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Nice find :D


That's some great artwork.



EDIT: In a way, I wish some of these moments that this artists drew would be in the game.




If they touched each other in the game, there would have been much more drama.





Simple, yet I find it oddly beautiful.




Really would be nice to sit with good old Bao-Dur and just have a drink.






Ahem...my playthrough was with hot blonde Exile...ahem...*dirty thoughts*

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Originally posted by Darth_Krow

I dislike a girl being the exile it sounds more like the dominante male role?



hey well i think theres enought gams, films where theres always a male hero and villan i find that annoying so i like it when u can play a female as a hero its good for females to see its not just men dominanteing the world!!!

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Originally posted by Darth_Krow

I'll prove my point like this..woMAN woMEN feMALE, see look men, man, male is the bast of fe and wo


well im sorry who ever created these words did that or maby because they wanted to make the words smeiler or something but i just think your a sexist pig at the moment by writing that and your head is to big to fit in your room!!

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Originally posted by Bastila

well im sorry who ever created these words did that or maby because they wanted to make the words smeiler or something but i just think your a sexist pig at the moment by writing that and your head is to big to fit in your room!!




[bao-Dur] Whoa, claws out today, aren't they? [/bao-Dur]

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Originally posted by Bastila

well im sorry who ever created these words did that or maby because they wanted to make the words smeiler or something but i just think your a sexist pig at the moment by writing that and your head is to big to fit in your room!!



A sexist pig and my head is to big to fit in your room? aww that was cold, you should be a standup comedian that was just so cold..

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Calm down, everyone. This is getting off-topic, hard to read and flame baitish. These aren't the ign boards.



Please start using some punctuation, capitalization and so on, people. If you're too busy to make your post readable, it probably didn't even need to be posted.

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Amazing... just amazing... I wish that she had some pictures of the Exile VS one of the end bosses, or Revan VS the end boss (in case someone might be spoiled through that... >_<). It would be quite interesting. I really like this one: http://aimostudio.com/gallery/sketch/2005/20050209b.jpg

for some reason. It just looks greatz.


Also, these 2:




And the comedic ones r0xx0rz:



And the dramatic ones r0xx0rz as well:


Okay... so that one's not that dramatic... but still >_<

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Originally posted by Darth_Krow

I dislike a girl being the exile it sounds more like the dominante male role?

The creator made the exile female for a few probable reasons, the two most likely are because the creator probably used the character drawn when she played the game herself, or probably because if it was a male, it wouldnt be nearly as funny, or entertaining, maybe if it was made to be an action manga, but its not, its comedy, plus, im not arguing, girls in anime are cute ^^
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Why did you pick all of those which had a sexual meaning?


In the first one, it looks like Mandalore is touching one of the Exile's breast.


In the second one, it looks like Atris would do more.


In the third one, eh...they love each other...yes...


In the fourth and fifth ones...no comment...seriously.



Just kidding :p

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