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What do you think of the influence system? [spoilers]


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I think the influence system is a good idea in itself but that the way it has been implemented leads to more frustration than anything else IMHO .


You have to gain sufficient influence to be able to unlock convos with your party members otherwise you'll hear them repeating the same thing over and over and you'll even miss convos that give you important information to understand the main plot. To do this you need to constantly switch your party members (when possible) and run around trying to find the triggers that will unlock the dialogue or you'll get the same convos over and over. This is especially difficult since the game puts you many times in control of Party members you didn't chose. If you don't, you reach the end of the game with a single big question: "How did I get there?"



If there is a Kotor 3, i wish they use a sort of dual system that would combine what they did in Kotor 1 and 2: have new converstations that trigger when you level up and add the influence factor in it but not to lock dialogues that explain the main plot or something that locks up any possible interaction with party members.


I wish that if they lock convos, it would be more about knowing you character's deepest personal secrets, like Juhani and the Slavers (if you don't learn it you don't miss anything of the main plot). I was more imagining influence to be something like in Kotor 1, where you could convince Mission to forgive to her brother or to wish he gets beaten up and where you have LS and DS options. For me, the only thing that was missing there was the ability to change Mission's alignment .



...another thing to mod :D

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Originally posted by Darth333

I think the influence system is a good idea in itself but that the way it has been implemented leads to more frustration than anything else IMHO .

Agreed. I really like the concept but it needed a bit more tweaking & polish.


Hopefully the PC release will be a bit more complete/thought out in the influence aspect. Or it already is in it's current form & I just missed it....

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Originally posted by Darth333

I think the influence system is a good idea in itself but that the way it has been implemented leads to more frustration than anything else IMHO .


Yeah, it's a cool idea that had at best a "fair" implementation. The thing I liked best was that it encouraged you to swap party members around--no more running around with the same 2 people all the time. I like your idea--have the conversations tied to leveling, and have influence open up further dialogue within the conversation trees. Maybe have the influence tied in with the


special feats that certain party members give you. Like Atton's +1 Willpower save, Handmaiden's "Add Wisdom modifer to defense" (Battle Awareness or Recognition or something...), and Visas' Force Sight. That'd be sweet.


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The one thing that bothers me, is that if you do something nice, only one NPC will respond to it, in Kotor I both of your party members will react to certain situations i.e

getting the sandrals and the matales to kill eachother, muwhahahahaha



In this game, only one does, and then you don't gain influence for both. All in all, I really like it, especially since you can "convert" them!

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Originally posted by Darth333

I think the influence system is a good idea in itself but that the way it has been implemented leads to more frustration than anything else IMHO.

I agree, lots of incredible potential wasted as far as I'm concerned, not enough NPC influence opportunities, lots of dead end dialogues and lost opportunities because of such, in its current state to be any good.


Yet another thing we modders will have to "fix." :D

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