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lightsaber colours (tsl spoiler sort of)


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Originally posted by mxsuprastang

Well, I don't wanna argue with the professor here, and maybe blue green and red are BASIC colors, but the PRIMARY colors are blue, yellow and red. All through pre-school and all through high school you learn that, in art, in ceramics even. Why would they go through all that trouble to teach you something that isn't true? So maybe your physics teacher said that green was a BASIC color, but yellow is the PRIMARY color. Oh, and I don't use photoshop, try mixing blue and green crayons and see if you get yellow, or blue and green paint. Then come and see me. BTW sorry for the spam......KotOR rules...


Primary, basic, it's all the same ;) Anyway kotor rulez ;)

Amen brother :)

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"Each of these three colors must come from nature and are of primary importance."


"It is from these three colors that all the other colors are derived. Primary colors cannot be mixed by blending the other two colors together.


Each of these three colors has an infinite number of variations or hues.


Red can be a crimson hue, vermilion, brick, rust, watermelon red, tomato red, baby pink, burgundy, maroon etc. These are all red, but each has unique qualities and a personality of its own."


The colors that you are refering to are the basic colors of light, not actual coloring. So in a way, we were both right and wrong. KotOR rules.

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Originally posted by lukeiamyourdad

The primary colors of light would apply here instead of the primary colors of coloring.


Wanna try that one again?


Light and color are not separate things. Light is what allows us to see color, so to argue that "light" color is somehow different from "color" color (whatever that means) seems pretty silly to me. With all due respect sheedee and his/her degree(s), my experience has been that physicists only study light and color scientifically, not artistically. As such, physicists will talk all day about visible spectrum (ROYGBIV), but I have never seen anything in a physics book that even mentions primary colors.


Which leads me to wonder why yellow is listed as one of the visible spectrum colors if it is a "subset" of another. Maybe the scientific community could benefit from sheedee's expertise in this area. In the mean time, perhaps sheedee will be kind enough to enlighten me, since he/she DOES know physics.


EDIT: BTW, since I don't like to use argumentum ad verecundiam fallacies like some people in this thread, I will provide a link that you anyone can visit to learn more about this subject. Kinda nice that it supports what I say :D


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Well I did take a physics class but I'm no expert.


To use your own site:


The complexities of color perception can be reduced if we think in terms of primary colors of light. We have already learned that white is not a color at all, but rather the presence of all the frequencies of visible light. When we speak of white light, we are referring to ROYGBIV - the presence of the entire spectrum of visible light. But combining the range of frequencies in the visible light spectrum is not the only means of producing white light. White light can also be produced by combining only three distinct frequencies of light, provided that they are widely separated on the visible light spectrum. Any three colors (or frequencies) of light which produce white light when combined with the correct intensity are called primary colors of light. There are a variety of sets of primary colors; yet,the most common set of primary colors is red ®, green (G) and blue (B). When red, green and blue light are mixed or added together with the proper intensity, white (W) light is obtained. This is often represented by the equation below:






EDIT: Errr I suppose I wasn't so clear...in my last post...but anyway...

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Originally posted by RedHawke

You aren't looking too hard! I believe it happens a couple of times in the EU. :D


Red is just a color, nothing more, nothing less.


true, but good old george originally wanted all dard jedi to use red lightsabers. but you are correct with a few eu characters using red sabers. but again, lucas didn't want ls jedi using red sabers.


if you guys watched the extras on the dvd for epII, you would know that samuel l. jackson wanted a different color for his saber. originally, he wanted something like a reddish saber. since that didn't go over well with lucas, he settled for a purple saber. just some backround to prove how focused george lucas is about saber colors. :)

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Originally posted by stingerhs

true, but good old george originally wanted all dard jedi to use red lightsabers. but you are correct with a few eu characters using red sabers. but again, lucas didn't want ls jedi using red sabers.

(clipped the rest of quote to save space)


Well stingerhs what your example arguments are stating is actually more of a "does the EU officialy exist" argument, that is beyond the scope of the statement I originally made and the thread itself.


Even George Lucas has to recognise the EU, even though he doesn't want something to happen in his SW movies, he does have to adknowledge the fact that it can and does happen in some of the stories he licenced other people to write, they are in fact "Star Wars" stories, so now Jedi can also wield red sabers it is as simple as that, the EU officialy exists as Star Wars, it is non-cannon but it is Star Wars nonetheless.


With the licencing of Star Wars EU stories, and having 2 licenced PnP RPG's with the Star Wars name as well, they also count as EU, this means the possibilities in the EU are now unlimited, and so are the variances in the rules of who can do what.


