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How To Be A Dark Jedi


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I started a new game last night, and am determined to become a Sith Marauder - Vicious. Bloodthirsty. A frothing cauldron of anger, boiling over with a wrath that would annihilate anyone or anything that stands in my way.

However, five minutes into the game, trying to be pure in my darkness, I told T3 that if he didn't get out of my way, I'd reduce him to scrap. I then proceeded to spend the next ten minutes feeling guilty that i had been so mean to him. Yes, that's right, I felt badly about being mean to a robot. And not just a robot, but a robot in a video game.

Guess maybe I'm not cut out for the dark side.

Anyhow, this led me to a very interesting question about the dark side and how you use it in regards to your companions. I guess I have 2 choices:

1. Be nice to my Good companions (T3, Bao Dur. Mira, etc.) in order to gain influence with them, but be evil to my evil companions and everyone else. I guess this will result in my inadvertantly gaining a light side shift eery once in a while (which I don't want)


2. Be conistantly evil to everyone, regardless of their nature. This will give me much more dark side power, but I feel as though it will rsult in some of my good companions turning away from me, which will prevent me from training them to be jedi, or giving them powerups (I lost influence with T3 for threatening him, and now he won't let me fix his memory core).


Any thoughts on which direction I should go?


Thanks for any help/thoughts with this!

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If you loose a lot of influence on your companions,

you can still turn them into Jedi ( I did this with Bao Dur). The only real difference that you will see is that their alignment will go opposite of yours. It can be practical to have a jedi with opposite alignment so youcan use a whole range of force powers at low cost ;)

However, I haven't tried with t3 and I haven't looked at the scripts for t3 so it could be different for him ( if I have time this evening, I could check).

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Dont feel bad, I felt the same way.

In Kotor1 when I killed two Exhange dweebs then killed the poor sap they were extorting, Carth yelled at me and I felt really bad the rest of the day.

I went DS in Kotor2 and felt equally bad when I got snippy with my companions. Why does being Darkside have to be so Mean?

I didnt want to be neccesarily evil, just arrogant and self-righteous. I'm too nice to be a darksider I guess.

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*sigh* Me too, I ended up just pleasing my companions and killing anything that moved.:D That's how I got to be dark with out feeling bad for my companions, although it is funny to hear your companions yell at you for being so evil, and then start being evil themselves. Also, Darth333 has a good point, you could get advantages from being rude to your companions.

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I always have been on the dark side, and always will be. The only time I gain light side points is when I talk to T3, the Handmaiden, and Bao-Dur. I prefer the dark side, but sometimes you have to gain LS points to improve your influence. Besides, with the right choices, you can be fully evil as once you travel to the first planet of your choice. :D

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Originally posted by FiEND_138

I usually take the LS hit & gain the influence needed for my companions, theres more than enough DS points to be made in other areas...

I completely agree, though it would have been nice for them to give you identical dialogue options with [Lie] in front of them for your NPC party members so you could gain influence and play out the DS better. (The Lying in the dialogue would represent your telling them what they need to hear from you to gain influence and corrupt them to your will) That would have been a nice addition for DS play.



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I belive Kreia mentions that when you first start to turn or soemthing like that.

I personally get full darkside by the end of Telos and I didnt bother with T3 in my maurder game because I didnt have the skills to complete him, however going full darkside that early and then every once in a great while doing a good lil deed to get some influence with bao-durr doesnt hurt, however I well have to try that very low influence thing even though it was very fun having 4 other dark jedi at my side.

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Originally posted by RedHawke

I completely agree, though it would have been nice for them to give you identical dialogue options with [Lie] in front of them for your NPC party members so you could gain influence and play out the DS better. (The Lying in the dialogue would represent your telling them what they need to hear from you to gain influence and corrupt them to your will) That would have been a nice addition for DS play.




Amen... I'd love it if there were options like [lie] T3, I really appreciate your help. (Actually, I do.) or [lie] You should take value in yourself as well.

Maybe we'll see that in the third game! :D

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