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Free style James Bond type RPG


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Okay, well this is my FIRST rpg I made so I hope you like it...



Okay this takes place in the year 2007. It is basicaly you can be a spy type person who gunsmen or something like that. You can also own Mansions , Vehicles, islands or something like that.




Master Mine


Solider working for Villian

Head Villian of a group



Double O Agent




Leader of a Agent/ Spy group(scuh as MI6, CIA, FBI)







Group: (Such as FBI Cia..etc. Or you don't have 2 be in group)



Equipment: (Put Mansions , vehicles, islands, HQ udner Equipment)




My character -


Name: Carter Areons

Age: 25

Job: Double O Agent

Group: CIA

Nationality: American

Skills: Stealth good with his dual pistols lockpicking and over the average Strength

Equipment: Dual pistols, Stealth Suit(Solid Snake's type suit), Grapple Hook, Gas Mask, Lazer Watch, Private Jet, and a Mansion on his private island in the carribans, Katana with his name ingrave in the blade near the hilt.

Bio: Was trained by Sam Fisher(Splinter Cell) to become a CIA Agent. Has a wife named Jessica and a son named Joe ( after hsi father)


Was flying in his Private Jet with some of his fellow CIA agents talking about their next mission.

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Name: Steven Solidus

Age: 27

Job:douple O Agent

Group: CIA

Nationality: america

Skills: good stealth

Equipment: he has a mansion in miami, a stealth suit, grappel hook, silent sniper, laser watch, missile toy helicopter and 2 pistols

Bio:Every1 in his family wears the badge. He had a normal childhood Until his dad was shot. His mother nearly went insane but steven helped her pull herself together


Got in his car and drove down Miami mall. "i'll have a douple cheese burger plz" he said to the man working behind the Burger King stall

"that'll be $ 3". steven hands the man his money and he takes his burger and sits down and enjoys his burger

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Name: Jackson Bridge

Age: 25

Job: Gunsman

Group: freelancer

Nationality: South African

Skills: immensly strong

Equipment: Modified Dodge Magnum, 2 Harballers(http://www.calzaretta.com/scans/AMT%20LS%20small.jpg) and a standered shotgun

Bio: Jackson grew up in a rough family, his dad was a professional criminal and his mom had left them.


Jackson sat dwon in his "office" and his employer started to talk.

"this is what the job is, there is this guy, really annoying, well he's my boss actually-"

"and you want him dead?"

"if it can be avoided sure, just teach him a lesson."

"he'll be dead tomrrow then, thank you and goodbye." he shoved the man out of his office, jackson truend aroudn and loaded his pistols and his shotgun, got on his gear and stepped out.

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Name: Jordan Lokim

Age: 23

Job: Double 0 Agent

Group: FBI

Nationality: British

Skills: Incredible accuracy, and incredible stealth attirbutes

Equipment: Jaguar, Silenced-pistol, Sniper Rifle

Bio: Jordan grew up in a poor home, but he looked as if he had good potential to be a Double 0 Agent and was taken from his family at a young age.



Jordan sat down. The phone rang. it was the FBI leader.






"I have a mission for you, there is a power plant in Northern Russia, but they supply power for the Ki-rell, a Terrorist group. You'll be working with some members of the CIA, Solidus and Areons, I believe you have met them already."




"I want you to shut down this power plant so the Ki-rell will be defensless, then you must rid them off"



"I see.... I'll contact Areons and Solidus immediatly. *click*"


Jordan hangs up and picks up the phone again and calls Areons.


"I guess we will be working together for a while."


"Yes, I have just recieved the message"


"Good, once I get Solidus we can be on our way"


"So he's coming too eh? Well ok, signing off! *click*"


Jordan hangs up again and calls Steven.




"Lokim? Your part of the FBI not the CIA, why are you calling me? I'm sorta eating my cheese burger!"


"We will be working together for a while."


"Likely story. *beep* *beep* just a moment i have someone on the other line................................................................................................

It seems we will be working with each other for a while."




"OK just lemme finish my lunch"


Jordan hangs up. he straps his sniper rifle over his back and puts his pistol into his holster and then he walks out the door.



((Sorry for the char controlling, but it was necassary. and besides, we have a plot! WOOHOO!))

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Name: Sam Fisher

Age: 43

Job: International PeaceKeeper

Group: NSA (National Security Assosiation)

Nationality: American

Skills: The Fifth Freedom

Equipment: SC-20K(The new one that's going to be in Splinter CEll 3 Chaos Theory with the Gadget Launcher, Assault Rifle, Shotgun, and Sniper modes), Pistol

Bio: Classified Information withheld by the NSA, CIA, FBI, and Government.





Meanwhile in Toyko Japan...


"So tell me who do you work for Mr. Dingrad?" A deep voice asks.


"I..I..I work for a man named James DuPont, a Frenchman. Very rich, very very rich." Mr. Dingrad says.


"Thanks, you were a big help." The voice says, and slams the butt of his gun on Mr. Dingrads head.


