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The Official EU Trivia Thread !


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Originally posted by Rogue Nine

A. He was an Imperial fighter designer, I have no idea where he's from. He did design two little projects called Death Stars, if I recall correctly. The first I remember reading about him is in Kevin Anderson's novel Darksaber.


dont forget this interesting tidbit,


...He was killed by Emperor Palpatine for not fully reporting any possible flaws with the first Death Star. Palpatine had him eaten alive by the piranha beetles from Yavin 4, but not before Palpatine had his mind and his memories transferred into a waiting clone.


Nonetheless, the point is yours Niner :D Now ask a question will ya !




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A: Was it Ralrracheen? I think one of Chewie's cousins from the Thrawn Trilogy. Ralrra is able to speak Basic for the most part due to a speech impediment.


Lacking the resources to ask harder questions....


Q: Who are the Guardians, what do they gaurd, and what is so special about the guardians.


(All or no point)




ENDPOINT ROUND 3[/Astro Reminder]

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Originally posted by StarWarsPhreak

If I answer my own question, do I get the point?


NO. I know the answer, im waiting to see if there were other takers... if none then I will answer and ask a new question....


in the meantime : check the tally !



WRAITH 8 ..... THE WINNER IS j00 !!!

(AMAZING 6 Point Turnaround - Due to Bonus Points = R4 and Bloodstripe questions)


Here is your unusable gift, and a card for phreak too, for consistent high performance :p




and Phreak, I hope this will bring an end to your whining about a cool card :p


* * *


as for The Guardians....now there are several 'Guardians' organsations listed in CUSWE.... I have picked the coolest :p (tho Im not sure if its what you are after....


A. They were a Bounty Hunters Guild, which existed during Civil war period. Their distinguishing feature was red armour...


* * *


Please clarify Phreak, in the meantime, I will ask a new question...




Q. Name 5 famous Hutts and a very brief description of what they did, where they appeared ... (yes, you may include the most obvious one)...



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tsk tsk


Someone doesn't read their Old Republic Comics.


The Guardians of Kiffu. They are a group of force sensitives charged with guarding the prison world of Kiffex. They have psychometric abilities which allowed them to "read the past" from objects. Jedi Quinlan Vos is a Jedi first and a Guardian. His psychometric abilities are stronger than other Guardians. Check out the Old Republic Comics before/during the Clone Wars.


That card is acceptable, when I win next round, it has to be even better! :xp:




Jabba the Hutt: Everyone knows Jabba. He hung Han frozen in carbonite on his wall, and killed his cousin (or what would be cousins for Hutts)! Jabba appears in the movies and some EU books.


Zorba the Hutt: Zorba was Jabba's father. he taught Jabba everything he knew. After he learned that Jabba was dead, he sought out revenge on Leia. I remember he is mention in a couple of places. I think any book dealing with Hutts...


Jiliac the Hutt: Jiliac was Jabba's uncle. During the Ylesia scam, they worked together to make credits off Ylesia. They were the ones who hired Han, and that's how Han met Jabba. Jiliac was killed by Durga the Hutt for murdering his father. After the battle, Jabba killed Jiliac's offspring, giving him control of clan Deslijic. Read about it in the han Solo Trilogy.


Aruk the Hutt: Aruk of clan Besadii was Jiliac's rival at the time. Jiliac had Aruk killed through slow poisoning. Aruk is Durga's father, which is why Durga killed Jiliac. Read about it in the Han Solo Trilogy.


Durga the Hutt: Aruk's offspring was lucky to be alive. Due to the birthmark on his face, he was pretty much socially unacceptable. After Aruk was killed, Durga became partners with Prince Xizor and Black Sun to find out who killed his father. He found out, killed Jiliac, and remained in the shadows of Jabba's sucess over the years. Durga is most notable for his Darksaber effort... which was a huge failure. Durga is the one responsible for Crix Madine's death. <.<

Durga died aboard Darksaber. Read about it in Darksaber or the Han Solo Trilogy.


Gardulla the Hutt: A close friend of Jabba. Most notable about Gardulla was that she owned Anakin and his mother until Gardulla lost them on a podrace to Watto. See it in the Phantom Menace.


Grappa the Hutt: Grappa is known for his ruthlessness, ties to Black Sun, and his contract with Zanzibar. He unknowingly hired Kir Kanos under the guise of Kenix Kil, bounty hunter. In the end, New Republic forces raided Grappa's fortress, and the disgruntled Zanzibar captures Grappa to be used for their "ceremonies." Read about it in the Crimson Empire [Council of Blood] comics.


Kibbick the Hutt: Nephew of Aruk, and sent to be "in charge" of the Ylesia scam. Kibbick is considered a retard by Hutt standards. In the end, he was killed by Teroenza. Read about it in the Han Solo Trilogy.




Q: I was the last of my kind. I ensured our survival, and taught patience, planning, and secrecy. Who am I?


This really should be easy, and you should be ashamed if you have to look this up.

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Originally posted by StarWarsPhreak

tsk tsk


Someone doesn't read their Old Republic Comics.


The Guardians of Kiffu.


That card is acceptable, when I win next round, it has to be even better! :xp:




Jabba the Hutt:


Zorba the Hutt:


Jiliac the Hutt:


Aruk the Hutt:


Durga the Hutt:


Gardulla the Hutt:


Grappa the Hutt:




Q: I was the last of my kind. I ensured our survival, and taught patience, planning, and secrecy. Who am I?


you only needed 5 there smartguy :p


anyways 3 points to you :)


as I said, there were several entries for Guardians, including the Kiffu Guardians. I only picked the coolest :p I think your questions should have been more specific, because "The Guardians" specifically refer to a group which appeared in Legacy of the Jedi....


as for your question, beware you fall into the "Rogue Nine Trap" :p by asking a question that has more than one answer(just like your previous one actually)......


for example, Im saying Luke Skywalker... he was the last of the jedi for a very long time, quoting Yoda


when gone am I, the last of the jedi will you be....


