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New simple mod: unlocked doors on Nar Shadaa and Khoonda


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Nar Shadaa Sealed Doors & Khoonda Private doors




This is a simple mod that unlocks the two sealed doors on Nar Shadaa docks as well as the private doors in Khoonda (actually it removes the doors in Khoonda as even opened you could not get into the rooms).


Not much to see, just for curious people who want to explore these areas and modders looking for ideas (the area on NarShadaa has some good potential for other mods.)


Download: http://pcgamemods.com/mod/10702.html






1. If you haven't already, create a new folder called Override in your

C:\Program Files\LucasArts\SWKotOR2 directory.


2. Extract the files to your overide directory.



Delete the files from your overide directory

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Yes, this is nice. .. I mean to open (impossibly) locked doors.


I have made something similar for myself some time ago (actually, by modifying your wherami band, Darth) to open any door I am standing next to. I wanted to check what's inside Atris' meditation chamber. :D


Actually, there isn't anything in there besides Atris, and clicking on her would re-trigger whole Atris cutscene which will be all messed up since everybody is in different spots. LOL!


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Originally posted by Darkkender

didn't envida do a unlocked doors in khoonda mod as well.;)

Yes I did :D But it also had some more stuff in there too.


But thanks to darth for this because it solves a problem with my mod where the doors didnt unlock if you had already been to Dantooine so I will update my mod using his idea for opening the doors :D If he dont mind that is?

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Originally posted by envida

But thanks to darth for this because it solves a problem with my mod where the doors didnt unlock if you had already been to Dantooine so I will update my mod using his idea for opening the doors :D If he dont mind that is?

Oops, sorry, didn't know you made the Khoonda doors :( .


Opening doors is nothing very exciting in itself. I did that for everyone who wants to use these areas so everyone should feel free to use these scripts and modify them as they want. You can add conditions at which the doors will open in the scripts. (I have something in mind too)


Another way to do it is by placing a computer near the door or an invisible placeable in front of it and attach a script to a dlg that will open the doo (this is what I did for the door in dreshdae in the tk102 birthday mod) r...or finally, use xcom 's method and attach the script to an armband (hehehe I did that too...I modify very often the script attached to my whereami armband).


...and btw, I'm not a "he" but a "she" :D

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