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Requests for Darth333, RedHawke and Talchia


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Hello !


I've downloaded and tried many mods, but now, I want to modify these modifications files by editing *.NSS files, etc ...

The problem is that some modders do not put at the public's disposal some of the source files. (*.NSS files, etc ...)


So, I ask you if you could send me these files :

- "k_ptat_yukalaka.nss" from the Kill Yuka Laka Mod (By Darth333)

- All the *.NSS files used for the Recruitable Darth Bandon Mod (By Darth333)

- All the *.NSS files used for the Padawan Mod (By Talchia)

- "k_ptar_startcon.nss" from the Elder Rodian Merchant Mod (By RedHawke)

- "k_ptar_startcon.nss", "rh_psta_malakfrce.nss" from the Star Forge Workbench Mod (By RedHawke)


I thank you in advance for your help !


Good bye !

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I'm sorry Galakmech but all the source scripts I created are included in those mods. The files you are referring to are either unaltered and or simply renamed stock game scripts that I included because that is how I had do the mod to make the mod work.


Knowing there is a place where a game script fires and you want your script to fire at that time too, so you write your script that you want to add your stuff with, then at the end of your new script you run the original games script after yours. Hmm... are we confused yet? :D


And Talchia hasn't been around in ages, so you probably won't hear from him...

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So, RedHawke, if you have just renamed some existing game's files, what are the original names of the scripts files you renamed ?


To finish, do you know someone who has got the Talchia's work ?

Or, do you know the contents of the .NSS files employed in his "Padawan Mod" ?


An other question :

I would want to know how I can put the Bandon's robe and Dark Jedi robes (Like in the Make Canderous A Dark Jedi Mod, by RedHawke) as selectable items in the inventory, and which can be worn by all of your party members.


I thank you in advance !

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Originally posted by Galakmech

So, RedHawke, if you have just renamed some existing game's files, what are the original names of the scripts files you renamed ?


To finish, do you know someone who has got the Talchia's work ?

Or, do you know the contents of the .NSS files employed in his "Padawan Mod" ?


I thank you in advance !


I would check either Griff vindh Roleplay Padawan Mod or the force sensitive mod if they have source scripts. I think Achilles also did a revamp of Talchia's Padawan mod but I could be incorrect there. You can also do a search through the threads as I now just recently here somebody was inquiring about the make a different class scripting.

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