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I have no problem giving my opinions, or so I'm told. And I agree, I don't want to get into a debate either. I will simply state some views, listen to anybody else's views and we can leave them as each others views, even if you all are wrong. Just kidding with ya.


I don't agree with all of Bush's ideas, but most of them. I agree with few of Kerry's ideas. Simple math imo.


Throughout Kerry's campaign he has stated that he would not had gone into Iraq without a strong world coalition, nor without a sanction of the UN, but he would go if those conditions were met. In the early 90's when voting to go to war for the first Gulf War, all of those conditions were met, he voted no. During the vote for this Gulf War, his conditions were not near as strong and he voted yes but claims he voted no even though he voted yes.


He served in the Vietnam War, saw combat for only 3 months, earned 3 Purple Hearts (for wounds in combat) and several other distinguished medals. Upon his return he wrote books, campaigned and testified in court that our troops were murders genocidal against the Vietnamese people and renounced his medals. His testimonies were used by the Viet Cong to influence our POW's in interrogations.


In a nutshell, to keep it short, if you look at his voting record of his 20 some years in the senate and compare it to his campaign promises, they are in direct contradiction. That is why I am voting for Bush, not Kerry.

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I agree Viceroy, no Politician is Waffle Free. I suppose it is a choice of a lesser of two waffles now isn't it?


Anyway, back to what's important, I will get to a game one of these days once I download the needed patch and get a Sunday free of all of the stuff I have to do, no promises though (my own version of the waffle).

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Well personally I wouldn't count Kerry being opposed to war in the past as a negative, but that's just me.


His voting no for the previous Gulf War doesn't seem too relevant to me. He said if the conditions had have been met for this war he would have gone it, not if those conditions were met for every single war ever. So that doesn't seem contradictory to me.


Again, the Vietnam War was a different time and a different war. Again I wouldn't count his honesty to speak out against American attrocities as a negative. Perhaps the world needs an American present who isn't convinced his countrymen are benevolent?


So those are my views, but since there has been complaints let as move away from the politics now.


I should be at the forum game this weekend... are we still going to attempt a Saturday meeting or just do Sundays now?

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Well I'd say GWB is the Greater Waffler.
















Those Put forward some good points.


Indeed though If everyone attends the Forum Game we may have a full Blown * Player Epic complete with Giant Map.


It'll be interesting and some people did say they could play in November.


It'll be interesting to see how the Tweaks to my playing style will work under such a situation.


Vostok after reading through nyour battle report and you are the Resident SPELLING NAZI what does Constucted Mean?

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Well I don't use go off at typos like constucted. Just intentional mis-spellings like Wookiee and Emporer.


One final word on American politics since at this point it is pretty close to over. Bush hasn't technically won yet but he probably will. While Kerry may appear a bit wishy-washy, at least he hasn't proven himself incompitent by four years of poor international decisions and domestic neglect.

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Au contraire, the politicians do. Because if they don't the US will exert it's economic power and force them to change their minds.


It's the same in Australia. The politicians love Bush but the people don't like him much at all.


This is especially the case in Europe. Polls have shown that in just about every European country the population is about 80% opposed to Bush. Spain is a prime example, I think disapproval was up to about 90% at one stage, but Spain's politicians still sided with Bush to become part of the "Coalition of the Willing" despite what the Spanish people wanted. Hence why in Spain's recent election the challenging candidate offered to remove Spanish troops from Iraq if elected, and he won by a landslide.


Ain't democracy grand?

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The European Union can stand up to the Americans and so does China.



Especially China. They've gotten a lot of criticism from the US telling them to stop selling products so cheap they're killing US economy. Obviously, China cares so much about such threats:dozey:

They'll outproduce and outgrow the US soon enough.


Back on topic, it is quite true Canada cannot function without the USA, its primary trade partner so we have not a lot of choices though I'd rather kiss the ass of someone who deserves it rather then a total retard.


Our last prime minister refused to participate in the war and received lots of ire and problems from americans, especially big corporations who wanted to completely stop all trading between he two countries because "we are not good friends".

