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What would your Sith Name Be?


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Originally posted by DK_Viceroy

It wouldn't nessacerily have to be a Darth name after all Assajj Ventress a "Sith Chick" doesn't have a Darth incarnation.




Let's face it, every sith in the films is a Darth. Someone's got to keep the purist pedantry going while Vostok's away. ;)

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Originally posted by DK_Viceroy

It wouldn't nessacerily have to be a Darth name after all Assajj Ventress a "Sith Chick" doesn't have a Darth incarnation.


Oh Viceroy, mister Truist. You know better. This bald "Sith Chick" can't be labeled "Darth" because she is not a Sith. She claims to be Sith but if you remember correctly Dooku corrects her and tells her that she is not a Sith. Also, she cannot be a Sith because there are presently two Sith and their code prevents her then from being one. Therefore she is not a Sith and cannot be called "Darth" anything. She is simply a Dark Force user that is working for the Sith. But she is cool.


I would be DARTH LOTS!

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During the times when there were more than 2 sith they were all Called Darth InsertNameHere anyway and Assajj Ventress would have been viewed as a sith by the Jedi Council.


However said that Dooku would follow that particular rule about there being only 2?


he needed all the help he could get and if it meant bending a rule or two maybe saying there could only b2 2 male and female sith then he would have done it.

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Oh good grief. From a film purist point of view, Assajj Ventress wouldn't exist anyway. Also, Yoda and Mace Windu made it quite clear when they said there are only ever two Sith, a Master and an Apprentice.


Phreak - true, but then the 'Darth Whatever' name is only one name by which they go by. For example, Darth Sidious is Senator/Supreme Chancellor/Emporer Palpatine; Darth Tyrannus is Count Dooku; Darth Vader is Anbakin Skywalker.


However, you can tell that is different from what Lucas originally created because in the final battle between Obi-Wan and Vader, Obi keeps calling him 'Darth' instead of 'Vader' - so Darth was like his first name.

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yes Froz most Sith were like that there were a few exceptions.


Notice how the emporer doesn't have a Darth incarnation in the OT.


I wonder why he looks radically different as sidious when he looks fine as normal palpatine.


I just like Assajj Ventress and her rehtoric it sounds so cool. She's an Icon of how the empire later succeeded in destroying the Jedi, or so they thought...

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I think that Palpatine only goes by "Emperor Palpatine" in the OT by design. I believe that he is hiding his Dark Powers from the general public. I think that only his most closest advisers are aware that he is a Sith, or at best a user of the Force. One point is that in ANH Moff Tarkin says to Vader when DV tells him that he felt the presence of Kenobi in the Death Star that "Surely he (meaning Kenobi) is dead by now. You are the last of the ancient religion" or something like that. He meant that Vader was the last Jedi, which in a way he was (except Yoda, but nobody but Ben knew of Yoda). It was as if Tarkin had no idea that Palpatine was a Sith too like Vader was. Everyone knew Vader used the Force.

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