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Does Faction Rank mean anything ?


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i think if you're high enough rank you can get away with spitting on, slapping, and hugging inferior npcs without getting fined. Might also be a decrease in faction points needed to buy faction items from the recruiters, not sure on that one though.

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in addition to what rogue said, i dont beleive you get reduced prices on items with rank, that comes with species and if your a smuggler...you do however get to store more fp on you as you get higher ranker and the ratio to delegate faction points is less..its like 1.18 fp to every 1 fp you tip to a person i believe once you hit colonel..

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Faction rank is imprtant.

a higher faction rank means able to hold more faction points. and the higher your faction rank the less it costs to give other people faction points.


also like they said:

as an imperial after you reach warrant officer 1 or 2 and you get stopped by a patrol they apologize for stopping you. altho i think thats the same now for rebs on a reb controlled planet. and when you smack a stormie as imp they sayd sorry or soemthing :)


i love being a colonel :)


Wraith 8

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