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Tutorial: How to Script a Force Power - Part I


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Force Power Scripting - Part I


I am writing this guide to help anyone out who is interested in writing their very own Force Power script. This guide assumes that you have a very basic knowledge of the script system used by KOTOR. You need to understand how to declare a variable, how the IF statement works, and how to distinguish between the different variables types such as a integer, object, effect, string and a float.


If you have no idea what I am talking about, and would like to learn more then you should see the NWN Lexicon. Even though it was written for Neverwinter Nights, the script engine used for KOTOR is pretty much the same. Here is a link to the Lexicon: http://www.nwnlexicon.com/ You can either view it online or download it. If you are serious about scripting you should download it. At a minimum you should click on the Lyceum link and read the primer section. If you want to learn more then I would recommend reading Celowin's Beginners Tutorials in the Lexicon.


Also, before you use this guide you MUST read TK102's Post - How to Create a Custom Force Power. In that post TK covers the actual creation of your Force Power in Spells.2da and making your own icon. Since he did a very nice job with this I see no reason to cover it here. Here is the link http://www.lucasforums.com/showthread.php?s=&threadid=130898


I am planning on making three different guides. Each one will cover a different type of Force Power Script - a buff script, a script that targets one enemy and a area of effect script. This particular guide will focus exclusively on writing a buff script. By the end of all three guides you should be able to script almost any type of force power, plus it will prepare you for the more advanced scripting.



How to Script a Buff Force Power:


This type of power is the easiest of all force power scripts to make. You do not need to worry about saving throws and force resistance with this type of scripts. There are five basic parts to a buff script. First, you need to declare the variables you are going to use. Second, you need to remove the spell effects to prevent stacking. Third you need to signal the game engine that you cast a spell. Fourth, you need to set the effects. And finally you need to apply the effects.


For this tutorial we are going to make a new Dark Side power - Sith Rage. Sith Rage will be a Darkside power that gives the caster a huge increase in strength, but also makes them easier to hit by decreasing their armor class. Since the PC already has a number of different spells to pick at level up we are going to make this Power level up with the Character. This way the PC will only use one spell slot to get the power.


Before we cover the scripting you should follow TK102 post and create a new line item in the spells.2da file. Make sure you set the Good/Evil column to E (For evil of course) and set the range to P.


Here are the effects of the Power Sith Rage: Characters that are under sixth level will gain 6 extra strength points and suffer a AC penalty of 4. Characters between levels six and twelve will gain 8 extra strength points and suffer a AC penalty of 3. True Sith Lords - characters level twelve and up will gain 10 extra strength points and suffer a AC penalty of only 2.



Here is the script along with a detailed explanation of what each line is doing.


#include "k_inc_force"
// Include file of the original Bioware Force Scripts
// We are including this to gain access to a number of very useful functions
// developed by Bioware
// See Notes below

//  This variable must match the Row ID of your power in spells 2da, so change this to match your spells.2da

void main()

    object oTarget = GetSpellTargetObject();    
    // This will set oTarget equal to who you cast the spell at
    // In this case it will be yourself

    effect eTargetVisual;                       
    // This variable will be used to set the visual effects

    effect eBuff;                               
    // This variable will be used to set the actual buff

    int CasterLevel = GetHitDice(OBJECT_SELF);  
    // This variable will get the casters level 

    //  The variable SWFP_HARMFUL has already been declared in the include file
    //  It is used by the signal event command to let the target know if this is 
    //  an attack spell or not.

