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Getting Started, Microsoft(R) pointing devices


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Just incase you havn't got a ms mouse here are some o the best bits


"Health Warning

Use of a keboard or pointing device may be linked to serious injurys or dissorders.

Blah blah symptoms, DO NOT IGNORE THESE WARNING SIGNS PROMPTLY SEE A QUALIFIED HEALTH PROFESIONAL," there is much more, there is even a page on eating properly and execise.


Oh and I like this bit


"Physical forces continuously interact with our bodies. We may only think of high impact forces, such as car crashes, as injuring our bodies. However, low forces may also result in injuries, discomfort or fatigue if they are repeated or experiance over a long period of time."


well I had bet to go, got to see a doctor, my hand has touched my mouse!

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Originally posted by IG-64

All those are put there because people use their comps non-stop (guilty :p ) and get carpal-tunnel syndrome and sue the mouse/keyboard company.


Yeh, people who type for a living often get cramps/problems with their hands and back from the keyboard.

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Originally posted by IG-64

All those are put there because people use their comps non-stop (guilty :p ) and get carpal-tunnel syndrome and sue the mouse/keyboard company.


Yeah, I had worked out it was a liability thing, its just funny how far you have to go now to avoid geting sued. I mean the healthy eating bit? surely not needed. I mean your not going to sue Microsoft when you get fat are you, or are people that mad thesedays?


The booklet mentioned carpal-tunnel syndrome, what is it? it didn't say.

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one word:




Anyone would love to sue Microsoft!! I don't blame them, all that money!!! Microsoft has to cover their asses everywhere they go.


On every coffee mug, cup, and fernace(sp), has.... (Warning: CONTENTS HOT) :rolleyes:



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Originally posted by jon_hill987

The booklet mentioned carpal-tunnel syndrome, what is it? it didn't say.

What is Carpal Tunnel Syndrome?

Carpal tunnel syndrome occurs when tendons or ligaments in the wrist become enlarged, often from inflammation, after being aggravated. The narrowed tunnel of bones and ligaments in the wrist pinches the nerves that reach the fingers and the muscles at the base of the thumb. The first symptoms usually appear at night. Symptoms range from a burning, tingling numbness in the fingers, especially the thumb and the index and middle fingers, to difficulty gripping or making a fist, to dropping things. Some cases of carpal tunnel syndrome are due to work-related cumulative trauma of the wrist. Diseases or conditions that predispose to the development of carpal tunnel syndrome include pregnancy, diabetes, and obesity.


My father has carpal tunnel, he plays guitar, so its ruff, but he deals with it.

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I went to that DumbWarnings.com and went to the Dumb Signs section. ROFL!! Here's a few. . . .

Clemson, SC

Caution water on road during rain.

Rim Drive, Durango, CO

Warning: Do Not Hit This Sign

Sheriff's Dept., Warrden County, IN

At entrance to jail a sign reads, "No weapons beyond this point". Message is also written in brail underneath.

University of Saskatchewan, in Saskatoon

Pedestrian Tunnel. No admittance (Pedestrian tunnels planned to link all the buildings of the school, but the project ran out of funding before they could be completed)

And my favorite because I've seen signs like this when I used to live in Indiana on Route 41 near a prison there.

Interstate 10, Near Phoenix, AZ

State Prison: Do Not Stop for Hitchhikers

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you know that one on the superman suit saying ~ garment does not enable wear to fly~ this has o be on all superhero suits after a kid jumped off a high rise building with the intention to fly, it didnt work:( and the makers got their asses sued.even though the kid was to young to read the writing if it had been there.

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Unknown Blow Dryer

Warning: Do not use while sleeping.



are you kidding me?


Power Puff Girls Halloween Costume

You cannot save the world!


now thats not a nice thing to say


Various Computers

Keyboard not detected. Press F1 to continue


oh yes, makes me smile everytime i see that.


Liquid Plummer

Warning: Do not reuse the bottle to store beverages.



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