Hell, I got friends in the military and I don't want any of them to take a bullet for GWBush.

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Certainly as long as Germany and France, the strongest countries in the Union, follow the will of their people rather than the will of America, Europe will continue to keep the US in line. Fortunately China (as you mentioned) and Japan are also not being intimidated.


In fact it's scary how much the world is moving towards that depicted in George Orwell's 1984. I recommend it as a good read to everyone. In it the world has become divided into three major powers: Oceania (the Americas + UK + Australia), Eurasia (Europe and Russia) and EastAsia (China + Japan). Quite scary.

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So I suppose the Continent of Africa is a Pipe dream then?


Or hasn't it been built yet?


In Britain Bush is detested and despised so don't think the UK will be joining up with America any time soon especially after blair gets kicked out.


The EU as a super state is Something I've been predicting on IA that's why I think Taiwan should leap into China's arms.


I genuienly thought Emperor was emporer.

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I agree Cosmo, err, a Vostok (nice avatar by the way) the world is more and more becoming like Orwinian in nature as in "1984". It is a great book. I should read it again. It has been a long time. I posted a thead about an ID chip that has been accepted for use by out FDA here in the good old USA. It is a radio frequency activated chip that works like a grocery store scanner. It is inserted under your skin. My cat has one. It scares me.

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Decisions Decisions...


Shall I crash with someone over in Canada for 4 years, or go back to the Wang and declare it an Independent nation? I'll call it the Independent Sovereign Imperical Nation of the United Galactic Federational States [iSINUFFS] (I just threw in a bunch of big words), and declare myself Supreme Overlord! We shall hold the US hostage by keeping our Florida Orange Juice. Let's see them protect themselves from the flu now! Muahahahaha! We also have random themeparks.



I'm just glad Bush can't run again next election... if we're still alive in four years :/

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Phreak, I do pity you. Were I staying on in Canada for the next four years I'd offer my

humble abode to US political refugees like yourself, but alas I must return to the 51st state that is Australia... one of the few western countries where hatred for Bush is not in the majority...


So I suppose the Continent of Africa is a Pipe dream then?
If you're referring to Africa in 1984, it is one of the contested territories between the superpowers, though Oceania controls most of it... much like today. If you're wondering why Africa isn't a superpower... well it isn't, it's the poorest continent in the world, it can't hope to compete with the other superpowers.

I genuienly thought Emperor was emporer.
Exactly my point. I don't correct typos, I correct mis-spellings where people are under the impression that they're spelling it right. For example, I could tell you that genuienly is spelt genuinely, but I'm sure you didn't mean to type it that way so I won't bother to correct it (just to use it as an example of a typo).
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Well, I am conservative in my political views and I have one thing that I have to say (ok, I have a lot to say, but all I'm going to say is one thing, this time anyway). Since the Republican party now controls the White House, and since they picked up even more seats in the House giving them even larger control there, and since they picked up four seats in the Senate giving them a 54 to 46 lead ratio in there, they really have no reason not to get their agenda accomplished. I am not a registered republican, but I tend to vote more for Republicans than any other group because they tend to be more conservative minded like myself, but they better do something this term because they have no excuse this time.

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I'll say this, Bush better get the Nuclear waste to Nevada. One thing I disagreed with Kerry was that he said there will be no Nuclear watse disposal in Neva's Yucca Mountains. Even though that is the best place for them. Bush better get to it...


Yucca Mountaints > High level waste sitting in pools of water all over the place.

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I was reffering to the African Continent as a unified nation the day it becomes a Super power will be the day we've build Star Destroyers.


I think it's more Likely gonna be Asia then the European Union with Britian and a few others.


A Revitalised Soviet Union because that's already started they just need to get rid of Putin's propganda machine and so called Democracy (well MANAGED Democracy)


Then there'll be SOtuh America and North America so America+ Canada then All the countires of South America together.


The European Union will propably be quite a power house when We get back on track from constant American interference.


No kidding either the Americans have been mucking around with European politics saying THEY don't want US to have a European Army and trying to prevenet a Superstate.


I'm strongly of the opionion that most politicians should be shot.

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