    // Check for and remove this power if the character is already under the effects
    // This is to prevent the power from stacking after multiple casting
         Sp_RemoveSpellEffectsGeneral(FORCE_POWER_SITH_RAGE, oTarget);
         // This is a function call to one of Bioware's original scripts
         // it will check all of the effects oTarget has and remove them if they were
         // given by the Sith Rage power

    // Signal SpellCast Trigger
    SignalEvent(oTarget, EventSpellCastAt(OBJECT_SELF, GetSpellId(), SWFP_HARMFUL));


    // Set Character Icon Effect
    eBuff = SetEffectIcon(eBuff, 7);  
    // This is the Force Armor Icon
    // A complete Listing of All Valid Icons is in the 2da File - effecticon.2da

    // Build Visual Effects
    //  These are the visual effects that will be played when the spell is cast
    // A listing of all visual effects is in the 2da visualeffects
    eTargetVisual = EffectVisualEffect(VFX_PRO_FORCE_ARMOR);

    // Use the command EffectLinkEffects to merge multiple effects into one variable
    eTargetVisual = EffectLinkEffects(eTargetVisual, EffectVisualEffect(VFX_PRO_FORCE_SHIELD));

    //Determine actual effects based on the casters level
    if(CasterLevel < 6) // This effect will be applied if the caster is under level 6
         eBuff = EffectLinkEffects(eBuff, EffectAbilityIncrease(ABILITY_STRENGTH, 6));
         eBuff = EffectLinkEffects(eBuff, EffectACDecrease(4, AC_DODGE_BONUS, AC_VS_DAMAGE_TYPE_ALL));

    else if(CasterLevel < 12)  //  This effect will be applied if the caster is over level 6 and under level 12
         eBuff = EffectLinkEffects(eBuff, EffectAbilityIncrease(ABILITY_STRENGTH, 8));
         eBuff = EffectLinkEffects(eBuff, EffectACDecrease(3, AC_DODGE_BONUS, AC_VS_DAMAGE_TYPE_ALL));
    else //  This effect will be applied if the caster is level 12 and up
         eBuff = EffectLinkEffects(eBuff, EffectAbilityIncrease(ABILITY_STRENGTH, 10));
         eBuff = EffectLinkEffects(eBuff, EffectACDecrease(2, AC_DODGE_BONUS, AC_VS_DAMAGE_TYPE_ALL));


    //Apply Visual Effects - they will last 3 seconds
    ApplyEffectToObject(DURATION_TYPE_TEMPORARY, eTargetVisual, oTarget, 3.0);

    //Apply Icon and Buff - the buff will last 60 seconds
    ApplyEffectToObject(DURATION_TYPE_TEMPORARY, eBuff, oTarget, 60.0);



#include "k_inc_force_"

This line 'includes' the file "k_inc_force_utility" in your script. By adding this line, your program will include all of the functions and variable declarations in the file k_inc_force. I would HIGHLY recommend that you use this include file in ALL of your force power scripting. It will give you access to a number of very useful functions that will really simplify your own scripting. Here is a listing of some of the more useful functions:

Sp_MySavingThrows(object oTarget)


Sp_RemoveSpellEffectsGeneral(int nSpell_ID, object oTarget)

SP_CheckForcePushViability(object oTarget, int Whirlwind);


We will not be using the Bioware scripts to apply the Force Power Effect, because I would like to go over how to do it with your own script.




There are a ton of effects available in SWKOTOR. I will post a link here to all of the possible effects you could use shortly.



Here is the same script without all of the comments:


#include "k_inc_force"


void main()

    object oTarget = GetSpellTargetObject();    
    effect eTargetVisual;                       
    effect eBuff;                               
    int CasterLevel = GetHitDice(OBJECT_SELF);  

         Sp_RemoveSpellEffectsGeneral(FORCE_POWER_SITH_RAGE, oTarget);

    SignalEvent(oTarget, EventSpellCastAt(OBJECT_SELF, GetSpellId(), SWFP_HARMFUL));

    eBuff = SetEffectIcon(eBuff, 7);  
    eTargetVisual = EffectVisualEffect(VFX_PRO_FORCE_ARMOR);
    eTargetVisual = EffectLinkEffects(eTargetVisual, EffectVisualEffect(VFX_PRO_FORCE_SHIELD));

    if(CasterLevel < 6) // This effect will be applied if the caster is under level 6
         eBuff = EffectLinkEffects(eBuff, EffectAbilityIncrease(ABILITY_STRENGTH, 6));
         eBuff = EffectLinkEffects(eBuff, EffectACDecrease(4, AC_DODGE_BONUS, AC_VS_DAMAGE_TYPE_ALL));

