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Praise to the Modders!


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I just wanted to get it down on it's own thread. All you guys should give yourself names of members of the Jedi Council or Sith Lords (depending on your personal alignment), cause that's what you are to the modding community. You know who you are. Your dedication and great work has kept us going and inspired us. So this is just my little praise to you and to show you how much I and we care.


::Bows before your infinite wisdom::

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Originally posted by Prime

I know. Perhaps we should start some banning... :)


GULP! Look what tiome it is guys, I think it's time for some of us to mind our P's & Q's again.


But make to the topic of this thread.


I thank you for the praise even if I haven't quite earned much of it yet, or rank with the likes of our modder Moderators. I must admit my truest pride in a mod was my last one for KOTOR 1, which I actually am motivated to still improve upon. One day I hope to be as good as Darth333, T7nowhere, Prime, & Redhawke who's contributions have truly made the community what it is.



Also praise always goes out to Cchargin, Fred Tetra, and TK102 without there vigilance in improving upon the various tools for modding none of us would be where we are.

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