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The continuum ..

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.. seems to be buggy, again. Not that I think you admin typees are not already aware of it, and most of you are surely working on some other important projects, but I'd like to precautionally point out that fixing it sooner will possibly avoid or at least shorten the unintended posting time-out we had the last time, if you may want to remember. As far as I observed, the offset to 'realtime' grew to circa +45 minutes within the last 2(?) months after it was stable for errm.. since it was fixed. Beat me if I'm wrong, but you know what I mean.

I for my part will understand if there will be some reply like "Yes son, that is correct, but be patient, it will be fixed with vb3, .. dude!"

Thanks for sharing your time.



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Since we upgraded our database server, downtime has decreased by about 800%.


I recently (yesterday or the day before) increased the server's maximum www connections by a factor of 4 and its max database connections by a factor of 16 to hopefully increase that further.


If the problems are more recent than that, please include more specific details...error messages, mysql errors, failing to connect, etc. Try to include what you were doing at the time and around what time it all happened as well.





P.S. The only time I experience significant load times is when I go through a public proxy from school.

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Uuuh.. nee. Sorry. Loading times are cool, and have improved and seem somewhat stable, indeed. (Good work.. !!? ;])


To give more detailed information, I was rather addressing that the forum-clock is running off again. For me it's almost 45 minutes in the future now, and yes, the timezone in my user-cp is set correct. I don't know why, but these 45 minutes happened to sneak in within the last 2 or 3 months, and the difference is increasing. Before that it was running on time since the fix last year.


So, really no major issue at all, but the last time the forum clock was more than 24 hours ahead, and when this was fixed, posting became impossible for those 24 hours. I thought, the sooner the clock is set correctly, the shorter will the break be.

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