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Search Script's source ...


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Hello world !


I've searched the source script named "k_ptar_duelrew.nss" with KotOR Tool, but I didn't find any files. Their is only the file named "k_ptar_duelrew.ncs".


So, I ask you if you could give me Web adresses or e-m@il, where I can obtain this file ...


I thank you in advance !...

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I didn't find this file in "BIFs->Scripts->Source..."


I want to modify the items gived by Ajuur The Hutt when you beat Bendak Starkiller. The file created by "NWNNSSCOMP" has a very bad quality (It's not a .NSS file, but a .PCODE file !)


So, I await help ... (If it's possible...)

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The file produced by nwnnsscomp is the best you're going to get. It's a disassembly of a machine code file. Local variables names are not stored in the file, so there's no way for nwnnsscomp to put them in the output file. It's analogous to compiling a C++ file to a binary file (like a .dll or .exe file) and running it through a tool like w32dasm. Just like the nwnnsscomp output, you can see the names of certain functions called, but you're not going to get C++ source out of it.


If you want to learn more about how .ncs files work, go here.


As far as your project, if by "modify the items gived(sp) by Ajuur The Hutt" you mean you want to alter those items' characteristics, you don't need to necessarily change the script; you can just edit the files from the tar0****.rim file or from templates.bif using Kotor Tool, then save your changed versions to your KotOR installation's Override directory.


If you mean that you want to change what items are given, you would likely have to recreate the script and compile it.


Good Luck!

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Originally posted by Fred Tetra

If you want to learn more about how .ncs files work, go here.

Yup useful link, I inluded this in the Guide for the Newbie sometime ago :)

If you mean that you want to change what items are given, you would likely have to recreate the script and compile it.

This is one solution but there is another easy solution which very practical when the original script calls many functions (dunno if this is the case I haven't looked at "k_ptar_duelrew.ncs ") or when the person is not comfortable recreating a script:


Rename the original "k_ptar_duelrew.ncs " to something else (old_script.ncs per example)

Then make a new one called "k_ptar_duelrew.nss " that will use the CreateItemOnObject function to give the new items, and then the ExecuteScript function:

ExecuteScript("old_script", OBJECT_SELF);

and to get rid of the old objects, it is also possible to use the DestroyObject function.


If you have problems with this Glakamech, just mention it and I'll look at it.

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Thank you for your help !


So, for my problem : I just want to add some entries in the file "k_ptar_duelrew.ncs" : I want to add "g_a_class90xx" (Mandalorian Assault Armor) and "g_head" (The mandalorian's helmet) to the items gived by Ajuur when you killed Bendak during the final duel...


It's easy in appearance, but more difficult in reality ...


So, could you give me scripts corresponding to my project ?...


I'm not a script's master ... Could you give me some adresses where I can follow a "training" (In French or English ...)


I thank you in advance !...

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Originally posted by Galakmech

So, for my problem : I just want to add some entries in the file "k_ptar_duelrew.ncs" : I want to add "g_a_class90xx" (Mandalorian Assault Armor) and "g_head" (The mandalorian's helmet) to the items gived by Ajuur when you killed Bendak during the final duel...

Err...are those .uti files? I know there is one for the mandalorian assault armor but I haven't seen any mandalorian helmet in the game...unless you made them.


In the scripts you have to use the tag of your oject (it is in the tag field of the corresponding .uti file).


The script would go like this:

void main () {
object oPC = GetPCSpeaker();
ExecuteScript("old_script", OBJECT_SELF);

old script is the original "k_ptar_duelrew.ncs " which you renamed to old_script.ncs (or whatever you want)

Change my_uti_tag1 and my_uti_tag1 for the tag of the .uti files you are using, save as k_ptar_duelrew.nss and compile your script.


If you want to destroy the original objects that are given to you, the use the DestroyObeject function.


If you have problems with this, you can PM me any time (in French if you wish)


I'm not a script's master ... Could you give me some adresses where I can follow a "training" (In French or English ...)

Check this thread:


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:D Thanks for your precious help ! (And for the script, of course...)


Oh, I have an other question : Could you tell me more about the "DestroyObjectFunction" and give me examples of codes using this function ?...

Now, for the items I want to add : They have all the extension ".UTI". The "g_head" item exists really, but it is hidden (Like other objects...) : We think that they can't exist because they do not appear in the "Templates" folder. These items are directly integrated in ".UTC" files without be mentioned in other folders. The "g_head" item, for example, is in the inventory of the mandalorian captain, located in the "Unknown World". You get the mandalorian assault armor on his corpse.

You get an other "mandalorian head" on Kashyyyk : It's the mandalorian commander who have it. Then, you have to bring it to the injured wookie. (The wookie who is fighting against a mandalorian faction in the beginning of the level, after the Czerka's force field)

In the two cases, you can't wear the mandalorian helmet (Except, if you wear the assault armor)


Thanks again for your assistance !...

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The Mando helmet is an item you give to a wookie in the shadowlands after killing all of the cloaked mandos. It's on the commanders body. It's not an actual model i don't think just an item with the iw_ image as the helmet from the Assualt Armor, it's a useless item which does nothing.

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Originally posted by Galakmech

Oh, I have an other question : Could you tell me more about the "DestroyObjectFunction" and give me examples of codes using this function ?...


Actually, I wasn't at home and didn't have access to nwscript.nss when I told you this, the proper function to use is ActionTakeItem

(sorry abou that - it is possible to use the other one too but much easier with this one)


Et voici: :)

void main () {
object oPC = GetPCSpeaker();
object  oBlaster=GetObjectByTag("G_W_BLSTRPSTL005");
ExecuteScript("old_script", OBJECT_SELF);
ActionTakeItem(oBlaster, oPC);

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Before starting SW : KotOR once again, I would like to be sure that the script you gave to me will function correctly ...

So, I ask you if you're really sure of yourself about this script ...

Excuse me for my mistrust, but I would not like to have to start KotOR again because the script won't have functioned ...


:trooper:Good bye ! :trooper:

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Look I haven't tested the script but it should work. I have used similar scripts many times. I cannot test every script, when I answer questions. You know when I scripted some force powers, it took me quite a few shots before finding the proper visual effects and the targetting area. It is just normal. Make sure you have the right tags for your items.


Testing a script does not require you to restart a game or a module. What you should do is save your game before you get to this dialogue with Ajuur and keep that saved game. Test the mod and if some adjustments are needed, then make them, recompile and simply reload your saved games. It only takes a few seconds. You don't even need to completely close the game when you recompile a script: simply minimize it.

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