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Finish Times?

Boba Rhett

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Originally posted by Boba Rhett

Who's through it and how long did it take you?


It took me a little over 48 hours to get through it the first time. I think I should have maybe done it slower because the story leaves me at a loss still... :(


Any ending you get will end that way, it's just the way the game ends, but it leaves for a WICKED sequel, one where:



Revan and the Exile can return, and they can go and kick ass across the galaxy. The way they speak of Revan in this game is truly awesome, it makes you realize how much of a badass Revan really was, I really hope that they bring him/her back. Those SL's however, were a bitch, not so much Nihilus, but Sion and Kreia, Sion you had to kill 3 times, and those 3 lightsabers that Kreia brings about are ruthless. Overall after the game is over, I did feel a lil' screwed because of the ending, and I know now what the reviews meant but hey, I realized what a sequel we can get.



Overall score on my part




Oh, btw, the game took me 50 hours.

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Originally posted by Boba Rhett

Yes, I was left with the same feeling. "Oh my gosh. They want to make a third that has a mixture of both crews."




The story was too bloated for it's own good. :(


Well, we'll have to wait atleast a year to find out!



I want Revan to return for sure though.......I was really hoping he'd make an appearence at the end of the game:

Nooooo...I didn't wanted to know this. - Spoiler tags added - Darth333 ;)



I knew the planet was going to blow, and when the Ebon Hawk went down, and then came back up, I thought they'd reveal the identity of the pilot as being Revan and he'd pick you up unconcious with you being all, wtf, where am I, but all you'd see were his feet or something. Oh well, next time, lets hope for a better story.


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My game time was 32 hours as well.



They had better make a third game! I'm too into this huge storyline that I'll be upset if I don't find out what is going on with Revan and everything. And I hope that you can be Revan again also. When the ending credits came up I was like "no!" because I don't know if I can wait another year. I want it now.



Overall I'd give it a 9 though. I was horribly confused throughout the whole thing but that just made me want to play it more and figure out what was going on.

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Originally posted by Devilsfanatic

Well, we'll have to wait atleast a year to find out!



I want Revan to return for sure though.......I was really hoping he'd make an appearence at the end of the game:

Nooooo...I didn't wanted to know this. - Spoiler tags added - Darth333 ;)



I knew the planet was going to blow, and when the Ebon Hawk went down, and then came back up, I thought they'd reveal the identity of the pilot as being Revan and he'd pick you up unconcious with you being all, wtf, where am I, but all you'd see were his feet or something. Oh well, next time, lets hope for a better story.


crap, I didn't spoiler that?????? ****

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I thought it was gonna be way longer. The game only feels have finished. There's so much that's left open-ended. Revan, the droids (remember the navcomputer?), T3 knowing the past, HK not remembering and needing to . . . and the characters needed to be fleshed out more. We barely knew Darths Nihilus and Sion, and had no connection or feeling for them when we killed them. There has to be a number 3. I mean, the story was very well written, but the ending was cheap. NUMBER III DAMN IT! I wasn't confused, I had the desire to learn more about my character, and again, I don't feel that was fulfilled or explored properly. It's like all the energy and time went into the build-up, and then no effort into the finishing off. That's why I say 8. It deserves a 9, even with the many glitches I've come across. But . . . it craps out at the end. They could have doubled the game (it only feels like the story is half done when it ends) or at least added another 5-10 hours. Or am I the only one feeling like this?

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My first time through I beat it under 30 hours. I can do it in about 20 now (my last two times through it, of 5). But on my third time through I spent about 60 hours playing it. But that was with me running around for long periods of time just looking at stuff without really doing anything and beating every pazaak player and every race and doing anything els ethat I could possibly think of.

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took me about 27 hours.



When the Ebon Hawk rescued you, I was expecting SOMETHING else to happen. I don't know, another small freighter to appear with Reven and he tells you how he found the real Sith and he needs your help... Man, can I wait another year for a KoTOR III? There better be a KoTOR III.


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No, Blessed Sith, youre definetely not the only one. I finished it in 32 hours and:

after I defeated Darth Traya I said WooHoo this goes another 20 hours! Revan Appears again! Im only on half the story! Then this fraking Ebon hawk comes out and Im like: Go to the outer RIm, meet Revan!!!!!!! The best part is coming!!! but... F---ING CREDITS APPEAR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!! (exaggerated a little)



Anyway the story line is good enough, the only problem with the game is the glitches and the half-told story feeling. I give it 8.5.

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how many here watched the Empire Strikes Back for the first time and didn't want to see Return of the Jedi? :cool:



Hey, what happened to Boba Fett and Han? Where is Darth off to? Who is this Emperor guy and why is his face so wrinkled... AND WHY CAN I ACTUALLY SEE HIS FACE THIS TIME... grrr, star wars dvds and lukes green saber in IV (luke vs. remote when he first turns it on, i swear it's too green to be agured against it)... grrr


Please keep off topic discussion in the "off-topic" forum - darth333 -

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If ESB had visual glitches every other scene, a dozen half-developed side plots and a triple dose of anti-climactic fights then you would have a point SaS. But don't take that as a flame. You are every bit as entitled to your opinion as I am. My point is that's not really a fair comparison.

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no worries, i didn't read it as a flame either


though my comparison is mearly that of story(as well as dramatical theory) rather then visual grandure. Which we all know the KOTOR series lacks in comparison to a lot of others out there. But what it lacks in graphical excelence it makes up for in game length, replayability, and shere story. Plus you remember the transparent T47 cockpits ;)

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snowspeeders... the cockpits canopy was intentionally made partially transparent to remove some unavoidable leftovers from the matte work. Still even seen, though much less noticable, in the dvd release (look for where the blaster shots go behind the canopy)


but this is getting off topic, i'm sorry


let me actually get in my finish times... 32hours if i havn't mentioned it before

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