"Good Job Fisher." Another voice says on a comm link.


"Thanks Lambert. So Grim, where am I off to next?" Fisher asks.


"I've I.D you target, Mr. James DuPont he is the leader of the Ki-rell, a terroist group in Northern Russia. A group of spys are going to a nearby plant to shut down the terroist groups power for awhile. You'll meet up with them there." Grimsdotter informs.


"Thanks Grim" Sam says as he hops on board of the Helicopter landing on the roof. "I'm off to Russia."

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Jordan hops into his Jaguar and rides to the FBI main HQ


The private plane was already ready. Jordan jumped in the drivers seat and took off.


--5 hours later-- ((remember, I'm in Britain))


Jordan lands. He hops out to see Russians looking at him.


"What do you want?"


"I'm here to speak with Timothy Cuire.((power plant owner?))"


"Good thing we intercepted your message." the Russians said as they pulled out revolvers.

"We won't let you shut down this plant! FOR THE KI-RELL!"


"huh. Talk is big, but can you prove it?" ((yess fight scene))


Jordan whirls out his pistol and shoots one of them and kills him.


One of the Russians punch him in the face. Jordan jumps on top of the plane and starts shooting again, killing 2 more.


Unfortunatly, more Ki-rell minions were running to the scene as the pulled out machine guns.


"Boy, I hope someone gets here fast!" Jordan said desperatly.

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(Thx Redwing it was a typo!)



Lands and sees a fight going on


immdetaly pulls out his Katana from his back and starts slicing some guards



"Lucky I got here."


As he slices a guard in half



(I'll allow somewhat of a godmode if your fighting a massive group of guards liek we are now. And np about Character Control, you can do control talk scens if your talking on phone about missions like you just did now. and THX FOR THE PLOT!)

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Jackson walked down the streets of New york he rang a doorbell, a man popped out, jackson shot him in the head and checked his wallet.

"hmm, brother, oh well." jackson said then stepped inside the house and went to the dinning room where a man was watching his big screen tv.

"who the hell are yo-" Jackson shot him twice in the head, the man fell down dead after trying to stand up, jackson turned around and walked out back to his "office".

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Jordan jumps off the plane and says "Hah! 'Bout time you guys showed up!" and he shot another Russian.


"This will take too long..." Jordan says annoyed. "Lets try this."


Jordan throws mines around the group of Ki-rell.


"You move and you die.... unless you wouls like to show us the way to the power plant?"


"Y-y-yes o-of course" says the leader suspiciously


"Good boy"

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Jackson sits in his chair shuffling a deck of cards and chewing on a toothpick when he gets a phone call, jackosn picks up.

"Jackson here."

"come to russia." then it hung up

"come to russia?, hmm sounds like fun." jackson packed clothes, ammo and his guns, then headed for his private jet, and he was on his way to russia.

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Once everyone got into the plant, Timothy Cuire walked up to us. The plant looked like a very rich mansion, with many rooms for the workers.


"Greetings gentlemen" he said politely.


"Good day to you too" Jordan said. "We came to have a tour of your power plant."


"I would love to, but you might want some rest after your journey here eh?"


"Mr. Cuire..." a voice said. An young, attractive female walked into the room. "Oh hello, my name is Penny. Mr. Cuire and I have something to talk about privatley."


"S-s-sure th-th-thing miss" everyone said at once.


"OK everyone, we can't be distracted from our mission by her...." Jordan said.


"Follow me to your rooms" said a well dressed man. Everyone followed him upstairs.




"whats the matter Jordan?" Carter asked.


"That girl, she let Cuire get away hen we had a great opportunity to get him, I just wished we put a tracking device on him."


"Way ahead of you Jordan!" Carter said excitedly as he held up a device that had a blinking red light moving across the screen. "I've already done that."

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Jackson landed in the airport, a man walked up to him.

"Jackson Bridge?"

"thats me, are you the short conversationist."

"heh, yes, i was told you come out of curiosity when you don't know what is going on."

"more or less yeah."

"good, come wiht me, you will be paid well, we have word that our plant has been infiltrated, and we want you to find and kill them."

"you called the right person."

"good, we will take you there." a black limo pulled up and the door opened, Jackson got in and the man got in as well, then the car pulled away.

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Jackson reached the plant, he stepped out and followed the man inside and up to an office.

"Jackosn Bridge i presume?" the man threw a brief case on the table "100 000 dollars to stop the inflitrators, i'll give 50 000 extra for everyone you catch alive, and bring him to me."

"it'll be done." Jackson said, and walked out.

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"Those spies actually think they got in here without thinking we would know they were infiltrating?? HAH!" Cuire said to himself.


"Well, they are falling into my trap, once the Ki-rell gets this next shipment of power, they will be able to complete the most poisonous biological weapon of all time!"


"Well well well, Timothy Cuire, thinking you could out smart us?" Jordan said with a chuckle as the rest of the team dropped out of the vent with their guns out.


"YOU! G-G-GUARDS!" Cuire said nervously as he sprinted away.

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