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Darth Sion


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If these are models converted from KOTOR 2 then you can NOT put them up. And if you say that you've made them yourself, there can be no way of that because someone who made a model that good would know how to weight the bones.


And, you payed to play the game, not mess with the models and put them in another game, besides, Lucasarts said that we aren't allowed to do that.


EDIT: I've just emailed Lucasarts again about getting permission, maybe they will change their mind.

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if lucasarts said that they can post it here....also viper who said i would release it??? if i want a model in my game and play with it i do that.....so post wat you want to lucasarts....i dont care.


oh btw viper....since you post so much to lucasarts...post also if people are allowed to port the desann model and a few other models from jedi academy to unreal tournament 2004.....isnt that ''illegal''


if it is then go to pcgamemods and tell the admins what you found out.

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Originally posted by <|EJK|>Twingo

if lucasarts said that they can post it here....also viper who said i would release it??? if i want a model in my game and play with it i do that.....so post wat you want to lucasarts....i dont care.

He's asking them about ports to help you out, be nice.



Originally posted by <|EJK|>Twingo

oh btw viper....since you post so much to lucasarts...post also if people are allowed to port the desann model and a few other models from jedi academy to unreal tournament 2004.....isnt that ''illegal''

*shrugs* None of our concern.

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Just got the reply back:


This is a response to your e-mail dated today to LucasArts Legal Affairs. We appreciate very much your enthusiasm for our games. Each of our games represents many hours of work by a large number of people who really care about the end product, so it is very gratifying to us when people appreciate and enjoy those efforts.


In response to your query, we are not able to grant permission to individuals to export character models from one game and then place them into another for downloading. Please note that such use would constitute infringement of LucasArts’ intellectual property interests. We are grateful for you making your inquiry, and we always appreciate people adhering to the legal use of intellectual property.


Thank you for your interest in LucasArts, and we hope you will continue to enjoy our games for many years to come.


Very truly yours,



Legal & Business Affairs


B.A.: mb



They can't be any more direct than that. Also, I don't need to wonder if you're going to put it up online because you have already done it with other models (HK) so if you do put this up online then Lucasarts will have full rights to SUE YOU.

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But I didn't put those up on the internet, I MADE SURE THAT I HAD PERMISSION BEFORE I WAS GOING TO.


there is a difference, you put yours up knowing full well that it isn't allowed.


And my question I asked them today was asking if taking models from the game and putting them into Jedi Academy and then putting them on the internet was allowed. If you don't believe me then email them yourself: legal_affairs@lucasarts.com

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I put up bastila and then took her off when Lucasarts said that we weren't allowed to do that with the models. I never put up the model pack, someone else did that. You can make the model and email it to people, you could email it to a million people and that's OK, it's just like giving a file to your brother or you friend. But you can't put it up on the internet. If you want to make Sion and email the file to people, you can, but you can't put the file up on the internet.

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Originally posted by darthviper107

I put up bastila and then took her off when Lucasarts said that we weren't allowed to do that with the models. I never put up the model pack, someone else did that. You can make the model and email it to people, you could email it to a million people and that's OK, it's just like giving a file to your brother or you friend. But you can't put it up on the internet. If you want to make Sion and email the file to people, you can, but you can't put the file up on the internet.


i understand that viper.......and i never said i would release it on a ftp like i did with the hk units ;)

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Just make sure that you don't, and make sure to tell the people that you give it to that if they put it up online that they can get in trouble.


I wish that LA would actually say something other than the replies in emails, I would really like to make those characters for everyone to download, but without permission pcgamemods and jk3files won't put them up.

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