of files included/modified in order to help facilitate Darth333's suggestion :D


I hope that helps.

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