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The Official EU Trivia Thread !


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too bad with the screenie wraith....you missed out on 2 bonus points.... :(


something like this would have sufficed...tycho.jpg


* * *

I will resume,


Q. Name 6 of the first members from the Yavin 4 Praxeum..... ??


2 POINT BONUS : If you can name all 12 :D



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A: Let's see. There's Kam Solusar, Gantoris, Streen, Brakiss, Tionne, Dorsk 81, Kirana Ti, Corran Horn, and Kyle Katarn. Those are the original 9 I can remember off the top of my head.


Kyp Durron and Clighal came soon after the first batch.


Googling reveals that Cray Minglas, Nichos Marr, and an unnamed alien could be in the original 12...

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*reads his own sig banner :p*


Peace is a lie! There is only passion

Through passion i gain strength

through strength i gain power

through power i gain victory

through victory my chains are broken

the force shall free me


bing evil is great :p hey without evil there cannot be good so it must be good to be evil :p


oh btw. this is from the game: Knights of the old republic. when you have infiltrated the sith traingin base and you need to keep up apearance you have to learn the sith code. i actually was already going dark side and evil cause its so much cooler :) so i was realy into it :)


Q: Who was really behind the coupe and riots in the corellia system in the corellian trilogy. and what was so special about them?

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Originally posted by StarWarsPhreak

A: EASY! Thracken Sal-Solo. Thracken is Han's first cousin. He looks like Han except for his beard.


Q: Who did Leia hire as a nanny during the Solo's visit to Corellia, what species was the nanny, and name the nanny's droid.




Im only speculating....


Cakhmaim and Winter were charged with guarding the twins. Cakhmaim of course being a noghri and Winter an alderaanian female. They eventually ended up on Anoth. The droids on hand were the TDL nanny droid and 3po(on and off)...


I'm not 100% sure if this is what you are after so I'm deferring asking a question until you confirm :)



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uhm first of all. you were wrong phreak :p tracjan sal solo wasnt behind all the riots and coupe in the corellia system :p just for the planet corellia :p


and to answer your question:

he was a Drall.. specie. i got the dutch word for it tho :). from one of the corellian sytem planets named: Drall


his name was Ebrihim. and he had a droid as assistant his number was: Q9-X2. he was a droid with a personality. never wanting to really listen and always in for an argument. he was also always upgrading himself without asking for new upgrades. he looked a bit like R2-D2. but he could float on repulsers. and he could talk. instead of beeps.


i got this info from the corellian trilogy and tyhe book is named: ambush at corellia.



my question stands. :)

Q: Who was really behind the coupe and riots in the corellia system in the corellian trilogy. and what was so special about them?

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Originally posted by StarWarsPhreak

....Someone unknown is pulling the strings. If they even said who, I can't remember. ...


hmm. interesting. I was never too fond of the corellian trilogy :( Lookalikes and distant cousins are just as bad as clones, and EU has had *enough* of clones already !


OK. Wraith's question stands:

Q: Who was really behind the coup and riots in the corellia system in the corellian trilogy. and what was so special about them?

btw..*coup is the correct spelling, coupe is a 2 door car......no biggie :)*


Leave your question up for a day or so more Wraith. If no-one answers, give us your answer, so we can decide if Phreakage deserves any points... :p Feel free to ask a new question, or pass for anyone else to ask :)



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Originally posted by Shok_Tinoktin

i think he is referring to the triad, which was the ruling group on Sacorria, consisting of one Human, one Drall, and one Selonian. It was from the third Corellian Trilogy book: Showdown at Centerpoint.


If I'm correct, then I pass the next question to whoever wants to ask one.




from CUSWE, of course :

...This was the primary governmental body of the planet Sacorria. It was formed from three leaders, each representing one of the three main races - human, Selonian, and Drall - which made Sacorria their home


Shortly after the defeat of Grand Admiral Thrawn, the Triad attempted to secede from the New Republic and take control of the Corellian Sector. They made a deal with Thrackan Sal-Solo, who provided his Human League members as disposable troops in return for his chance to become Diktat of the Corellian System. ....


I'm awarding Shok the point. Wraith, Im not sure what you meant by 'what was so special about them', apart from perhaps they comprised three different races... ? please confirm :)


* * *


ok, back to the questions....


Q. There is an astromech in Obi-Wans Jedi Starfighter in EpII,,,,,what is its name, where was it found and by whom ?


BONUS : a pic :D

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yes the answer is correct :) the Triad funded all riots in the system to take control of the corellian planets. and yeah the speacial thing was that they consisted of being a drall, selonia and human because those 3 didnt really get along ... i mean the species that:)


A: R4-P17. He was located IN the ship. his body wasnt really visable because it was inside the ship itself. R4 couldnt be removed an ride around. only his head was able to turn. so no arms to reach certain areas of a ship like R2-D2.

btw its a starfighter Delta-7 :)

now your question of whom..... i dont know what to say on,


but i do have a pic :p


bow i wll wait till you tell me its the right answer :)


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Originally posted by Wraith 8

well im gonna keep the question for another day then ill ask an easier one :) like who was luke's dad :p :p ;)


pfft....last I looked wraith you hadnt won any of the previous rounds.... :p


Ive been embroiled in epic events at the swamp....


OK, Ive tried CUSWE, SW.com and general googling. I cant see any indication that General Airen Cracken has died... :(


enlighten us, Wraith :) Please provide a valid *reference* nb. if you are quoting a sourcebook, you *will* be shot :p


* * *


Q. What is a Corellian Bloodstripe, how is one earnt, and who has one ?


BONUS : pic !



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OOOPS!! and i mean HUGE oops :( i confused the generals :)

I mean general madine if im right. the book is doomday device. with the Darksaber in it.


bloodstripes is awarded for humans because of heroic deeds.

the bloodstripes has red and gold if im right. persons who wear it is: Han Solo. en myn donos


i dont have a link to the pics but i found a site with them on.



they are at the bottom

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Originally posted by Wraith 8

OOOPS!! and i mean HUGE oops :( i confused the generals :)

I mean general madine if im right. the book is doomday device. with the Darksaber in it.


bloodstripes is awarded for humans because of heroic deeds.

the bloodstripes has red and gold if im right. persons who wear it is: Han Solo. en myn donos


i dont have a link to the pics but i found a site with them on.



they are at the bottom


OK. you are correct, but I am *very tempted* to deduct points for your FALSE QUESTION ! I wont though, because I am a nice guy :D


And here were you and Jan, strutting like you know more than Astro/CUSWE/SW.com/Google ....pfft !! :p (JK)


* * *


I'll resume, lest you lead us astray again wraith :p


Q. Obi Wan Kenobi's(ANH era) lightsaber...what happenned to it !? Locations, Names and References Plz !



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Originally posted by Astrotoy7

Q. Obi Wan Kenobi's(ANH era) lightsaber...what happenned to it !? Locations, Names and References Plz !


Ok, it seems no-one reads SW kids books :p


Kenobi's saber was taken by Vader as a keepsake, after 'defeating' him on DS1. The saber was taken to Vaders castle(on Vjun), and was later discovered by a young anakin solo. This is described in the story "Kenobi's Blade" in the "Junior Jedi Knights" series...


OK. I'll go easy this time ;)


Q. Who is Bevel Lemelisk, where is he from, and what did he do of significance ??



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