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The Dark Side won't give up

Arlen Treesong

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Ok so I'm finally almost through the game playing lightside, visiting nar shadda as the last planet and the dark side kicks in. The two twileks that ambush good ol atton at the bar well one of them will not go attack mode and actually helps kill the other, while it was happening I thought hey thats pretty cool but then I realized well I'm stuck in the pazaak den because I can't kill her. Anyone know a quick fix type of mod I could possibly whip up to make her killable? I checked my override and I have no mods even relating to her or even nar shadda, this is very frustrating.

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Yet another nasty glitch... Yeah this happened to me on the second play through. I thought it was cool at first too and then I noticed I couldn't go anywhere. As far as I know right now the only thing to do is load another save and try again. I don't remember what I did but I am pretty sure I just started another save either that or I started another save with my override folder out of the kotor 2 file. Well try one if it does not work try the other.

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Ya I ran into this as well on my last game( the problem seems to be if you click on on of them before that attack you). Something like tk102's choker would do the trick, But he hasn't ade one for TSL yet.


What I did to fix this was load a save game.

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Originally posted by Arlen Treesong

Ok so I'm finally almost through the game playing lightside, visiting nar shadda as the last planet and the dark side kicks in. The two twileks that ambush good ol atton at the bar well one of them will not go attack mode and actually helps kill the other, while it was happening I thought hey thats pretty cool but then I realized well I'm stuck in the pazaak den because I can't kill her. Anyone know a quick fix type of mod I could possibly whip up to make her killable? I checked my override and I have no mods even relating to her or even nar shadda, this is very frustrating.


I've learned that certain MODS even though they have nothing really to do with what you think they do, they still could have. I've had mods that should have never conflicted with eachother do so. I'd recommend just moving your override to the desktop for a few game minutes. Move it then try to load the game from the last save before you encounter them. See if it will let you engage both of em' now. I've learned that little trick can sometimes get through a "screwy" section of the game when MODS go wild...

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  • 3 weeks later...
Originally posted by Darth333

It's coming ;) If only I can find the time to release this AIOFPM...



I am waiting for this one for sure..... I thought about transferring this over to TSL (for about ten minutes lol), then I tried to learn how to do it. Ouch, influence was definitely gained by Darth and all of the other great modders after attempting to accomplish this. Hope to see this on a download link soon :D

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