    else if(CasterLevel < 12)  //  This effect will be applied if the caster is over level 6 and under level 12
         eBuff = EffectLinkEffects(eBuff, EffectAbilityIncrease(ABILITY_STRENGTH, 8));
         eBuff = EffectLinkEffects(eBuff, EffectACDecrease(3, AC_DODGE_BONUS, AC_VS_DAMAGE_TYPE_ALL));
    else //  This effect will be applied if the caster is level 12 and up
         eBuff = EffectLinkEffects(eBuff, EffectAbilityIncrease(ABILITY_STRENGTH, 10));
         eBuff = EffectLinkEffects(eBuff, EffectACDecrease(2, AC_DODGE_BONUS, AC_VS_DAMAGE_TYPE_ALL));

    ApplyEffectToObject(DURATION_TYPE_TEMPORARY, eTargetVisual, oTarget, 3.0);
    ApplyEffectToObject(DURATION_TYPE_TEMPORARY, eBuff, oTarget, 60.0);


To create your own Force Power substitute your own effects for the effects I have above. One word of caution - try to keep your powers balanced. This game is already easy and playing around with a super kick-butt force power is fun for about ten minutes it will quickly get boring. So try to make your powers balanced!


Writing tutorials is not my speciality, so please post any comments or thoughts you had that could improve them.

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Just cross-linked my thread back to this one. Very good example with comments. Also good call on the SignalEvent function -- that's one I know I've forgotten to use with past scripts.


Looking forward to future tutorials. :)

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Cool! I used your script to make my own Sith Rage force power:D

I like that it increases the effect at certain levels. It saves you two extra force powers to select.


Does anyone know if it's possible to get your custom icon to show in the "character sheet"(once it's activated) page? I tried adding a line to effecticon.2da but without success. Since I don't use Force Armour I just changed its iconresref to the new icon.

Just curious if it's possible.

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Very good tutorial Beancounter ! :)


Originally posted by deathdisco

Does anyone know if it's possible to get your custom icon to show in the "character sheet"(once it's activated) page? I tried adding a line to effecticon.2da but without success. Since I don't use Force Armour I just changed its iconresref to the new icon.

Just curious if it's possible.


Not sure what you mean by "character sheet" but icons are dealt with in this tutorial: http://www.lucasforums.com/showthread.php?s=&threadid=130898 referenced above by Beancounter. Look at no. 14 "iconresref" this is the column of spells.2da where you type the name of your icon. For more details, svosh wrote a complete tutorial on making new icons in the same thread. My customs icons show up in the level up screen and the screen where you can view all your characters powers, feats and skills (is this the character sheet you are talking about?)

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Actually, by character sheet I meant this:




It shows up fine at level up and in the force powers page.

By changing force armour in effecticon.2da(in the iconresref column) I was able to achieve this:




I was just wondering if you could add a new icon in effecticon.2da

instead of editing an existing one. I haven't been able to get it to work.

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Originally posted by deathdisco

Actually, by character sheet I meant this:




It shows up fine at level up and in the force powers page.

By changing force armour in effecticon.2da(in the iconresref column) I was able to achieve this:




I was just wondering if you could add a new icon in effecticon.2da

instead of editing an existing one. I haven't been able to get it to work.




DeathDisco, I am not 100% sure if this will work - but I think it will. First just to clarify when you created a new entry into the effecticon.2da did you assign it a new row number (the next one is 64 in mine) and you need to change this line to read:



eBuff = SetEffectIcon(eBuff, 7);




eBuff = SetEffectIcon(eBuff, 64);


If you did that and it did not work, make the following change:


eBuff = SetEffectIcon(eBuff, 62);


I think the problem is that even though the Row Label is 64, the actual physical row number is 62. Let me know if that works.


Edit: I am 100% positive that you want to use the value of 62. Doing so I was able to switch the icon used by the power in the character status screen.

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