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KotOR II Easter Egg

Overthrow Jack

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Has anyone else come across this? I've been trying different character combinations since I beat the game for the second time, and I just got to Atton's cell as a male consular with 18 Charisma. His introduction:


"I'm Atton. I actually wasn't supposed to make it into the final game, but I was created at the last minute. Blame my agent. I was actually slated for a spin-off to Jedi Knight, but I don't even want to talk about what happened *there.*"


Not joking, it's real. Made me crack up and go WTF, so I decided to post it here. Anybody else stumble into anything similar?

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Found another one!



Samurai Jack: I know it's an odd request, but do you know any Echani poetry?


Handmaiden: Personal shields, I love you so... crafting and fighting with you... exhilirates me... You are the MAIN focus of my life... (except for my melee weapons and and my armor)... I love you so.


Samurai Jack: That is the weirdest thing I've ever heard. You Echani have some serious problems.


Handmaiden: Please do not joke about such things. You speak lightly of serious matters to me.


Samurai Jack: Whatever. Look, I'll be going now.


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Do you mean that if you play the game several times new features will unlock themselves?


Or do you mean that if you play the game several times you will start to notice new things, because you're getting more comfortable with the environment, but the things were already there?




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Originally posted by Mamba

My fav.


not really an easter egg but...


on Onderon, in the cantina, swoop bike place...




me: hi




me: im gonna go stand over there now.



this game has it all folks.


Hehe, yeah.

Try talking to that Rodian after the initial meeting with Master Kavar when he runs off and you have to take down Vakku's men. That guy sure loves his swoop racing.


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