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Graphics Card recommendation?


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Heya peeps,

Thought I'd ask in here cos I keep seeing these sort of threads in the Swamp :)


I'm after a new graphics card for me comp. At the moment I've got an ATI All-in-Wonder 128 Pro. Trouble is it doesn't support games that require T&L capability. ( I know it's an old card, it's the same age as my computer ;) )


So... I'm looking to upgrade. Thing is, I'm looking for a card that has video-in and video-out features as I do a lot of video work so these are essential.


What would you good folks recommend? :)



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The Albatron 5900XTV is a good option. A lot of power for what you pay, and its got vivo, i believe. It's a solid midrange card. I bought one the other day. Works fabulously with my brank spankiing new system.


If not, just go with a 9600XT... a decent one.



It really depends how much you have to spend.

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What Pal™ said. Also, get an nVidia GeForce 6800. My dad and I were searching for a good graphics card for our new computer, and I thought the ATI Radeon X800 was the best, but he proved me wrong from a website he found that had tested graphics cards on [1]Doom 3[/i], and the GeForce 6800 Ultra was the best. The GeForce 6800 GT (what we are getting) is the second best. The GT has RAM types too, 128 MB, and 256 MB, we are getting the 256 MB RAM one!!



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Originally posted by Majin Revan

My dad and I were searching for a good graphics card for our new computer, and I thought the ATI Radeon X800 was the best, but he proved me wrong from a website he found that had tested graphics cards on [1]Doom 3[/i], and the GeForce 6800 Ultra was the best.


That's only for Doom 3, what about other games for testing? Well, I can say that it has SM 3.0, so games in the future can take advantage of it at least. I'd research for a wider test selection, Doom 3 is OpenGL and nVidia excells at that while ATi excells at Direct3d, usually. Depends on what developer optimizes a game foe this or that video card.

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ati ones are faster for half life 2 --- so it all evens out in the end.


Most cards now have video out (which used to be an expensive option) and a lot have video in. I've got an all-in-wonder radeon 8500, but i'm not sure it is worth the extra money to get another all in wonder when i upgrade. I'll probably go for a 9800 pro (or xt if there is a bargain one, or 9700 pro if i am broke) and then maybe add in a pvr-250 tv card which is better than the one on the AIW as it has hardware encoding.

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