Ensured survival....by establishing the Jedi Academy on Yavin 4.


Taught patience, planning, and secrecy....

Patience/Planning : to re-stablish the jedi order was going to be a long process, including the discovery of force sensitives from around the galaxy. With no records from the Republic, Luke has had to make most of it up as he goes along :(


Secrecy : Yavin 4 academy and its students were shielded from the prying eyes of the galaxy, and those who could profit from undermining Lukes Plans.....


If you are thinking of someone different, then I suggest you rephrase your question :D



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Q: I was the last of my kind. I ensured our survival, and taught patience, planning, and secrecy. Who am I?


Darth Bane.


The last of the Sith Lords, survivour of the Battle on Ruusan. The saviour of the Sith cult and teachings, by introducing stealth and secrecy.



My apologies for saying Wraith 8's question shouldn't be hard. :)

I merely ment it shouldn't be hard to find the answer, since even I have heard the name General Cracken before. :)

Wether we know how he actually died or not, I have no idea of. :D

I don't know much about this character more than his name. ;)

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Originally posted by Jan Gaarni

Q: I was the last of my kind. I ensured our survival, and taught patience, planning, and secrecy. Who am I?


Darth Bane.


The last of the Sith Lords, survivour of the Battle on Ruusan. The saviour of the Sith cult and teachings, by introducing stealth and secrecy.


My apologies for saying Wraith 8's question shouldn't be hard. :)



See Phreak, Im sure there are probably other valid answers to your vague question. Though perhaps you are yourself thinking of Darth Bane as well.


Bane did cross my mind, as he is basically the sith version of Luke, ie. had to reform the order from scratch...


anyway, Phreak, confirm who *you* were thinking of ..... :p


* * *


I will resume in the interim...


Q. OK. Soontir Fel :

*Who was he ?

*Where was he from ?

*Who was his famous 'classmate' ?

*Where was he during The Battle of Yavin ?

*Name his famous squadron's name ?





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But Luke was not the last of his kind. There was another :p


Darth Bane is the correct answer. I don't think Luke was really teaching secrecy. Besides, if I gave the bit about "1000s of years ago," everyone would have gotten it.


And meh @ Guardians. Red armor isn;t special. Royal Guardsmen had Red armor :p



*Baron Soontir Fel is the legendary TIE pilot of the empire. You could say he was the "Imperial's Wedge" in a cockpit. He is married to Wedge's sister. Ysanne Isard gave him a lot of crap, but in the end, Fel joined with the Hand of Thrawn, and in the NJO, resides in Chiss space.

*He was a farm boy Corellia.

*Han Solo (and Loka Hask) was Fel's classmate.

*They were at Ord Biniir.

*The 181st.


Q: Explain why Hapan Battle Dragons are designed the way they are.


Bonus: Provid a pic of the ship.

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A. Hapan Battle Dragons are designed the way they are so that they could get a faster firing rate by rotating and always having a charged laser cannon facing their target. Originally from Courtship of Princess Leia, I believe.




Q. Who helped Wedge and Corran on their mission on Bothuwai, and what prior association does this person have with the Horn family?

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I'll accept that answer. The reason they have it rotating is because they lacked the technology to have their turbolasers to recharge as fast as Imperials/Rebels/ect. I believe during the NJO, the Hapans were given the quick recharging technology for their ships.


Speaking of Hapans, I miss Queen Mother Tenel Ka <.<

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Originally posted by StarWarsPhreak

Yeah, I think I know who you're talking about, I just don't have my library to look it up... someone else answer or move on...


I remember reading this, but dammit I cant remember the name :p:(


Shok, you're going to have to put us out of our misery :(


* * *


I'll ask a new question :)




i) Name the character that *really* hated chewbacca and why ??


ii) Name the character that *really* hated the character in part i) and why ??



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A: Since many people really hate many people, I'm taking a guess here.


Bossk really hates Chewbacca because Chewie is always beating and humiliating Bossk.


Corran Horn hates Bossk because the Trandoshan killed Corran's father, but the imperial liason at CorSec let Bossk go,

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Originally posted by Astrotoy7

Shok, you're going to have to put us out of our misery :(


The answer was Moranda Savich. And her previous connection to the Horn family was that she had been on the run from Hal, who had been trying to arrest her, but they wound up working together to escape Ysanne Isard and save the Death Star plans. The source for the first part was Hand of Thrawn duology, and the second part was from Tales from the New Republic.

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Thank you Shok :)


Thats correct Phreak, its Bossk and Corran I was after. Now ask a question and give other people a chance to score some points :p


btw Phreak....in your sig...what is that language ?? Sounds like that clonetrooper is talking Hungarian :( There are no Hungarians in EU !!!!



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ok, an easy question which i'm sure most of you will know...


what color are the walls in Astro's mom's bedroom?


just kidding :D



Who was Han Solo's first love?


Bonus 1 - what was she known as when Han first met her?

Bonus 2 - what name was Han using at the time?

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Originally posted by Sivy

ok, an easy question which i'm sure most of you will know...


what color are the walls in Astro's mom's bedroom?


just kidding :D


hey ! my mums bedroom and your mums bedroom are the same remember, theyve eloped as lovers and are now living in Hungary speaking Mandalorian :(:p


* * *

back to the questions !


Who was Han Solo's first love?


Bonus 1 - what was she known as when Han first met her?

Bonus 2 - what name was Han using at the time?



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