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Finally accused of cheating, how about you?


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So far in the 6 days I've played this game I've had at least two people accuse me of using a "Speed Hack." And one other person wondered if my server allowed "hacker."


I'm not sure if such individuals are confused by the default "speed: 100%" of the servers, just don't know MP (the fact that certain guns let you move faster than others while they are held) or they were just amazed at my strafe jumping ability, but it was definately annoying.


Needless to say these were games where I was winning by a considerable margin, or at least consistently killing such people.


Finally, at least two people have whined about guns. They want all explosive weapons nerfed in the patch. They've also demanded I not use the Heavy Repeater because it's "cheap." ;)


Another time I was playing Assault and my team was successfully defending our base on that one dark map with the theme similar to the demo (sorry I haven't learned the names of the map yet). The other team whined that by using the Anti Armor and Shotgun, we were being "cheap." LoL!


Now nobody knows how to boot players yet, but even if they could, this was my server. These folks obviously didn't know who I was, or how to play the game (the cheat accusers). The "nerf" whiners did know how to play the game, but it was annoying nonetheless. If they had their way you could only use the default Commando guns (sans the Anti Armor).


I think it's funny that people are already making excuses for when they lose, when the game has been out for only 10 days. Instead of just learning to play, they get pissy (calling names, accusations) or leave after you kill them once or twice, emptying out a game.


I noticed somebody on the LucasArts forums whining that he thought the Trando guns were "nerfed" and thus "unbalanced." Yet I have seen nothing to convince me that the starting Trando rifle (the Repeater) is any different in MP than the Commando blaster, except in terms of aesthetics. They also get the same pistol, and have all the same other abilities. Some people who are inexperienced (as we all are, but even moreso than people like me) jump to all sorts of conclusions in order to justify their not winning all the time.


Anyway, post your sore loser stories here...

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I've been called a hacker twice, first time cause I was using the unreal dodge and no one seemed to know about it or be using it, the second time cause I was playing as a trando and had 38 kills and something like 4 deaths. Stupid people seem to forget about the bacta packs and the idea of hit and run, not wild west 12noon shoot out with the sheriff.


I look at being called a hacker like this, if the other person(or people) suck so bad that they feel the only dignified way to make themselves feel better is by calling you a totally BS name then fine. Just proves how good you are and how much they really sucks.


I have no sympathy for anyone that says guns need to be nerfed or that certain sides have an advantage over another. Those people always seem to ruin perfectly good games with their BS claims anyway.

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Type killer? Lol.


Too funny. I've had people say "I wasn't ready!" or "I was out of ammo!" but they never kept on, like it should be a rule or something. They just sucked it up and continued playing or left in frustration (I guess to find a server where they could win without so much trouble).


It hasn't been too bad, but some people just make me laugh with their sorry excuses.


I know that in this game you have spawn invulnerability, because I've attacked spawning people and they took at least 3 or 4 "one hit kill" moves before going down.


I think it's like in UT2k4, where you are invulnerable for a set time, but as soon as you attack, it is gone and you can be hurt like normal.

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Another thing that drives me absolutly mad, I was just playing on a server with a friend of mine. It was ctf and we were doing ok, we were losing but doing it with dignity and the guy hosting the game started to egg us on, I got slightly ticked and started to pick up the kills using nothing but the trando repeater and DC-17. After I got to 16 kills He sends the most vile message accross the screen and closes the server. WTF 'eh. Some people can't stand being beating at their own game. Especially when the other person is doing it using nothing but a blaster. I am by no means uber in this game I get 30 kills and consider that quite good but this guy was just being an ass. Nothing worse than 12yr olds hosting their own server, they lose they whine they shut the thing down.


Can't wait for some real servers or just a server that is being ran but someone that doesn't still attend junior high.


(nothing against anyone thats young(16yrs or younger) on here but some people really can't take losing well and usually its the young ones.)

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I have seen no evidence of cheating yet in this game, so I think people are just paranoid (well, more likely just sore losers).


Is it so amazing that somebody can seem to be "good" through practice? The game hasn't been out yet, but I've become pretty good in only 6 days. It's not impossible.


And in a typical game you're bound to hear a lot of "headshot" stuff unless people favor explosives and other scatter shot type weapons.

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Once jokingly, once seriously. The one time where they really accused me I jumped off a catwalk and shot and killed them while falling with a Shotgun. Hey, it is a spread shot weapon, aside from that no real problems I've had.

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People who want all explosive weapons piss me off like hell. There's no strategy in whipping grenades and blasting rockets like a psycho. This one guy was annoying me this way to such an extent that I chased him, dodged his stupid rockets and grenades, and took him down with a DC-15. :D It was the greatest moment of my life. :D

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Originally posted by joetheeskimo5

People who want all explosive weapons piss me off like hell. There's no strategy in whipping grenades and blasting rockets like a psycho. This one guy was annoying me this way to such an extent that I chased him, dodged his stupid rockets and grenades, and took him down with a DC-15. :D It was the greatest moment of my life. :D


There's actually a lot of skill involved. Anybody can toss a grenade or a rocket. It's the ones who can nail the enemy with them every time, no matter how much they run and jump that are good. I almost ruined myself on players who wouldn't dodge in the first week. Now people have caught on. ;)


Anyway, the point of Deathmatch isn't to show who has the most 'skill' (such a thing can't really be measured objectively can it? almost like measuring who has more 'honor' or something), but rather who can get the most points in the shortest time. And blowing up two people at once over and over is a good way to do that. Long range guns obviously have their uses, and people use those too. Assault/CTF is another story of course, where it's about captures, not kills.

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Originally posted by TK-8252

The only place that explosives get annoying is on that one CTF map on Kashyyyk, with that big bridge between the two bases. It turns into a thermal war on the bridge and that's all anyone does on that map!


Thats not annoying if you just go under the bridge and go into their base virtually unnoticed and unharassed. Explosives dont annoy me, I just make my way into melee range, and 90% of the time, the person just blows him/herself up.

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