*Realises I'm on a soapbox... Drat!!!... Gets off of soapbox*



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Originally posted by Aleggy

ok now about the argument about primary colours, there are in fact 2 different sets of primary colours one set is used by artists to mix colours and then there's the set reffered to by our physics master so in fact u r both right

Artists do not know colours called red or blue. They have different names, I never heard before!
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Originally posted by RedHawke

Well stingerhs what your example arguments are stating is actually more of a "does the EU officialy exist" argument, that is beyond the scope of the statement I originally made and the thread itself.


Even George Lucas has to recognise the EU, even though he doesn't want something to happen in his SW movies, he does have to adknowledge the fact that it can and does happen in some of the stories he licenced other people to write, they are in fact "Star Wars" stories, so now Jedi can also wield red sabers it is as simple as that, the EU officialy exists as Star Wars, it is non-cannon but it is Star Wars nonetheless.


With the licencing of Star Wars EU stories, and having 2 licenced PnP RPG's with the Star Wars name as well, they also count as EU, this means the possibilities in the EU are now unlimited, and so are the variances in the rules of who can do what.


*Realises I'm on a soapbox... Drat!!!... Gets off of soapbox*




well, thats not really what i was tryin to say, but thats okay. :D


and actually, good ol' george actually has rubbed against eu several times in the first two movies. is he the final authority??? some may argue yes (i'm NOT one of them :) ), and others will argue that the fans have the final say. i'm not going to take a stand on either side, however. i beleive that both sides have plenty to offer, and should work together, which, btw, lucas has done little of for the first 3 episodes. :(


concerning the red lightsabers, my point was that lucas wanted consistancy in the colors in order to help the viewers define who was lightside and who was darkside. this is really just something to help the non-star wars fanatics identify ls and ds characters.


for the rest of us, whatever color fits our personality will do just fine. :D :D


...which would be the point of this thread. :p

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ok i dont know if this helps but mr lucas himself owns every book and comic book written in the star wars universe and sort of uses them as the equivelant of a star wars bible now with this in mind you are forced to realise that star wars itself has in fact grown infinitely larger than mr lucas's original vision however he still likes to try to be the master behind the idea hence why even though many fans wanted the original star wars releases on dvd he has said no your only getting the special editions on dvd and then went and added even more to them and changed a couple of scenes


and in the books the colour of ur lightsaber does not determine if ur a lightsider or darksider as many darksiders have turned to the light and still own a red saber and there are many who are struggling with what side they want to walk along so in a sense the are greysiders


but in the films mr lucas does like for it to remain constant darkside=red, any other colour=light


i myself believe that for a double bladed saber red is the only colour that works but single or dual are i prefer blue and green but thats my personal preference


and if u read the books you will find that every jedi has to make there own lightsaber (common knowledge) but that every saber is different


i even read of one that was multi-coloured and could change its length


you could also have it as a choice to have the switch on the inside of the handle so that you had to use the force to turn it on or off


and some sabers were made so that the moment they left your hand they automaticly turned off


apparently there were many other styles and types so in the end the actual colour of the blade was a choice by the jedi


so the only dark jedi have red was something lucas started in 'A new hope' but as i pointed out earlier the star wars universe has grown larger than his original vision

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Originally posted by sheedee

Well, in school I was told that primary colours are these: Red, Green and Blue. Yellow is not a primary colour, as it is a different spectrum of red. While green certainly can be made by mixing yellow and blue it does have it's own light spectrum and thus is a primary colour. It doesn't matter whether you can mix a coulour of other colours, what matters is, whether id has a spectrum of its own.


Light primary and color primary are two differant things. If you take apart a color projection TV, you see three color bulbs. Red, blue, and GREEN. Mixing colors has nothing to do with light. Science does not involve paint or crayons or anything of the like. It is called a lightsaber It is light in a spectrum of a certain color. Red, blue, and green are primary colors of light visible to the naked eye. I am aware of the paint mixing thing. Sorry, I think you can say you are both right as long as it is in context. By the way, I'm color blind. I am Blue/Green color blind to be truthful. 2/3 of the primary colors-- not 2/3 of all the colors!!


And I like an Orange lightsaber best.

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I like the Orange saber idea too, especially if it can make you a nice glass of Orange juice,. Something different instead of that good old Icewater, in the desserts of Tatooine, while watching somebody surrounded by droids die of thirst (did I spell that right, I'm not from any English speaking country?).

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in graph comm and art i was told that red blue and yellow are primary colours because they cannot be made by another colour.

thhen you have secondary colours then tertiary colours.


Have you ever thought to yourself that space must end but then what is beyond that an then that should end but what is beyond that, the human brain can't handle it and you will find yourself questioning yourself for hours.


this proves we know very little about the universe we live in.

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