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Podracer Help

Lady Jedi

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I know that this may not be the right place for this, but I don't know where else to ask. Mods, just go ahead and move it if you need to.


Well, that said, here's my problem:


I have the old game Star Wars Episode I: Podracer. I use this game on two systems, Win 98 and Win XP. On my 98 system it plays fairly well, with the occaisional glitch but I think that's just because it has way outlived what it should have. But on my XP system it will only let me use the first three races on Free Play. As far as I know, Tournament mode works just fine (my little bros are the ones playing so I'm not sure). Does anyone know why it would do this, other than it's just because the game is outdated for the system? Podracer is designed to run with DirectX 6.1, and on XP it's is using DirectX 9.0. Could this be the problem? Thanks.



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No, Troopr, I've had this game since just after it was released and bought it new. Like I said, it works fine on my old system, but Free Play only has three races on XP. I did the troublshooter and it said that there were no problems. :confused:


And Gothix, yeah. I can play and win all three that are there, but it doesn't unlock any more than that.

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You can't play other races in tournament mode either? That's even more odd..


No, no, no. I does work in Touney mode. Free Play is the one screwed up.


Maybe try e-mailing LucasArts, or getting it on N64?


Hmmmm. Do they have it for PS2?



Any smudges or scratches on the disk


Nope. I have two disks (yay CD burner) so that my little brothers can play at the same time. It doesn't matter which disk I use, it's still the same problem.


And be nice. :p

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Originally posted by Lady Jedi

No, no, no. I does work in Touney mode. Free Play is the one screwed up.




Hmmmm. Do they have it for PS2?





Nope. I have two disks (yay CD burner) so that my little brothers can play at the same time. It doesn't matter which disk I use, it's still the same problem.


And be nice. :p



It's an XP problem then... have you recently patched XP with SP2?


And, I'm a very nice person thank you :xp:

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Troopr, I haven't patched a d@mn thing and I don't know what SP2 is. :rolleyes: And I guess you're nice. *sighs* :D



Rhett, how do I get to compatability mode? And it just doen't have the other races highlighted to where you can choose them. It looks like it does in tourney on the locked races. So no system crashing, just an annoying problem, mainly for my little bros though, since they just wreck their pods in tourney mode.

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Wait, I've found your problem. From Yoda's Help Desk:


Play a Tournament race to unlock the tracks.


If you reinstall Racer and use your old savegames or if you move save games from on computer to another, the tracks that were unlocked in Freeplay Mode will be locked until you play a Tournament race. Once you have played a Tournament race, the tracks will be available again.



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Originally posted by Boba Rhett

I try. :^:


Yeah well, Yoda said there is no try. :xp: Anyhoo, I just checked to see if the touney races had been played at all and on my name almost all of them had been played. And still just the three free play ones. :rolleyes:


You must be put into quarantine. You have the dreaded Astrotoy7 desease.

No no, it's ok, IG. I got my shots. Everyone is once again free to hug me as much as they want.


Whoa, Whoa! Did you have some weird prairie/corn disease that I should know about before I claim to hug you? YUCK! :D I know, I'll take some echinacea. Yeah. That'll work. :p

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Originally posted by Pie™

Um.. okay.. try Rhett's advice :o


this post has been brought to you by the lovable goth playboy :D


I did try Rhett's advice. Didn't work. And I know I sounded harsh but going off topic bugs me.




Oh my gosh! Look! A butterfly! Whhhhhheeeeeeee! :xp:

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You did try the compatibility mode, right?


Yup. Sure did. It still didn't work. Maybe I'll try it for Win 95.



It may say you've played them but try and play through one of the tournys again. I bet it'll work.


I tried a tourney race on one of my little bros names since he hadn't done any tourney races. I won, and it unlocked the next tourney race, but no more free play. Oh and there are actually six free play circuits. 3 on the first tier, 2 on the next, and 1 on the last.


And I'll uhh, try to look out for cornitis. :xp:

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