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The Ebon Hawk

Emperor Devon

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i have to agree that there wasnt enough interaction between t3 and hk, hk was an assasination droid but he was also an interperator but you didnt see him interperate when t3 beeps once i really hope they do something about that in tsl if hk is in it



i heard that there is a gray version of hk called hk-50 in tsl, if this is a upgraded version of hk-47 i dont know


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Originally posted by jackofblades

good theroy aleggy


r u saying that his spoiler thing is a theory?


but anywayz, yep a customizable option for the Ebon Hawk would be fully sic.


and maybe for the characters this time they could make it so you can not just select the head, but the entire body and features.


example: selecting different hair, eyes, nose, mouth, ears, skin colour and different body shapes.


make it feel as if you can customize this CP down to the bone.


a truly satisfying virtual expirience.

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Originally posted by mr.piercy

example: selecting different hair, eyes, nose, mouth, ears, skin colour and different body shapes.


make it feel as if you can customize this CP down to the bone.


a truly satisfying virtual expirience.

You mean kind of like they had it in Neverwinter Nights in the PC appearance section, something like that would have been cool for KOTOR... oh well, a lost opportunity.

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Originally posted by RedHawke

You mean kind of like they had it in Neverwinter Nights in the PC appearance section, something like that would have been cool for KOTOR... oh well, a lost opportunity.


I would have liked it if you could have chosen your character's head, legs,arms, and clothing, but I wouldn't want to choose my character's nose, or hair color, etc.

I can see why lucasarts did that. Maybe they thought people would get upset if they made a cruddy face, and they would send hate mail.

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