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Favorite of the Two

Mandalorian X

Favorite Game?  

34 members have voted

  1. 1. Favorite Game?

    • KOTOR 1
    • KOTOR 2

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I prefer Kotor 1's sidequests (especially the Sandrel/Matale quest), but Kotor 2's Story. Kotor 2's dialogue options were great, especially with party members.


I liked the characters from both games (except Carth of course). Dantooine is my favorite planet in the SW universe, so I am pretty happy with both games when it comes to planets.


Overall though, I like Kotor 1 better :) (but its pretty close)

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Originally posted by Neo Vatter

I liked the characters from both games (except Carth of course).

Did you played the games as a female?

I hate Disciple in Kotor 2...he's soooo annoying and he's sooooo naive...and moreover he looks sooo ugly when DS (which is totally unfair :( DS girls don't look so ugly in TSL). Carth was much better and he had some funny dlg options when you played female in Kotor 1 :D



Just as Boba, I think I am begining to like TSL more than the first time I played it. Kotor 1 is still my favorite.

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Hmmm i have to give this to KOTOR I because it had a better begining i dread the Parigus and Telos i dont wanna do them again but i got to. hmmm and the story line is better in the first one even tho i didnt get the shock that

i was revan the whole time i new that before i even got xbox cuz my friend told me. I even named my guy in the begining Revan so its really confusing when u speak "I cant be Revan, I have all of Revans memories but why do I also have Revans like i lived both lives?"

haha ah easily humored.


I didn't no if i need the spoiler warning here so i put it anyways


[EDIT] it was also harder to get full light in the first In the 2 i got Full light like that either Telos or the first or second planet. but in the first it took me all the way to Korriban (last planet) to get full light

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I agree with Ranger. I feel like in Peragus and Telos I'm just going through the motions to get my character to the level where he's really fun to play with. I don't know how others feel about it, but I liked Taris and Dantooine a lot in the first game, you got involved right away and were just more fun to play through.

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Originally posted by Boba Rhett

KotOR 1 because of the amazing story. I still remember when the big shocker was revealed and I had no clue. Awesome, awesome feeling.


I'm beginning to like TSL's story more than I did at first though.


yeah that was like a luke i am your father instead this time its like exile you are the death of the force!

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I voted for K2.

For me, the Chracters seemed to have more depth to them and with the influence system you begin to feel like you really know how each one would react to certain things.

I laughed so hard when

The bounty hunters tried to attack my party at the Ebon Hawke. Attons says, "Anyone catch any of that? All I heard was Very." and It just seemed so Right for Bao-Dur to calmly explain, "I think he wants us to give up the General to his poorly trained collection of bounty hunters." and then "I'll take the stupid one, who decided to threaten us instead of shoot us when he had the chance."

That was just perfect dialogue and reaction to the matter at hand.


Also, it just seems like K2 has more replay Value than K1 did. Sure K1 is an awesome game and I can't honestly think of another Xbox RPG that comes close to it, but after the dramatic plot twist is revealed, it just seems like there isn't much point in doing it all over. Unlike K2, where each time you can try new things and learn new things. Like the first time through, I had no idea I could make other party members Jedi. And stumbled across it with Handmaiden on my second time through. I was like, "Hell Yeah Baby!" So I tried more things with other party members and unlocked even more secrets to the plot and new Jedi members and even on my 5th time through the game, I just now unlocked

T3's Holovid of Carth talking about Revan, and finding out what T3 has been up to this whole time.



So thats my reason for voting for 2.

I only hope K3 will surpass them both and deliver something that not only ties both games together properly, but does it with an Impact that makes you feel like you really did change the galaxy.

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I agree with Boba Rhett's assesment. Even the part about liking TSL more (not more than KOTOR1) than I originally did a few times through. But then that's probably because I'm not left with so many plot holes having played through it 8 times. (About half as many times as I've played through KOTOR1 btw.)

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  • 3 weeks later...

I voted for KOTOR 1 i just love the characters more and the story and you are Revan its like wow i can be the dark lord again or be a great Jedi its just more enjoyable but i did like making your party members in KOTOR 2 change to evil or good, but still 1 is alawys gonna be my fave.

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YEa i did like how in the first one their were tons of lightsaber fights i think i can count the amount of fights in my head for the second one. One, Two, Three, (4,5,6,7 evil fights jedi masters) 8 hmmm i think thats it..... o wait 9. o damn i forgot all the ppl in the academy on Malicor V so lets just say not half as much as KotOR as their is in KotOR II

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