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Enslaved (Prologue thread.)


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Vik noticed a slave that was somewhat separated from the others. He looked tired and was wounded or bloody. He couldn't quite tell. He knew there was noting he could do at the moment so he snuck over near the slave and hid behind some bushes. Then he tossed a fur towards him. "Maybe this will help you." he said to the slave doubtful that he understood him.

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(( lol, the Romans guard there slaves well. You just did yourself in. Theres no way you could have snuck into the camp, and gotten that close to a slave. ;) ))


A Legionnaire on patrol turns and notices the man skulking around and shouts "Hey! What are you doing here?!" His yells alerted the rest of the camp.

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(Well I was doing this on purpose to get caught. Because we all have to get enslaved.)


Vik has no clue what the Roman just said, but he knew whatever he said meant trouble. He pulled out his sword and charged at the Roman.

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The Legionnaire stood ready, his shield up, and blocked Vik's attack, standing strong, he thrusted his gladius forward at Vik, only missing slightly.


From behind Vik however, several Auxilia had charged up, spears pointed straight at his face. "Stop right there!" one of the Centurions shouted a distance away.


Vik was surrounded.

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Vik was quickly shackled, and put in line with the other slaves. His sword was indeed taken from him, and put with the others salvageable gear. A fine trophy for the General to display.


They marched on the next morning. Eventually, they passed through the narrow valley of the Alps, finally emerging closer to Rome. They marched onwards towards Italy. On the way, they saw the completely, and utterly Romanized Gallic and Celtic peoples of Cisalpine Gaul. Finally, they had reached Italy, and after a few more days marching, they stood within the boarder of the Latium. The Legion marched towards the city. The slaves had never seen such a thing before. It was truly massive, buildings towering above the tallest trees.


The huge gates slowly opened, allowing the Legions to march forward into them, in a neat line. The General rode in the Middle, on his beautiful white horse. The slaves were walked along the sides, for all to see. Perhaps to give them an idea of just who they wished to purchase. The parade was a grand splendor. As the General was rewarded with a seat on the Senate for his victory, by Imperator Hadrian himself!


That was not all however. Among others, Edward was marched up to Hadrian. All of them bowed in order. Hadrian smiled at them, congratulating them on helping the battle to be a victory. He gradually gave everyone there reward, finally coming to Edward.


“It is with great pleasure, to Award you Edward Pierce, with freedom. Not only that, but I grant you full Roman Citizenship.” The crowd cheered for Edward. “Use it well, and do Rome proud, with whatever pursuits you choose in life.” He said, smiling.


It was a truly great day, for many. But for some, it was a dark hour indeed…Roy had been sent to the Patrician Gnaeus Decimus, a man who needed a strong bodyguard, and found Roy to be perfect for the job.


Vik was sent to the Gladiatorial sponsor by the name of Marcus Quintus Publius, for use in the Game’s. He would have to go through the same Gladiator training as everybody else, despite any skills he already possessed.


Erin was sent to the somewhat vile Titus Servius, for less than…dignified purposes.


And Arthur was sent to fight in the games as well, but under a different sponsor from the one who took Vik, in fact, it was Oppius Kaeso, a long standing rival of Marcus Quintus Publius, Vik’s own sponsor.


Mixed emotions coursed through this day, but this was the way of the world, when enslaved and freed.


(( Okay, you may each make one last post IC, and then we move on to the main thread. :D Oh and Edward, you had the unique opportunity of being freed here, so you can join the Legion, if you want to keep fighting in battles. ))

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((Erin will end up in a fighting situation, right?:) Also, I should mention that she looks somewhat boyish now that her hair is to her chin, rather than to her waist. Still recognizeable as a girl, but much less feminine now.:) ))



Erin kept silent, but as she stared at the man leading her away, she had to hold back a shudder of disgust. This couldn't be good.

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(Freaking awesome story! :D So we move to the Enslaved thread right? Hiroki you know a lot about this time period. How do you know ALL this? I mean I like the midle ages/dark ages/all the time that Rome was around, but you are like an expert on this stuff.)

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(Dangit Hiroki...








YOU RULE! This story is awsome! Vikign is right.)


It was time to become a GLadiator, hopefully I would make it throug hthe ranks and end up as auxellia. And maybe, hopefully, have time left in my life for becomeing a Legionare.

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